sorry if I sound like an a$$hol3, but who gives a sh*t if a harley rider gives me respect.
Maybe it's because of the attitude that most harley riders give me when I'm on my busa, or maybe it's the dirty looks I get walking into a bar when there is harley riders in there, but harley riders with their obnoxious attitudes really get on my nerves.
They give me this attitude for no reason at all, like I can't afford that vibrating, rattling, heavier than a cadillac no horsepower piece of sh*t they are riding.
Where I live, in Tampa, FL, most harley riders have a serious problem with sportbikes. They dont wave, they give nasty looks, and they make stupid comments.
Personally, I think harley guys should be asking respect from US!
I want to make a t-shirt that says "If my wife gained 200 pounds, and I bought some leather chaps, a leather vest, a american flag headband, bought a $5000 883 hugger and won a willie nelson look-a-like contest, could I ride with your pack? Would I cool then?"