Gun Control

Gun control how much do you think we need?

  • None... everything is fine the way it is

    Votes: 144 62.6%
  • Require registration of all guns and safety course to own one

    Votes: 60 26.1%
  • Registration of handguns,hunting rifles,and shotguns.. Ban Military assault weapons

    Votes: 26 11.3%
  • Ban all guns only cops should have guns.

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters
Bah, All we need to do to keep "assault" weapons off the sights of the idiots is quit calling em' assault weapons...

I consider the AR a "Sport Utility Rifle" (My Term) just like Americans and their fascination with useless oversized SUVs/Penile compensator, the "assault rifle" is nothing more than entertainment. It gets dressed up like it's billy Bad@$ never mind the fact that so many owners rest it on their huge gut, their artificial hip, and trouble climbing stairs... :rofl: We buy all the bells and whistles, hi-cap magazines, etc because it's entertainment. At their hearts, are these "assault" weapons hardcore? Well yeah, but when you combine hardcore with sponge bob owner they are mostly harmless...

The media feeds the hype the average idiot believes and swallows... Thus Assault Rifles are "evil". Completely ignoring the fact that they are responsible for almost NONE of the gun related violence in America and regardless of the fact that the Assault weapons ban did nothing to curb any sort of crime...

So, instead of "Assault Rifle" how about we just call em "Sport Utility Rifles"... It should resonate with the average American and politician clambering outta their SUVs.

The fact that congress considers re-instating the assault weapons ban is a sad statement on the gullibility of the U.S. public and our supposed leadership.

Very well put :thumbsup:
...on all points
I thought gun controll is hitting your target.
But hey, we have to have our bike registered, plus a liscense to operate. Why not for guns also.
Yeah i know i dont have a permit or even a gun, but if i wanted one i could get anything i wanted full auto to bolt action with or without a permit. But still if you have a gun you really should take a class to learn how to operate it and get liscened to own it, for your own safety and others. Plus i have heard of legal case's on breaking and entry that a gun was involved in a shooting that the owner of the gun was let off of manslaughter charges because he was liscened to own and operate a gun. Just for that reason i would have the permits, even for self defense.
I'm sick of Liberals saying it is Societies Fault. Wake the F*** Up and take some responsibility for ones self. Leave the Constitution alone already!
thats just it everybody blames someone else for being a shid bag,drives me nutz
Everybody suffers due to some ingrain piece of shid. (was that clear enough)

what happened to good parenting and punishments

If I read correctly the school wasn't actively utilizing the metal detectors that were in the school. Sounds like a lawsuit in the making. Seems so idiotic that they would have the detectors and not use them. Another case were the proper enforcement might have prevented a tragedy.
why is it that we have sucime to even needing metal detectors in schools freaking sad is that

It was illegal for a 15 yr old to have a pistol to start with. So more laws will prevent this how? ???
because its gonna be a polititions way of getting on someones good side

I forgot automobiles. Better take them away also.

They kill people too.

did ya know doctors kill more ppl with wrong diagnosis and blundered surgeries by about 100x more than gun deaths

hows it can have my guns when you peel them from my cold dead hands
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Saw this recently...
Susan Gratia Explains the Second Amendment:

- Susan Gratia Explains the Second Amendment[/url]

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I support gun control the same way I support speed limits, and stop signs. Abusing any one of which could get me, someone else, or both killed.

When it comes down to it there must be a final authority. I've had to suffer enough of the consequences of my own actions that I think I'm finally getting the clue.

It is getting increasingly difficult to see proper motivation behind those who represent the controling interests of our country. When these interests see human life as more valuable than the dollar, will we begin to see a difference in how our country functions.

I don't know fella's. Unless our own actions are governed by a love for others, then I think we are in some pretty deep poo-poo.
My take on gun control is this. The guns don't kill people the person ponting it kill some one. I don't think there is any legislation that can stop gun violence.

Guns cause death as much as drinking causes accidents. It is the human element that causes the problem. You don't see people out lawing cars because of accidents do you:poke:

There is the old saying, "If you out law guns, then only outlaws will have guns.

