Right there plain as day. No hiding in the shadows, no stalking, no standing behind trees, no disguise. I don't give a fugg! Sometimes I do it because I have an insatiable urge. Hahahaha, "sometimes you gotta let your balls hang", my good friend is known to say. Ready aim fire, shoot at will, let somebody else worry about it because you better believe that I won't.
I will walk right up and just squeeze until it goes off and surprises them and me. Some people don't know how to take it. Some are in shock, some don't understand the motivation, some can't believe the audacity, some try to confront me. Sometimes I entertain the drama and cops get alerted but I usually get away without being apprehended. Smooth and cunning is how I view myself. Or maybe just big and scary to some.
Blam!!! Pow!!! HA-HA-HA GOTCHA Muthafugga!!! You should have been paying attention B!TCH!!! I am a "B!tch Shoota", the one you've been looking for. Bang!..
Sometimes, I do it to the Police and they never even see it coming. I'll catch'm at slippin at the donut shop about to bite into that bavarian cream bar as their mouths water anticipating the flavor burst of the white creamy custard filling. They bite down and the cream shoots out onto their uniform lapel just as I shoot them. Too occupied to mind your surroundings ain'tcha. Didn't even see me sitting in the parking lot as you drove up in that Big-Bad-Black and White. I had it all hanging in plain sight. Look at'cha now. What a laugh!
The results are astounding, I show my friends and they laugh gleefully. Detached like it is a video game. Hahaha... Must've watched "Menace to Society" one too many times. We are calloused and desensitized from what is considered good manners and social skills.
Another favorite is the ladies being the target. It excites me, I'll admit, they are usually strutting their stuff down along the shops. Too busy thinking about that Coach bag they just got a deal on, not to mention the trendy Prada shoes they just couldn't pass up and whatever flavor of the week panty and bra combo the couldn't put down. They usually never even know what is coming. Some of them beg for it though, some of them just smile in a thankful manner, I guess they could be narcissistic or egomaniacs.
The funny thing is that I don't hide it. I keep it in the open, sometimes from the hip, other times from chest level. That is my favorite, I have that aim down pat. That is why I can stroll along unnoticed until I fire it off. The flash gets their attention. It lights them up and blamo, got another one to tell a story about.
My goal is to shoot a celebrity, a distinguished gentleman or a dignitary, a head of state or a visiting royal, heck even a sports personality would do. That would be precious. That would get my work in the gossip mags and papers. Of course there would be others around taking a crack at it. I have an advantage though. I am tall and heavy enough to shove others out of the prime spots. Fugg'm I say, they can miss the opportunity for all I care.
There are others like me, we share tips about what works for each of us. We can tend to be a sinister bunch, in a sense, somewhat voyeuristic.
Our weapons of choice are Nikons, Hassleblads and Canons naturally with the odd Leica in the mix. We are photographers, amateurs and pro's. Some do it for the money. Some do it for the fame. Some do it for the kick. I do it as an icebreaker.
I will walk right up and just squeeze until it goes off and surprises them and me. Some people don't know how to take it. Some are in shock, some don't understand the motivation, some can't believe the audacity, some try to confront me. Sometimes I entertain the drama and cops get alerted but I usually get away without being apprehended. Smooth and cunning is how I view myself. Or maybe just big and scary to some.
Blam!!! Pow!!! HA-HA-HA GOTCHA Muthafugga!!! You should have been paying attention B!TCH!!! I am a "B!tch Shoota", the one you've been looking for. Bang!..
Sometimes, I do it to the Police and they never even see it coming. I'll catch'm at slippin at the donut shop about to bite into that bavarian cream bar as their mouths water anticipating the flavor burst of the white creamy custard filling. They bite down and the cream shoots out onto their uniform lapel just as I shoot them. Too occupied to mind your surroundings ain'tcha. Didn't even see me sitting in the parking lot as you drove up in that Big-Bad-Black and White. I had it all hanging in plain sight. Look at'cha now. What a laugh!
The results are astounding, I show my friends and they laugh gleefully. Detached like it is a video game. Hahaha... Must've watched "Menace to Society" one too many times. We are calloused and desensitized from what is considered good manners and social skills.
Another favorite is the ladies being the target. It excites me, I'll admit, they are usually strutting their stuff down along the shops. Too busy thinking about that Coach bag they just got a deal on, not to mention the trendy Prada shoes they just couldn't pass up and whatever flavor of the week panty and bra combo the couldn't put down. They usually never even know what is coming. Some of them beg for it though, some of them just smile in a thankful manner, I guess they could be narcissistic or egomaniacs.
The funny thing is that I don't hide it. I keep it in the open, sometimes from the hip, other times from chest level. That is my favorite, I have that aim down pat. That is why I can stroll along unnoticed until I fire it off. The flash gets their attention. It lights them up and blamo, got another one to tell a story about.
My goal is to shoot a celebrity, a distinguished gentleman or a dignitary, a head of state or a visiting royal, heck even a sports personality would do. That would be precious. That would get my work in the gossip mags and papers. Of course there would be others around taking a crack at it. I have an advantage though. I am tall and heavy enough to shove others out of the prime spots. Fugg'm I say, they can miss the opportunity for all I care.
There are others like me, we share tips about what works for each of us. We can tend to be a sinister bunch, in a sense, somewhat voyeuristic.
Our weapons of choice are Nikons, Hassleblads and Canons naturally with the odd Leica in the mix. We are photographers, amateurs and pro's. Some do it for the money. Some do it for the fame. Some do it for the kick. I do it as an icebreaker.