Hey.. is that Yami lowered? I'm looking at one for my girlfriend, and it's too high for her. Also, do you know if the bars can be raised a bit (to make the riding position a little more comfy for her)?My wife thought the Katana I got her last month was to top heavy, so I picked up a '98 YZF600R for her last week.
ooooooooooh Be careful. Is he a close friend or relative I hope? Sadly in today's world you could have a serious law suit if he got hurt or killed and the bike was still legally owned by you. Just a word-o-caution.I just got an email from a fellow rider who needs a bike, but doesn't have a lot of cash. I may be selling him the Katana this weekend with him paying me a monthly note for one year. I don't need five motorcycles, but four sounds about right.