what is the best type of guard dog?

Wrong wrong wrong.

The best is a Goose or better yet multiple. They make a friggin racket when disturbed at all and they can be trained to attack. So when the bad guy sneaks in the geese wake the whole house and proceed to chase the very confused idiot around taking out little chunks of his thighs and face. Meanwhile you are able to get up get dressed call the cops and grab the shot gun. And just before you or the cops take him down everyone gets to sit back and have a bit of a laugh about some moron being beat down by birds.
I hate having things stolen from me. It is such a terrible feeling. I do realize though that a determined enough attacker is going to breach whatever I might put in his way. Go for the deterrence route. By that I mean just make your place the least fun to walk in and out of. The vast majority of criminals did not get into that line of work because they worked hard and were up for a challenge. Most of them are opportunists. Most of the time I well lit area, massive lock and knowing you have a dog but not too sure where they are is enough risk versus reward to make them keep on walking. Please don’t leave your dog outside all the time. If you like the versatility then install a nice doggy door and let them go s they will.

I do tons of work with abused and neglected dogs, mostly pits because my heart goes out to them. I would be careful getting any kind of aggressive dog. Breeds are not aggressive, but dogs of any breed can be. I have been bitten by just about every one of them out there. Rescue a great family companion and through the love and respect the animal builds for you and your home it will let you know when someone looks at it twice walking down the street.

The single best thing you can do for you dog is regular obedience training. It builds confidence in the animal and lets you make a great connection with them. All they want to do is make you happy and training is a great way to show them what makes you happy. Best of luck to you.