Religious Curiousity

Religious Curiousity - Where do you fit in?

  • Christian (Protestant) Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc.

    Votes: 153 100.0%
  • Christian (Catholic) Catholic, Episcopal, etc.

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  • Athiest

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  • Agnostic (Searching for God or simply not sure)

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(BigDiesel @ May 14 2007,19:flamethrowing:) I believe in Sesame Street...and I am Big Bird reincarnated
I'm with you Big D. I have found God in the strangest places. A beautiful woman's smile or a full tank of gas, a clean windshield and a straight stretch of open road.


I you believe in reincarnation then you're a Buddhist, Hindu or Taoist. In which case I must have been Fat Freddy's cat!
I'm a devoted Christian. I love God and talk to Him constantly.

A man i look up to once said... "We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners." Jesus just wants us to ask him into our hearts, and to spend time with him. It's really not that hard. And all you have to do to get forgiveness of your sins is to ASK for forgiveness. He doesn't just FORGIVE whenever someone does something stupid. But he WILL forgive if you just ASK.

He never said in the bible that Christians would always have it easy. He NEVER said that. There would be hardships, but all will pay off in the end for us if we stay faithfull to him.

Even people who don't believe in God, have a different perspective, or really don't care either way, i urge you to read a little of the bible about what Jesus said to us, and has planned. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

There's also a LOT of music you can listen to. One of my favorite bands is Demon Hunter. Their a Christian rock band that sounds a LOT like Slipknot. And another band just introduced to me last night, DISCIPLE. You should try both of them.

When i die, i hope we ALL end up coming together in whatever land is beyond. I believe there is a heaven and a hell. And those who are not faithfull to God, or choose the wrong path will find themselves in a not so nice place.

And i also belive that hell is not a place where you are burned and tortured by the devil physically like everyone belives. I believe hell is a place where you are banned from seeing and having contact with God. He is our maker and brings the light into our day. And without Him, it would be a sad, sad, day.

Just my beliefs, but reguardless, you're all still my busa-family. So no hard feelings either way.
(rubbersidedown @ May 14 2007,00:31) Well Ben,BusaSam....  I would consider this thread officially...jacked...
Man i could have done with out that picture again. Saaaary....
Actually you forgot about a dozen more religions. that is the problem with trying to list things that should not be listed.
(motogp08 @ Jun. 04 2007,17:06) I'm a devoted Christian. I love God and talk to Him constantly.

A man i look up to once said... "We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners." Jesus just wants us to ask him into our hearts, and to spend time with him. It's really not that hard. And all you have to do to get forgiveness of your sins is to ASK for forgiveness. He doesn't just FORGIVE whenever someone does something stupid. But he WILL forgive if you just ASK.

He never said in the bible that Christians would always have it easy. He NEVER said that. There would be hardships, but all will pay off in the end for us if we stay faithfull to him.

Even people who don't believe in God, have a different perspective, or really don't care either way, i urge you to read a little of the bible about what Jesus said to us, and has planned. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

There's also a LOT of music you can listen to. One of my favorite bands is Demon Hunter. Their a Christian rock band that sounds a LOT like Slipknot. And another band just introduced to me last night, DISCIPLE. You should try both of them.

When i die, i hope we ALL end up coming together in whatever land is beyond. I believe there is a heaven and a hell. And those who are not faithfull to God, or choose the wrong path will find themselves in a not so nice place.

And i also belive that hell is not a place where you are burned and tortured by the devil physically like everyone belives. I believe hell is a place where you are banned from seeing and having contact with God. He is our maker and brings the light into our day. And without Him, it would be a sad, sad, day.

Just my beliefs, but reguardless, you're all still my busa-family. So no hard feelings either way.
I'm impressed Moto.Smarter at 17 than most of the people in the entire world.Well said.
(WWJD @ May 17 2007,06:06) No hedging.  I'm just asking  DO ANY OF YOU PERSONALLY KNOW ANY CHRISTIAN THAT HAS KILLED ANYONE FOR GOD?  I ask because if no one does, we can finally drop the whole crusades crap and move on.  As a corollary, does anyone know ANYONE PERSONALLY LIVING TODAY that has started a major war in God's name?  No?  Okay, so CHRISTIANS do NOT KILL PEOPLE, Christians do NOT start wars.  Enough a bout that.  

