Should guns be banned?

Read the quote from Webster below the video.

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed...."- Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787

Well Dang. Just watched this video someone linked on Facebook. Very Poignant.

Keep an eye on these sneaky bastards, remember feeding guns to the Mexican drug cartels (fast and furious) was an attempt to create a Gulf of Tonkin moment for the assault on the 2nd amendment. "Never let a crisis go to waste". Watch these fkrs, they will never relent until we are all just subjects to the leftist elite. Someday they will push too far and the sht will hit the fan.

right under your link.
Eric Holder: executive orders on gun control? |


I think I said earlier that "appointing a commission" is nothing more than "looking like I'm doing something to give me political cover until this blows over"....

Obama, Reid slam brakes on gun control |
What do you guys say to the fact that mental illness is not a constant thing. I perfectly normal person can be changed or pushed over the edge. We see that happening every day to people. There is no way to test for this.

You are absolutely correct.

I'll offer this as a response; there is no perfect solution. There is no solution available to us that will 100% prevent the possibility of children being killed at school or in the home, or anywhere for that matter. There never has been and there never will be. The best we can hope for is to manage the risk as best as possible.

Take DUI for example. Driver's licenses are withheld from DUI repeat offenders. If the laws were properly enforced with a vengeance, nobody would ever get killed on the road by a repeat DUI offender. This would not prevent anyone who is Under the Influence from killing someone while driving, but it would certainly minimize the number of deaths as a result of DUI because you have minimized the number of people who are likely to be a problem. Just like removing all cars from the road would be almost universally looked at as a overly broad, bad solution to the DUI problem in this country, removing all guns is a overly broad, bad solution to gun violence.

What if we combined police stations and schools?
There'd already be 100s of cops there so no shooting right :)
Having that child changes/shapes your opinions a LOT Earlybird.

Get this, some dumbazz went walking down the mall nearby here yesterday with a t-shirt on saying "Did your Assault Rifle kill a Kindergartner today?"...they tosses his azz out of the mall - lucky I didn't see him first that was totally insensitive to EVERYBODY.

If that happened, wouldn't his shirt fall under freedom of speech? It's a stupid shirt to wear and he was lucky he was just kicked from the mall. Not much different than the stuff Westboro terrorists do......they are protected by the Constitution too. If you had seen him first, what would you have done? Just curious....

And I agree it was completely disrespectful!
"You're An Unbelievably STUPID Man Aren't You!"

Debate - "You're An Unbelievably STUPID Man Aren't You!" Piers Morgan To Pro-Gun Guest - YouTube[/url]
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Incitement to riot, deserves an ass whooping, then an apology for violating his freedom of speech.

If that happened, wouldn't his shirt fall under freedom of speech? It's a stupid shirt to wear and he was lucky he was just kicked from the mall. Not much different than the stuff Westboro terrorists do......they are protected by the Constitution too. If you had seen him first, what would you have done? Just curious....

And I agree it was completely disrespectful!
If that happened, wouldn't his shirt fall under freedom of speech? It's a stupid shirt to wear and he was lucky he was just kicked from the mall. Not much different than the stuff Westboro terrorists do......they are protected by the Constitution too. If you had seen him first, what would you have done? Just curious....

And I agree it was completely disrespectful!

Private property; he has no right to freedom of speech on private property. They asked him to turn it inside out, and he refused.

Depends on if I were alone or with my child. But I'd have done something.
I watched the press briefing and that article doesn't do his briefing justice. I was very impressed with what they had to say. Also, he prefaced basically all of what he said with the idea that the media will "spin" his words to be what they want to push.

Michael Moore said the desire to own firearms and support the Second Amendment is tied to racism.

“I think we’re a very frightened people,” Moore said. “I think we’ve been frightened ever since we landed on these shores. We were frightened of the native people… we were frightened of the slaves we brought over, as we should have been.”
The answer in my opinion is plain and simple…No Ban. If you take away the guns from law abiding citizens then they will be left to fend for themselves other means or depend on the government to defend them which in turn would be a losing battle obviously. Like drugs, alcohol, counterfeit money, exotic pets(lol) and every other thing that is smuggled, hustled, transported, obtained or sold illegally by those who break the law..A gun will be no different and won't be too hard to find its way into the wrong hands wether you band them or not. FACT
what??? gun control discussion brought up again???...... noooooooooooo!!!!!! lol