Should guns be banned?

The bill backed by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) and Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) mirrors legislation that has been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.). It would ban magazines for more than 10 rounds of ammunition and prohibit the transfer, possession or importation of those magazines that are manufactured after the date of the law being signed.
were debating Guns and whether or not we as a country are better off or worse off as a result of EVERYONE having access to them.

its not about me or you. the argument is whether we as a country are better or worse off with guns being so readily available to everyone. that is the debate here. and considering we have more gun violence then any other civilized country on earth its only common sense that we take a look at our gun policies.

when you go to work I doubt you worry about not coming home to your family because some animal wants to shoot and kill you for what you do for a living.

over 90% of ALL violent felonies involve GUNS. can you refute that?

Sorry friend but outlawing firearms will not stop the animals.
Just an FYI Brett, I'm an EMT so I go into the same cr@p you do but I get to do it without a vest, badge, handcuffs or gun.
Our EMTs don't go in before we do, they will sit a mile away until we call all clear. Never heard of EMTs being ambushed. TY for what you do.
My guns were stored out of sight. I do not have a gun safe. My children never caused a problem with my weapons, But to my knowledge no one in my home was mentally ill.
I believe we practiced this one evening at the 2012 spring bash. Safe gun handling will ensure 99.9% of the time no injuries will occur.
I have been around guns since I was 5 years old over those 35 years I have never,, i repeat NEVER had a close call while handling a firearm. I was taught properly at a very young age and also took a hunters safety education course before I was a teen and been to a few handgun courses since then.
You are correct, there are some real dumbazzes out there and ya can just tell how they handle a gun. It never fails when I goto a gun store you always see someone just take the gun and start pointing rather then double checking the chamber for a round. Never.... Never assume with a deadly weapon.

I believe we did :thumbsup:
You can never be too careful. I had an incident this last fall out shooting somewhere, when somebody I didn't know didn't handle this proceedure to my satisfaction, and I will never shoot with him again. Pointed the dang thing at me. I was NOT happy about it, but didn't say anything about it until I got it out of his hands, THEN I pointed out his glaring safety error.

In 2010 there were 211 children killed by drunk drivers in the United States!
Should we therefore ban cars?

How many babies did we abort last week? Didn't they deserve the same as this schoolchildren? But you don't see the anti-gun bunch protesting THAT.....maybe the question back to the left is, "How can you be anti-gun and pro-choice in the same breath?"
We need to focus on real issues like how do we protect the children. We put them into the schools and there is no protection, then focus on guns... When there is no protection, anything can happen. Sky, I'm glad to see that some people take the big picture in... Libs all bent out of shape over this horrible attack, yet see no problem with stacking dead babies up like cordwood. Yes the defenseless get the worst of it, so sad. When everyone is defensless, what do they think would happen? :banghead:
How many babies did we abort last week? Didn't they deserve the same as this schoolchildren? But you don't see the anti-gun bunch protesting THAT.....maybe the question back to the left is, "How can you be anti-gun and pro-choice in the same breath?"

The left supports a woman's right to murder her own child but doesn't believe I should have right to protect mine.
Should guns be banned? If your name is Obama, the answer is yes.

"The president is tasking Vice President Joe Biden to head up a unilateral effort on why law-abiding citizens can no longer be trusted to possess certain kinds of guns, while only police, government law enforcement, and the U.S. military can."

^ This is of course just a study. They will need a few more mass killings before they can proceed.
I like what he said! It pretty much sums up how I feel about this subject with out writing paragraphs on paragraphs how I feel about this.
To answer the question you wrote bots. No guns shouldnt be banned. Maybe banning stupid people from breeding..... Yes that should be banned!
Brett, I respect your putting your life on the line to protect and serve. And I would even agree that firearms are the particular 'weapon of choice' at the moment. But I'm still, NOT EVER, willing to give up my CONSTITUTIONAL right to protect my self and my family from either criminals or MY OWN GOVERNMENT'S Illegal Actions while I'm waiting for you to come save me.

Gotta ask you though, right now you have a badge and a gun. Would you feel the same, if when they take that badge away, they also take away your right to the gun also? Cause that's kinda how I felt, the day I retired from the military.

I think, if this goes anywhere, the only thing I'd tolerate would be the additional background check. I'm about to private sale one of my rifles. I know this person and I know he doesn't have a criminal record. But even then I'll have a good bill of sale that tracks ownership just in case somehow this rifle ended up in the wrong place. If the law required that I went online and documented the sale and background checked the purchaser and DID IT FOR FREE, I might go along with it. I don't want criminals to have guns, either (buy why they should ever get a right to vote again also amazes me)...
To answer the question you wrote bots. No guns shouldnt be banned. Maybe banning stupid people from breeding..... Yes that should be banned!

Yeah like the kind of folks who ride creepers down steep hills. Those kind of people definitely should not be near guns!

My guns were stored out of sight. I do not have a gun safe. My children never caused a problem with my weapons, But to my knowledge no one in my home was mentally ill.

Most people who are mental don't know they are mental, just something to think about........:laugh:
I believe we did :thumbsup:
You can never be too careful. I had an incident this last fall out shooting somewhere, when somebody I didn't know didn't handle this proceedure to my satisfaction, and I will never shoot with him again. Pointed the dang thing at me. I was NOT happy about it, but didn't say anything about it until I got it out of his hands, THEN I pointed out his glaring safety error.

How many babies did we abort last week? Didn't they deserve the same as this schoolchildren? But you don't see the anti-gun bunch protesting THAT.....maybe the question back to the left is, "How can you be anti-gun and pro-choice in the same breath?"

Or how can you be Pro-Life and against nationalized healthcare.
Me too.. Too bad he didn't say it.. :banghead:

It was another internet b.s. story..

I was gonna say that it is never a good idea to say you agree with Sammy! That dude is a wild man and he loves causing trouble even more than I do. If it will cause a controversy he will say it - right left whatever! He is cool and I would love to hang out with him but hold him up as an example of anything..:laugh:
simply put people get guns illegally all the time, when people who follow the law and once they are banned then no one but the people who get them illegally will have the weapons then now they can rob and shoot whomever. just my thought on it