That sad excuse for avoiding God is the WEAKEST excuse I've ever heard...   "but the crusades.... whaaa whaaaa"  the Crusades were done by MEN, not God, for the wrong reasons  --  much like ANY WAR.   And it is in the PAST - which NONE OF US CAN CHANGE - so let it go, like an old girlfriend....  "Well I can't get into a new relationship, I had this girlfriend once in my past that didn't go so well...."   hahhahahahaha  well if ya wanna stay in that cell... enjoy!   - Wag, none of this is directed at YOU, just generally speaking.

aw, jeez,  now look.... ya made me join the thread,  dang it!
And I'm back, gotta love being overworked.

No. I do not personally know President Bush.
Just kidding, I honestly love the guy (in a non-gay way). I do on the other hand have ancestors who participated in the Crusades. Christianity might not of started the war, but you cannot deny that it didn't fuel it once the fire was lit. It is the only problem I have ever really had with religion in general. It is just too dang easy for a person of questionable integrity to warp the words of a faith to get others to do his deeds. Is it the fault of religion? No, but it does open the door. Also, how sure of you of the integrity of the bible? How many evil hands has those words passed through and how do you not know that they were changed for greed? Hence I question it.

Personally, I think Jesus was a philosopher who taught a kinder way of human life during a time of turmoil. I feel that after time his teachings were put onto a higher and higher pedestal and, as is common of the human race, incredible stories started surfacing to keep him held high. Much like Buddha who taught a way of life, many people almost worship him as a god.

As for satanism, my search has come up with nothing. Seems the internet is chocked full of Church of Satan websites that I never ran into years back. :/ All I remember of the article was from a historian who was going through old greek and roman records on various events. One of the scrolls supposedly was a record of a public forum and all the speakers were described by their various beliefs or family's except for one who was only labeled as a satanist. Further research showed that during that time, satanist was used to describe a group of people who simply did not believe in religion and openly questioned the temples and their priests to the horror of just about everyone. If I feel upto it I might hit the library and see if I can pull up the article, but I doubt I'll feel energetic enough to spend an entire day off rolling through old books.

Oh, and to whoever said that God doesn't believe in Athiests...wrong. Athiests don't believe in God...according to Christianity, Jesus loves us for it.
(WWJD @ May 17 2007,20:15) People can only been shown what is good and bad.  There is no definition of good and bad without the Bible.   Without a "moral compass" people are directionless.
I beg to differ. You make it sound as if the Bible is what sets morals. Tell me, are you married? If so, do you sleep in the same bed as your wife? Years ago, doing such would label you a sinner. Somebody not to be trusted as back then, you only slept with your wife if you were attempting to concieve a child. Past that, you slept in seperate beds and sometimes completely different rooms. How about the age of when you married? 'Back in the day' people usually got married about the age of 10-14...tell me, what does society think of a 10 year old getting pregnent? The bible never has, nor never will set morals. Society does.
BigZ, thanks for responding. which war are you talking about that Christianity is feuling? there is nothing to discuss about the Crusades, and the current war has little to do with Christianity as far as I know - other than there are many Christians, over there fighting for our rights and freedom. I just realized...That means 200 years from now, when people are looking at this War, people are gonna say Christians are a bunch of murderous hypocrites, killing people even though the Bible says not to. That's just great. The NEW Crusades!!

People use the Bible to manipulate other people. People also use: money, guns, guilt, fear, careers, other people, media, sex... should we avoid all those parts of life too? I'm missing something there... people are people and >I< personally, can not control other people's use of vices, I just do what I can as a man living in 2007. "Guns don't kill people...." ;)

Integrity of the Bible: you must be looking at it externally. If you were to personally practice what it preaches, you would understand the perfection contained within. If it is JUST a book with words in it, you can slice it up anyway ya feel. Like any other book. For instance, the Copyright info printed inside is a man made addition thus invalidating that it was created by God. I know that sounds silly... still... As far as historic validity, please find some of the thousand OTHER books that researched this already.

Satanism: can I pointout the first five letters in the name? S A T A N ...I'm just sayin' ;) maybe it would be safer and more politically correct if we genericized the name, you know like Chrsitmas becomes Xmas.... lets all start calling Satanism: Xism. Agreed?

