Took my 2009 hayabusa with 18k miles out for a much needed ride. Filled up tank and she started a little “funny” but all seemed good and I got back on the road. I jumped on the highway and set my cruise at around 70mph but she shutdown after a few minutes cruising at that speed. Looked down and looked like everything had power so I pulled in clutch and pushed the start button and she fired right up. Got off the highway and had to stop at a red light so she stalled again when I was starting to roll and I almost dumped her. FI light was flashing, but after cycling the key, she fired right up. Made it it to a safe place and she died for good. started troubleshooting and she is throwing code C41 and pump has no power, but relay passed bench test this morning and I can hit wire the pump and make it run. @sixpack577, I know you suggested bad pump and I’m starting to believe that. I woke up rested this morning and was able to do more troubleshooting with a clear head and in the comfort of my garage. It looks like with pump disconnected, when I turn the key, I get 12v at the connector for a couple of seconds and then drops like is supposed to, but that doesn’t happen if pump is plugged in. Checked continuity on the pump between ground and positive wire and got 0 ohms. Is it possible that this pump is starting to go bad and causing the problem? Not sure on the correct resistance reading (ohms) I should get on the pump. FI light is constantly flashing. Trying to make 100% sure what the problem is before firing the parts cannon since OEM fuel pumps are stupid expensive. Repair manual wasn’t much help and troubleshooting steps listed in it, I had already done. Ideas? @Kiwi Rider @sixpack577 @c10 and anybody else?