I have a Generac stand alone 10K generator with the Generac plug on the meter...it works great (normally) and when we had a 24hr power outage last summer, it ran my whole house including central air unit with ease and didn't even use a whole tank of fuel....Sounds like the typical insurance company crap. We were without power for 3 days after the last hurricane and my small generator died on the third day. Thankfully, power came back a couple of hours later and we didn’t lose all the stuff in the 2 refrigerators. This gave me the perfect excuse to get a bigger generator and breaker panel feeder setup to be ready for the next storm. Only thing left is a soft start for my central Air conditioning unit so I can run it off the generator if I have to, but a window unit would probably get us by. I find it funny how we have two completely opposite issues to worry about.! I really hope I don’t have to put my new setup to the test any time soon, but we are better prepared now.
I have the generator in the garage now and I just went out and it will start....I will leave it in there and drag it over to my plug as I've blown a path with my snowblower....