Not married. Yes, PEOPLE would have labeled it a Sin, but not the Bible. I try not to listen to PEOPLE's ideas. And I do not live back then. I live here now, and the Bible doesn't say anything about not sleeping with your wife. I'm definitly not Mr. Book-learned know-it-all, but I don't recall any verses, talkign about not sleeping with your wife. Is there something? There is this one whole chapter/book celebrating sex....

"The Bible never has, nor never will set morals." Say what? ? ? Society makes LAWS based on Biblical morals - SOCIETY will never set morals, just laws. I certainly don't agree with all the silly laws man makes up, but I abide within them. Society may all gang up and disreguard morals, but that won't change them... only the laws of action. Generally, society makes bad into good, good into bad etc etc etc until no one knows what those are anymore and people start shouting "Self definition". Pretty scary but it's been going on for quite a while now.

BigZ, you have some very interesting perspectives and we should be able to have lots of entertaining discussions here I think. What is your history in seeking personal truth? Always satanist? Parents influence? If I may ask.

Also, are you truly a practicing Satanist, if you alter the practices or beliefs? If I recall, you'd mentioned not following the "get back at others who wronged you" doctrine. Is that right? I know my wordign is not exact on that part... I guess what I mean is I would not call myself a Christian if I was changing the parts of the belief to fit how I wanted them to be. Feedback?
BigmanZ, I dont belive in a higher power (except for NOS) and have a blast debating and arguing with WWJD, glad to see another non beliver(I think, if you belive in the devil then......) Anyway he is fun to "battle with" and very well spoken too, even if we dont see eye to eye he's a fun opponent

If he get on your nerves just pull up a link to a humanist site and he will cut bait and run
hahahahaha good to hear it's all good fun warwgn.
I enjoy it too. I think it forces us ALL to grow a little, like it or not. When we all stop speaking our minds, our minds are no longer ours. I GOTTA learn to be more direct, concise, shorter on wordage

I TOTALLY RESPECT you guys' opinions and beliefs, and the freedom of voicing them here.
(WWJD @ Jun. 05 2007,08:52) BigZ, thanks for responding.  which war are you talking about that Christianity is feuling?   there is nothing to discuss about the Crusades, and the current war has little to do with Christianity as far as I know - other than there are many Christians, over there fighting for our rights and freedom.   I just realized...That means 200 years from now, when people are looking at this War, people are gonna say Christians are a bunch of murderous hypocrites, killing people even though the Bible says not to.  That's just great.  The NEW Crusades!!  

People use the Bible to manipulate other people.  People also use:  money, guns, guilt, fear, careers, other people, media, sex...    should we avoid all those parts of life too?  I'm missing something there...  people are people and >I< personally, can not control other people's use of vices, I just do what I can as a man living in 2007.  "Guns don't kill people...."  ;)

Integrity of the Bible:  you must be looking at it externally.  If you were to personally practice what it preaches, you would understand the perfection contained within.  If it is JUST a book with words in it, you can slice it up anyway ya feel.  Like any other book.   For instance, the Copyright info printed inside is a man made addition thus invalidating that it was created by God.   I know that sounds silly... still...     As far as historic validity, please find some of the thousand OTHER books that researched this already.

Satanism:  can I pointout the first five letters in the name?  S A T A N   ...I'm just sayin'   ;)  maybe it would be safer and more politically correct if we genericized the name, you know like Chrsitmas becomes Xmas.... lets all start calling Satanism:  Xism.   Agreed?

Not married.  Yes, PEOPLE would have labeled it a Sin, but not the Bible.  I try not to listen to PEOPLE's ideas.  And I do not live back then.  I live here now, and the Bible doesn't say anything about not sleeping with your wife.  I'm definitly not Mr. Book-learned know-it-all, but I don't recall any verses, talkign about not sleeping with your wife.  Is there something?  There is this one whole chapter/book celebrating sex....

"The Bible never has, nor never will set morals."   Say what? ? ?  Society makes LAWS based on Biblical morals - SOCIETY will never set morals, just laws.  I certainly don't agree with all the silly laws man makes up, but I abide within them.  Society may all gang up and disreguard morals, but that won't change them... only the laws of action.  Generally, society makes bad into good, good into bad etc etc etc until no one knows what those are anymore and people start shouting "Self definition".  Pretty scary but it's been going on for quite a while now.  

