Suprised on some of the good conversation.
I agree with health care. But I thought where he went wrong was insurance. Health insurance is not health care. People have poop coverage they pay a lot of $ for because they have to. I know different debate.
I really believe that nowadays more and more people don't wanna work... I get it... it sucks sometimes... I even see it at my job, so many are looking for a way outta work its insane... ie.. workmans comp is there for emergencies... not because u can fool some doctor that ure back hurts and take a 3 month break from going to work..... it screws me over because if a person calls in sick/is on workmans comp.... someone HAS TO fill his spot,... ALL SHIFTS... its ruined an entire summer for me... all forced overtime... the money is nice but after 3 double shifts (16 hours eaqch time)in a row… I barely even leave the place and im exhausted.... we have to each contribute.
How about single moms with no skills who’s old man died or left, or people with disabilities. Not everyone has your gifts, maybe your hamburger is to cheap. I hope you never fall on hard times.
What is the governments role? What is it truely like to be poor in America these days? Am I poor no. But I see these poor people everyday usually they wear nicer shoes than me their shopping carts are full of food and still have cash for their smokes. Yes their is homeless people in this world it is 90% addiction, mental disease, and choice. They other 10% pick them self’s back up work hard and with all the generosity of local and federal government live the life just described. I live in Iowa I know some of you live in different worlds.
I don’t have any good answers, if we don’t help these people many will turn to crime, the jails are already full, ask Ali 123. Abso-freakin-luteley! Some abuse the system. Is it cheaper to help them or jail them, how do you change the way people think? Maybe Hitler was right , kill the undesirable element, but remember most of us have someone in that sector!
I don’t have any good answers, if we don’t help these people many will turn to crime, the jails are already full, ask Ali 123. Abso-freakin-luteley! Some abuse the system. Is it cheaper to help them or jail them, how do you change the way people think? Maybe Hitler was right , kill the undesirable element, but remember most of us have someone in that sector!
most of the system abusers haven't been to a real prison.... they get money from govt programs and make their money in the underground economy...… because its faaaaaaar more money involved being a low level drug dealer than a janitor..... the problem is this behavior is infecting many people... sooo many are doing it, and being encouraged to do it..... and major drug busts are rare.... in NY.... the police aren't interested in aA couple grams of dope.... the penalty isn't that stiff...… so more and more people do it.... or they look the other way while their loved ones do it...… my concern is.... what happens when these folks outnumber the actual workers? where is the money for the govt programs gonna come from? what happens when the workmans comp people outnumber the actual workers???? I never ever go home???????? and bear in mind.... this is a job where u really have to NOT make a mistake.... so newjacks cant outnumber the veterans... not in a max facility.... they have to learn what to look for and how to be forceful when the answer is NO.... and not be intimidated.... a lot of time in these facilities is spent with us being set-up..... for something.... u have to know what to look for...… we are basically professional observers.... I can tell immediately how long an inmate has been locked up for... just by the questions he asks me.... whether or not he sleeps on the ground.... how jittery he is.... how tough he talks..... all little stuff.... but the devil is in the details//// I enjoy training newjacks…. I like to see the looks on their faces when I tell a newjack someone is gonna try something... and then 4 hours later... im proved correct.. and the inmates are spending allllll their time watching me and looking for weaknesses... I like to try to stay sharp... I don't like being exhausted and doing this job... that's why I say.... we all have to contribute.... even though it sucks sometimes and its not easy....
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That’s why I ask how do we change their thinking. I believe it’s going to take a hard line.
one thing is..... mandatory drug testing for any government assistance,,, along with mandatory attendance at job fairs.... and with housing assistance.... a review of everyone living in that residence.... and their job prospects... these people can only take advantagve of these system because it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to do so.... so they figure WHY NOT>?> if someone handed u 500 tax free dollars every so often.... wouldn't u take it??? im not hating on anyone... I UNDERSTAND why they do it.... but like I say something has to change.... otherwise the nonworkers WILL outnumber the workers.
Suprised on some of the good conversation.
I agree with health care. But I thought where he went wrong was insurance. Health insurance is not health care. People have poop coverage they pay a lot of $ for because they have to. I know different debate.

