Wouldn't You Know It...

Occasionally on weekend rides, you know those special roads just jammed packed with hundreds of bikes I find my self asking "my God! who started this monotonous little hand waving tradition?"
  Can get a bit tiresome after the 3 thousandth wave of the day.  I used to ride quite a bit back in the seventies and don't remember this wave etiqute back then.  Dirt riders don't do the wave, if they did it would probably be the middle finger or some other unpleasant gesture.
I can see it now, go out to the dunes and ride around waving at everybody, they are gonna think your gay.
My kids and I were following a bike in the car a couple of weeks ago and this guy must have waved to at least 20 different bikes in a bout 10 miles. Some waved back but a lot didn't and this guy just kept on waving to every single one of them. It started to get funny and we all kinda started to laugh as we would pass a bike and the kids would say "watch, watch, he's gonna wave again" I'll usually just wait first to see if they wave and if they do I'll wave back. It was just kind of funny to see this from a different point of view like my kids.
Yeah - but do you use the Jedi-Mindtrick wave or just a dropped hand wave?  If you use the 2-finger, jedi-mindtrick wave, you can make them go off the road and into the weeds.

No really - I did it... I saw it happen. I did the 2-finger wave to the scooter lady, and just like Pee-Wee Herman's big adventure - left - right - left - and off she went right into the weeds.

The lady was really torked at me too.  - jumped up out of the weeds and started yelling at me and shaking her fist... but I was already out of earshot for what she was saying...

Poor thing... but I waved, Hey!
I know you are, but what am I?

Simply put it's a simple gesture of respect between those that decide to travel on two wheels...not everybody does or can. Doesn't need to get any deeper than that.

If a fellow rider takes the initiative to show me respect with a quick simple wave or a couple fingers down low then I show the same respect back and I would expect the same in return unless I note them leaving a light, braking, etc. If I know they see me and I don't get a response I do give a quick finger or a double arm up yours gesture.

Maybe he was scared, he was thinking to himself:
"My frame can crack and my swing arm can fall off, dont think i want to take my hands off my bars"
I just wish more people knew the wave for "Police back that way" . The making a circle in the air over and over imitating a old police light. I think that might have actually started in the Trucking industry since my uncle was the one who told me what it meant. Everyonce in a while someone knows what it means. Usually people think im saying YAY What FUN and then i see the red lights pull out behind them!!