BigZ, you have some very interesting perspectives and we should be able to have lots of entertaining discussions here I think.  What is your history in seeking personal truth?  Always satanist?  Parents influence?  If I may ask.

Also, are you truly a practicing Satanist, if you alter the practices or beliefs?  If I recall, you'd mentioned not following the "get back at others who wronged you" doctrine.  Is that right?  I know my wordign is not exact on that part...   I guess what I mean is I would not call myself a Christian if I was changing the parts of the belief to fit how I wanted them to be.  Feedback?
Ah, but how many people are flooding into Iraq to fight the christian dogs of america?  
I highly doubt it'll be turned into a reference to the crusades but it does show how religion can be easily used to justify stupidity. 200 years from now? I'll be happy if the human race is still around...if they are, they can b!tch all they want.

Now from your list of things that manipulate others and if we should avoid them.
Money- Hard to avoid it..maybe the days of Startrek will come around where we can.
Guns- Hell no keep em close.
Guilt- Nobody will make you feel guilty if you keep guns close.
Fear- ...and they'll fear you.
Careers- Who's gonna say 'You're Fired' while your packing?
People- They'll stay away if you have the guns.

Media- I'd more then happily give up the media.
Sex- ........ok ya got me there.

As for the integrity of the Bible, I choose not to follow a book that was written during a time when the world was flat, the center of the universe, and women were nothing more then property. To each their own though, I refuse to judge those who do as everybody has to chose a path in life...I only question the path when it starts interfering with other's.

Xism...No, not agreed. Sounds like something a Scientologist would cook up and I'm not into worshipping little green men. How about BigZism? I allways wanted to run a religion where once a year there was a holy day were it was demanded apon all worshippers of my faith to go into the streets with wooden sticks and beat stupid people.

And for morals, they change with society. Even ones that have never been touched by the Bible still have morals of what is right and wrong. Indians, African tribes...all of them. To say that the Bible is the source I feel is foolish, but then again I also feel that society was the one that set the morals listed in the bible to begin with. *shrugs*

Discussions like this are allways entertaining. Communication will allways open doors to understanding, never shut them. I allways enjoy talking about such until it starts getting emotional...heck, even I'm guilty of such. As for my history, my parents are actually Christian. They moved from Montana to Washington and shortly after had my older sister. But when they went to have her baptised the preacher told them that they were too new to the church to have such done, quote 'Maybe after you've donated to coffers for acouple months we can do such'. So my parents never had us baptised. When they told my Grandma about it, a very heavily religious woman, she went straight to head for the region (Don't know what they call it.) and asked if this behavior was truelly Christian? She was told to grow up and get with the times...literally. So none of my siblings were baptised into a faith. My sister was later baptised when she married, your stereotypical Christian 'beat the bible with one hand while stabbing you with the other' family which was sad. I'm grateful for it though, it has allowed me to look at faith from an outside perspective and make my own decisions about such. Faith has never made sense to me, even as a child I remember my mom and sister getting upset at me when my sister wanted the family to come to church with her and during one of the surmons I, in my youngness, blurted out 'Huh?' as it all quiet simply sounded like a line of BS to me and I couldn't believe people believed it. Still do feel that way but at the same time I've seen my friends find the strength in religion to succeed at life, so in no way do I try to stear people away from such. I just choose to find strength in myself, knowing I can do anything I put my mind to.

(WWJD @ Jun. 05 2007,08:52) Also, are you truly a practicing Satanist, if you alter the practices or beliefs?  If I recall, you'd mentioned not following the "get back at others who wronged you" doctrine.  Is that right?  I know my wordign is not exact on that part...   I guess what I mean is I would not call myself a Christian if I was changing the parts of the belief to fit how I wanted them to be.  Feedback?
Hrmm, missed this part...don't know how.  