I meant insurance. In essence, an affordable national healthcare plan is good. I know it didn't start well and I was very much opposed to it, not being able to afford healthcare ever in my life except for when I was married to a spouse who had great insurance. For me, it's worked out because I was really poor. I know there are a heck of a lot of people making just above a livable income who can't afford what they have to pay for insurance now. That's why Trump should continue to work on what was started.

i disagree with the healthcare thing... how about work hard and find a good job with benefits.... I think a problem espescially in NY is that people think they OUGHT TO be able to earn a living and support a family while working at McDonalds.. they fdeel like they desaerve 15 bucks an hour and benefits...… ya gotta man up and try hard.....
Yeah, all the way! That's what I did but I was lucky I chose to get a teaching degree years back and I am able to move anywhere (although this has separated me from my kids even more). Also, the whole process took me ten years going from this job to that finding a way. I could have lived just fine without the insurance but that's from the perspective of a poor person. LOL you can live without a lot of things (and choose to not live without others--like bikes).

Having primary care of kids does open the door to a lot of benefits if you're poor. I do not have primary care of my kids. I got food stamps for two years which was wonderful but there was NO CHANCE of getting a free roof over your head in Milwaukee, WI. It was all taken up and the waiting list was years not to mention, if you don't have primary care, you're not eligible for housing anyway. Being a poor dad without primary placement is no picnic either and there's a few of us out there. The answer is usually "move where there's a job" and that's the compromise I accepted three years ago. It will cause other problems. It's sadly ironic I have been working with other people's kids for 3 years. I'm happy I have finally been successful however. ...and there's a lot more to come. The relationship with my kids is not likely to be a big success however from what I have seen and heard from other single dads.
I meant insurance. In essence, an affordable national healthcare plan is good. I know it didn't start well and I was very much opposed to it, not being able to afford healthcare ever in my life except for when I was married to a spouse who had great insurance. For me, it's worked out because I was really poor. I know there are a heck of a lot of people making just above a livable income who can't afford what they have to pay for insurance now. That's why Trump should continue to work on what was started.

Yeah, all the way! That's what I did but I was lucky I chose to get a teaching degree years back and I am able to move anywhere (although this has separated me from my kids even more). Also, the whole process took me ten years going from this job to that finding a way. I could have lived just fine without the insurance but that's from the perspective of a poor person. LOL you can live without a lot of things (and choose to not live without others--like bikes).

Having primary care of kids does open the door to a lot of benefits if you're poor. I do not have primary care of my kids. I got food stamps for two years which was wonderful but there was NO CHANCE of getting a free roof over your head in Milwaukee, WI. It was all taken up and the waiting list was years not to mention, if you don't have primary care, you're not eligible for housing anyway. Being a poor dad without primary placement is no picnic either and there's a few of us out there. The answer is usually "move where there's a job" and that's the compromise I accepted three years ago. It will cause other problems. It's sadly ironic I have been working with other people's kids for 3 years. I'm happy I have finally been successful however. ...and there's a lot more to come. The relationship with my kids is not likely to be a big success however from what I have seen and heard from other single dads.

Problem with a single payer system is someone pays for it. One can state that other countries have successfully implemented a single national system.... While it may be 'free' the taxes in those countries are outrageous. Again someone has to pay for it. Now those single payer system have huge wait times and service isnt always good. The US cant even get VA healthcare right and people want to have a national system? Are you stupid?
Now the current system us broken as well. Healthcare shouldnt be this expensive. Fraud, Abuse, waste is what helps drive up costs for the average person or company providing benefits for their staff.
Well lets see..... Obama spent 8 years cleaning up the mess from W. He got the economy up and rolling much earlier than any optimistic economist predicted. Now we have a even bigger republican idiot in office to screw everything up just in time for a Democrat to play clean up in 2020. And the cycle goes on and on and on...:banghead:
Well lets see..... Obama spent 8 years cleaning up the mess from W. He got the economy up and rolling much earlier than any optimistic economist predicted. Now we have a even bigger republican idiot in office to screw everything up just in time for a Democrat to play clean up in 2020. And the cycle goes on and on and on...:banghead:
geez.... I dunno… that deal with IRAN was genious.,.. lets NEGIOTATE with people who openly call for our destruction.... smart. These democrats would wanna negotiate with Hitler..... just seem like a bunch of whiny crybabies recently... remember all the fullllll grown adults CRYING in public when trump first won? really? that's what they show their children? My daddy taught me if one can accept winning... one can accept losing... There are men who have fought in WARS that didn't cry in public.... people were saying it was the end of the whole world..... the beginning of the end..... but again.... sometimes people are sooooo far behind in the race... they actually think they are leading... there have been some great democratic presidents... no doubt... but its been a long long time.
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Also the major city's that have the most crime and poverty have been run by Dems for decades. We don't need that for the whole US...
i live in NY... and I can tell you that this is absolutely correct.... the truth hurts... but there is a silent segment of us that sees things...… liberal policies rely on men of goodwill... and fewer and fewer of us have any morals.... to the detriment of us all....