Opinions on FJR 1300

I have the Helibars, lowering links (I'm 5' 5"), throttlemiester bar ends, extended windscreen etc la la la, and I just came back from a trip to Sturgis from Oregon via Colorado (1900 miles, 23 hours straight riding) and I can say I am very inpressed with the 'Busa. My right hand is still numb after 8 days, but I think I have sarpal tunnel, and it usually goes away (on shorter rides) after a day or so. I was amazed that my but never hurt. I think the Busa's great, but I think te FJR would be the better long distance machine.
Check out my Sig!!! Says it all, love my Busa, love my FJ....FJ smokes the Busa from 0-60 and pops up the front wheel in a heartbeat at any speed from 3K up without chopping the throttle (try that with a Busa). Can ride it all day ...no issue at all. Anyone who says the Busa is more comfortable than the FJ due to riding position is nuts. They both have their pro's, but the FJ is one serious ride dude. Wouldn't trade either one...love 'em both!