This is true, Satanism has allways been a way of life that was basically 'Do unto others as they do unto you'. I believe in this to the point that if somebody helps me, or is allways there for me...even if they are not a friend, I am the same back to them and will help them in anyway I can. Where I step away is to Satanists (once again, not satan worshippers) anybody who goes against you should be immidiatly destroyed. I've allways looked at this as an oddity. To not believe is one thing, but to then have an 'Oh by the way...' on the side just seems off. The only reasoning I can come up with this concept of helping those that help you but destroy those that attack you is that with the strength of religion in this world, those who went against such were usually persicuted...usually even killed. I could see how such would come about during a time when people were beheaded for talking against the church...basically 'Our friends are rare, so keep them safe; But our enemies are plentiful, destroy them at all costs before they do so to you'. I follow enough of the ideology to call myself such, though if I don't feel like explaining satanisms first meaning or if I KNOW I'm going to be staring at an emotional religious person who'll immidiatly go into talks of Hellfire and Brimstone...then I merely say Athiest.

And as for Satan being in Satanism...I know, it sucks. But one has to remember that as morals change with cultures, so does the use of words. I allways found it odd that Satan was used as something that didn't denote demon during the start of greek period. It has allways made me wonder if maybe the religions adopted it as a way of alienating this group of people from the church completely so nobody would talk to them? Who knows. Now with the Church of Satan actually taking Satanism as an actual worship (well not really but technically in a way) of kinda blurs of the line of what the greek/romans meant and what is meant of it today.
(warwgn @ Jun. 05 2007,13:53) BigmanZ, I dont belive in a higher power (except for NOS) and have a blast debating and arguing with WWJD, glad to see another non beliver(I think, if you belive in the devil then......) Anyway he is fun to "battle with" and very well spoken too, even if we dont see eye to eye he's a fun opponent  

If he get on your nerves just pull up a link to a humanist site and he will cut bait and run
I'll never turn down a good debate and religion allways gives one.  

(WWJD @ Jun. 05 2007,15:54) hahahahaha   good to hear it's all good fun warwgn.  
 I enjoy it too.  I think it forces us ALL to grow a little, like it or not.  When we all stop speaking our minds, our minds are no longer ours.  I GOTTA learn to be more direct, concise, shorter on wordage

I TOTALLY RESPECT you guys' opinions and beliefs, and the freedom of voicing them here.

Edit: And ya know, I allways found it funny. I'm heavily into renaisance fairs for the medieval ages (SCA) and play a heavily religious german soldier. Most of the people I go with, still do double takes when I say I'm actually an Athiest just with how well I play my part. Allways get a giggle out of that.


the list of stuff used for evil was meant to show how shunning something, like God, for one minor excuse is not too valid.

yes, the Bible was written a long time ago. do you feel it is completely ineffective because of it's age now? there are several billion people who beg to differ. Including me. I saw a life changed by it tonight, and it brought me to tears. is there a NEW book that can help so many people, change so many lives? The only ones that come close, all use principles based on Biblical teachings. All of them. So, you are discounting it's age, but what about the actual application? The power of the contents?

As a side point, this always seems to be ignored: the real world, life application, right now, here, today. Why is that? Why do people always argue about:

- the people who wrote it
- the crusades
- the missing parts
- the churches manipulation

but never about what the words do, here an now, in world of today?

Why not look at what it does FIRST, here and now, to decide if it's truth or not? Isn't that kind of judging a book by it's cover..... LITERALLY?

Come on.... Xism is PERFECT. If we can X out CHRIST from CHRISTmas, lets remove SATAN from SATANism too. Seems fair to me.

Again, using the good book, Webster's Disctionary ;) morals are:
1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior
If you are saying SOCIETY will decide right and wrong, that is where we will stay agreeably disagreeing. Right and wrong are a fixed position in the Bible [and why so many people oppose it] where as in Society, it is becoming more diluted and poluted "What is RIGHT for YOU" and that hog-wash, double speak. I will always believe it is wrong to take life away from another living thing. Society is changing that "behavior" or law, with killing off old people, pulling the plug, abortion, assisted suicide etc etc [please let's NOT go into a side debate about any of that - twas just an example] but the "Moral" of it being wrong still exists. It will STILL be wrong when 7 billion people are doing it.

Thanks for your background. It's very interesting, but also too true. I personally, have never experienced crappy, money grubbing churches, yet I am aware of thier existance. Just like in any other human endevor: businesses, people embezzel and stuff, PEOPLE are always the problem, not the Business.... or the church/religion/God. But the glimps into your background helps me understand your viewpoints much better, so thanks for yoru honesty.

