How not to clean your chain! Caution!!!!!!!!

OMG he focks up his hand and immediately goes for the camera. In the first pic I see his mangled hand and a set of pliers on the ground. I just don't understand how he even thought to take pics at that moment. What the he||. Good sport :thumbsup:
Someone had the nerve to ask him "can you still reach the brake lever?" ???

I'm sorry, but I giggled a little.
OMG he focks up his hand and immediately goes for the camera. In the first pic I see his mangled hand and a set of pliers on the ground. I just don't understand how he even thought to take pics at that moment. What the he||. Good sport :thumbsup:

I was thinking the same thing. I don't think I would have even been able to hold the camera w/ my other hand.
Had to be extremely painful. The tips of our fingers have a lot of nerve endings in them & are very sensitive.
when i first got my bike i watched a mechanic in a shop clean the chain while it was idling ... just looking at the chain at idle its flying pretty fast, would think it would just make sense not to do that?
Had already seen this one...but the photos seem to keep improving...don't remember the hospital shots?
when i first got my bike i watched a mechanic in a shop clean the chain while it was idling ... just looking at the chain at idle its flying pretty fast, would think it would just make sense not to do that?
Back when I had a chain I cleaned it all the time idling. However I didn't stick my fingers or anything else remotely close to anything moving. A little degreaser, let it work some, idle in second, hose chain and all other greasy areas off. Shut off, dry with compressed air, idle in gear, spray lube. Easy peasy and I never got anything within a foot of the bike.

I'm also a mechanic, working near running machinery is the norm. Of course not sticking fingers in harms way is also the norm.

Like I said, he owned it at least. I still can't fathom why he decided to bring the camera out.
My uncle did the same thing to his thumb but he only shaved a corner off it.
He always said, "You can me lazy or inattentive but never both at the same time."
I hope he isn't ever around heavy machinery! Common sense goes a long ways. I can understand idling the bike and spraying it while keeping your limbs away. I feel sorry for the guy and whats even worse is the a-holes that flame him. I'm sure he feels low enough without having people shoot him down. fortunately I had a Dad that took the time to teach me how to keep from getting into situations such as this one.