One more point to consider, drugs are illeagal in the US. The law makers have made it illeagal to posses drugs . This legislation has cleaned up the streets of the major citys here in this great state. ???

Before drug laws Morphine was a drug that crossed all boundries. After it was out lawed the law abbiding people stoped using it (yes it was hard). The truth remaines there are still people who use Morphine.

I don't think more law will change anything. More enforcement done by an already thinly spread police force might help but with the shortages we can't hold our breath.

In short the buck stops with the person holding the gun and those who own them. We should be smart enough and responsible enough with them to not even worry about the Government comming in and taking them from us.
I thought gun controll is hitting your target.
But hey, we have to have our bike registered, plus a liscense to operate. Why not for guns also.
Yeah i know i dont have a permit or even a gun, but if i wanted one i could get anything i wanted full auto to bolt action with or without a permit. But still if you have a gun you really should take a class to learn how to operate it and get liscened to own it, for your own safety and others. Plus i have heard of legal case's on breaking and entry that a gun was involved in a shooting that the owner of the gun was let off of manslaughter charges because he was liscened to own and operate a gun. Just for that reason i would have the permits, even for self defense.

Permits yes, registration on specific firearms no. Think about...if you were planning to disarm most gun owners the first step would be to know where they are and how many they have. This would be accomplished by registration of any guns. They would lie to us like they do now and say "we're not going to take them, we just want you to register them", but then we know what comes next! They show up on your doorstep already knowing what they are looking for.
Not being American, I really can't understand this obssession you seem to have with holding, shooting and owning weapons.
I don't think people are responsible enough to have guns. Not even law enforcement officers are responsible enough, but it's a necessity.
Common people with guns... yeah... militia... unorganized... undisciplined... sounds like a great idea...
I hope you can understand what I mean.

Personally, shooting guns does nothing for me...
Speeding bullet? Pfff... I ride a Hayabusa, m'am...
Second Ammendment of the United States Constitution :

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

i may be wrong, but in my is not only my right, but my duty to own and know how to use a weapon.
Not being American, I really can't understand this obssession you seem to have with holding, shooting and owning weapons.
I don't think people are responsible enough to have guns. Not even law enforcement officers are responsible enough, but it's a necessity.
Common people with guns... yeah... militia... unorganized... undisciplined... sounds like a great idea...
I hope you can understand what I mean.

Personally, shooting guns does nothing for me...
Speeding bullet? Pfff... I ride a Hayabusa, m'am...

in April 1775, a british Colonel named francis Smith was given orders to march to Mass. and confiscate the arms and supplies of the Mass. Militia being stored at Concord...

in the name of the King, Col. Smith and his 700 regular army soldiers moved to squash the revolution by taking thier ability to protect themselves....

a small number of men fired on the British forces Lexington...but but were beaten back. by the time the british arived at Concord, the word had spread and the britsh were outnumbered and forced to retreat.

on april 19,1775, a few brave men, took thier weapons and joined thier frineds and neighbors and told the king of England....the most powerful man in the world. to go to hell, that they would no longer be treated as less than men....

this country was built on the backs of common men, looking for a better life. willing to die for an ideal and standing up to the british empire with a crappy musket....

nothing good hapens when only the government has guns...ask those protesting in tienamen square...or those getting killed in the streets of iran right now. none of them have a right to bear arms. none of them can protect themselves.
wow this thread came back from the dead didn't it? I believe gun control means using 2 hands and they are more than welcome to take mine as long as they take the bullet first. if they survive that they can have the rest of it.
Not to be funny or anything…
I think guns’ restrictions won't solve anything. Boost price for bullets to $1500 each and problem solved.
If somebody is shot - you know he deserved it.
Not to be funny or anything…
I think guns’ restrictions won't solve anything. Boost price for bullets to $1500 each and problem solved.
If somebody is shot - you know he deserved it.

well that's what they are doing but more like taking them off the market stock up now
I will protect myself, my family and my property with all availible means from anyone who tries to harm me or my family or tries to damage, destroy or take my property without my consent. I do foresee gun onwership by law abiding citizens being regulated in the very near future, it is the best way for our goverment to control its citizens. That CHANGE along with others will have us living in a very different world that we all will see in our lifetime.