Satanism: but but but it sounds like you are only picking parts you like? isn't that more of a me-ist, or what's that term, warwgn, a HUMANIST, than a satanist?

morals changing and WORDS changing - yeah I covered that already: some change is not actually GOOD, I mean "Bad", no wait, I mean "garbage" or "Ill" or oh, I don't know what I mean anymore, because word meanings are changing too quickly to make any sense. ;) see what I mean? do a search in this forum on Transgender for an earfull

Good to have you in the fray bigmanz. I enjoy these discussions too. Just remember, it;s ONLY the net, I'm just some online idiot that knows nothing - like everyone else.

Ah, but see how I look at the bible is different then you or those who follow it's teachings look at it. When I read it, I see the age of the teachings; and while they might ring true I allways seem to see things that I don't like. Case in point being one that was mentioned earlier about women servering man as man serves god...that just screams unmoral to me and reaks of old world beliefs of what women were treated. There are others, but I hate quoting the bible. Also, I do agree with you that the words can help people...but that doesn't prove the strength of your god. It merely shows that people who are unable to find their own way and search for help in finding a direction in life can be pointed in the right direction by the simplest of things...not just the Bible is capable of doing this, so as such does that not put those other things at the same level of the Bible? How about if I found my path through myself? Would that not then put me at the same level of the words of god?  Now please don't take this as I trying to put myself up as a God (cuz I am) but merely showing that to me, religion is nothing more then a simple guide to life for those who are unable to see it by themselves.

Now back to Satanism. You're still hooked on the whole fact that Satan is in the word aren't you? Admit it. Come on, you know you are! But that aside, I am picking the parts I like, but the only part that I choose not to follow is destroying those who cross you. To this extent I feel people make mistakes and should be allowed another chance before they are judged...unless it is obvious that attacking me was their intent. In this case then yes, I destroy them. Physically, Emotionally, Financially...if I can pull it off I do so. It's more of a matter of how strictly I choose to follow the style. If it makes you feel better though, I can allways just say I'm an Athiest with a mean temper.  

And I know, I try to take things non-seriously and over the years have come to shaking my head and laughing instead of taking things personally. It's all in fun. A motto I have allways lived by when it comes to the Internet "Ah the Internet. Where the men are men, the women are men, and the kids are FBI agents."

Edit: And FYI, I allways have enjoyed using satanism. Specially when dealing with somebody who is actually from the Church of Satan. I just love stealing their entitlement from them and matter of factly letting it be known that the word 'Satan' is not theirs but mine and that I appreciate them not slanderizing it by worshipping it as a false god or spirit from within. I have yet to get a responce back other then a blank stare like their entire world just shattered before their eyes...and I kinda like that.
I will pick this up later. I'm heading out of town for this weekend and won't have time for deep thoughts.

just a bunch of short, shallow ones right now
Way to resurrect an old thread.

Okay, I'll play. Druid/Buddhist mix, with a touch of Hindu thrown in.

And to clarify, Pagans are not Satanists. Satan is a Christian/Judaic deity. Pagans, not being Christian/Jew, do not believe in him. Also, the word "pagan" is a broad word that referred to pretty much all of the pre-Christian multi theistic religions, be they Roman, Greek, Hindu, Druid, or whatever else. If you're referring to the "olde" European Druidic religion, of which Wiccanism is a modern offshoot, they do not believe in Satan, the devil, or whatever else you want to call him. To say that Satanism has been around longer than Christianity because the druids worshipped Satan would be incorrect. To say that perhaps Satanism has been around longer than Christianity because of a Jewish offshoot that occurred before Christ was born (no Christianity without Christ) would be possible. You could also say that Christianity perverted and stole the image of the Druidic shaman who dressed in animal skins before asking the blessing of whatever animal spirit that they were about to hunt, in an effort to feed their people. He would put on a stag skin, horns, cloven hooves, etc. It's also called the image of Cernunnos. He'd be bloody as it may have been a fresh kill, making his skin appear red. So, let's see, horns, cloven hooves, red skin, tail...resemble anyone from modern Christianity? Of course. To convince your troops to kill the enemy, it's best to dehumanize said enemy in your troops eyes. Showing your troops that the enemy worships "the devil" was an effective way to do this. However, calling an apple an apricot doesn't make it so. Druids and modern day Wiccans have never worshipped Satan. They don't believe he exists.

Hope that clears things up.