R1 Throttle tube mod.

i installed mine last fall and i really like it.i just ordered the left grip as well to match them up.they are good
Re: part#

these are the oem part numbers:

R6 tube: 5SL-26240-01-00

R1 tube: 4yr-26240-02-00

installed the r6 tube today and gonna give it a try tomorrow

so thats the part number i wanna order if i go with r6 tube? is the r6 tube better then r1 im not sure which on ei should be gettin
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I ordered both and they're the exact same. Same right down to the casting marks on the plastic.
think im about to order the r6 one now online...should have it in a few days to put on wont be able to tell u how it is due to bike being stripped waiting for paint...:beerchug:
k i discover i can use my chrome grips with r6 tube now which one do i want the 05 or 06 tube 05 is part number on here and 06 is different someone stated 06 is more aggressive is that tru?
I did the r1 mod on both my 1k and my busa last year. I drag race so it made a world of difference. No re-gripping to reach wot. I reccomend it to anyone that doesent like re-gripping... As for how much of a difference, well on a 241hp 1k it makes a helluva difference just in the way that bike comes on lol, As for my busa, it still makes a nice difference, you can get into the meat of the power quicker...
You are lucky
cheap mod in US.
In Germany R6 part is about 26 $ + shipping
and the R1 grip horrible about 70 $ (€ to $ changed 1: 1,36)

So i took the R6 :please: