Just wanted to verify if this method is correct and harmless, as I'm no expert 
I need to pull my tank to install a bulk head fitting for my aux fuel cell. My plan is to run it till it's pretty close to empty. Then, to drain the remaining gas my plan is to use the fuel pump. Will pull the fuel supply line from the pump, then attach a clear plastic tube running into a gas can; then power cycle the key a few times to engage the pump and hopefully pump out the remaining gas.
Anything potentially harmful about doing this (other than the usual warning when working around gasoline). I mean can it hurt the pump or anything, and will it work?

I need to pull my tank to install a bulk head fitting for my aux fuel cell. My plan is to run it till it's pretty close to empty. Then, to drain the remaining gas my plan is to use the fuel pump. Will pull the fuel supply line from the pump, then attach a clear plastic tube running into a gas can; then power cycle the key a few times to engage the pump and hopefully pump out the remaining gas.
Anything potentially harmful about doing this (other than the usual warning when working around gasoline). I mean can it hurt the pump or anything, and will it work?