While it may be 'free' the taxes in those countries are outrageous. Again someone has to pay for it. Now those single payer system have huge wait times and service isnt always good. The US cant even get VA healthcare right and people want to have a national system? Are you stupid?
Nope I'm not stupid. I agree, healthcare in Canada and Europe sucks if you're dieing from some disease and need to wait your turn to be treated. I know they pay unbelievable taxes. Those were the reasons I was not in favor of health insurance reform. Making healthcare available to everyone is still a good idea. I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water.
...of course, if you want free, there's no reason you shouldn't submit to random drug tests including nicotine. ..possibly have reasonable body fat requirements. You fail, you're off. ...I mean it is free so make us freeloaders step up our game so we don't cost even more. It is already a requirement to adopt a healthy habit each year you're on the ultra cheap insurance provided to poor Michiganders.
I can't knock welfare if it is really needed. When I was a kid my step father was in the clink for 6 months and my Mother had the 3 of us to take care of and went on welfare until he got out. We ate a lot of pancakes during that time.

These days too many people abuse it and even have cheat sheets how to. Although there are some that really need it...
...of course, if you want free, there's no reason you shouldn't submit to random drug tests including nicotine. ..possibly have reasonable body fat requirements. You fail, you're off. ...I mean it is free so make us freeloaders step up our game so we don't cost even more. It is already a requirement to adopt a healthy habit each year you're on the ultra cheap insurance provided to poor Michiganders.

Also if you ride a motorcycle or have a dangerous sport or hobby. If you shoot guns you can't get anything to help hearing and since a large number of people are shot by their own guns, that's not covered either. We could also have sensors in cars so if you speed or drink crashes would not be covered. Pretty soon, no one would be covered and the cost of the system would be affordable. Pretty slippery slope you're on Mythos....
its simple really.... SHORT term assistance doesn't need to be monitored.... mothers with 8 children and an apartment full of people need to be monitored.... or if ure on assistance for more than 2 years...… REASONABLE things...… this would save big bucks in NY.. probably enough to pay for the amazing healthcare needs of many
It is simple really . . .

SHORT term assistance does not need to be monitored . . .

Mothers with 8 children and an apartment full of people need to be monitored . . .

Or if you are on assistance for more than 2 years . . .

REASONABLE things . . .

This would save big bucks in New York . . .

Probably enough to pay for the amazing healthcare needs of many .

Nothing like some good ole fake news, might as well throw in Snopes as long as you’re posting liberal fact check sites. The word liberal and fact should never collide in the same sentence, where’s that laughing emoji when you need it...
truth be told.... a lot of important and great leaders were liberals... lets not lose sight of this...…. im just making the case that's its been a loooooong time since a liberal truly made a difference.... and more importantly.... lots of modern liberals and millennials feel like THEY HOLD the moral high ground on ALL ISSUES.... and they like to tell you how to think and what to do.... and THAT is why Clinton lost.... with her entourage of A-list celebs... along with the golden couple themselves.... JAYZ and Bey.... we the people(ALL OF US irregardless of race/color/creed) DO NOT IDENTIFY with Hollywood elitists...… the people identified with Obama..... the charismatic community organizer... the people loved trump with his complete ANTI- liberal agenda...….. me included.... anytime I see a spoiled movie star cry... or a spoiled ivy league millennial distraught.... its a good day... HOLD THAT L.
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