Cop Hassle


Donating Member
A few days ago, while cruising through a small Nashville suburban community enroute to a local zoning board office, I saw a motorcycle cop sitting partially hidden from traffic just off the road ahead. I didn't know exactly where the zoning office was located so I pulled off the road next to him, killed the Busa engine, removed my helmet, and said "Good morning". He just looked at me with a contemptable sneer and said nothing. Undaunted, I asked "Can you point me to the zoning office" and without hesitation he growled "Do you have your license and proof of insurance?"

Somewhat miffed by his curt attitude, I just said "Yes, of course" but didn't offer them to him (he didn't ask for them). He then barked "Well, let me have them" and I dug them out of my wallet and gave them to him as he walked behind me to look at my tag. He looked at my documents briefly, grabbed his walkie-talkie mic, and called-in my numbers for a rap report. He was wearing a half-helmet with an in-the-ear monitor so I couldn't hear what was said back to him.

A few moments later, he asked if I was armed. Surprised, I said "Yes, I'm legally armed" (apparently, gun permits are flagged with Tennessee driver's license data). He then demanded my Handgun Carry Permit which I also surrendered to him without saying anything. Moments later, he handed all of my cards back to me and asked if my gun was loaded. I was fairly amazed by that question (why would I carry an empty gun) and my patience was also growing thin as I quipped "Yes, my Glock is loaded with 13 high-velocity .357 hollow point rounds". Aware of my irritation, he probed further "Why do you have to carry a gun?" I said "For criminals". He scoffed and mumbled something about that was his job and something about everyone wanted to be a cop and told me I could go. I said "Fine...can you now tell me where the zoning office is located?" He looked REALLY pissed after that question and finally said "It's 5 blocks down on the right." I put my helmet on and his parting comment was "I'll be watching for you" to which I loudly replied from within my helmet "I'll be watching for you too". I started the Busa, pulled forward a few feet to check for traffic (with the BDE muffler intentionally rumbing in his face) and left.

Yep, I ended up with an attitude from my encounter with a snotty cop but I didn't bring it to him. His attitude infected me.
I understand that cops are just people with a tough job, subject to ups and downs like everyone else but... when they treat lawful citizens like scumbags, I also understand why many people dislike and fear them! I'm not a cop hater at all but I have very dark feelings towards that one.

Happy trails...

I've met cops like that and it's no fun. I know there are a lot of good cops that would give you the shirt off their back... but once in a while you find the one with the attitude. It can really ruin your day!

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Sorry you had to encounter one of the bad apples Tom. Sounds like a real loser on a power trip, or maybe just a sport bike hater. Azzhats like him give all of us LE's a bad name.
that sucks what a bad attitude
in all states when your drivers licence is ran it will pop up ccp holder maybe ya should have bribed him first with a glazed donut
Just another Badge & Gun God Complex. We tend to get alot of them here. I live in a very small town and we get a new chief of police about every 2-3 months(due to the city council members).

I think part of it is the general attitude towards sportbikes too, the whole "JAP CRAP" thing.
People become cops for a number of reasons. Some want to help and some want to control. It's those that want to control that have the problems. Sometimes it's the bike too. They learn to see the shape of the Busa and expect squidly behavior. He might have been pissed that you did NOT do anything citable.
I can only imagine how much that ruined your day. It put a damper on mine just reading it. What a jerk.
cut and paste your post and email it as a complaint to the police station and  Newspaper.
Maybe at least take it to the police department. It is too bad that you didn't get the badge number or name, but I bet they have the guys info on record, since he called you in. I would take it up with someone.

Just my .02
Yeah, I've thought of that and I didn't get his name/badge number (I was so amazed by it all I wasn't thinking about that). I may still do that. I'm still burning over it. I have to believe it was the Busa that set him off, and perhaps the "audacity" of gracefully stopping a couple of feet away from his holy duty hog to ask a question. I have a pony tail too and he might have been offended by the druggy/hippie stereotype associated with long hair. Then again, maybe he was just on a power trip. I don't know but I wouldn't wish his "assistance" on anybody--not even Ph12.
there are azzholes everywhere in every profesion. how sad is that
Isn't that the truth? I think I would take a trip down to the station and have a talk with his superior....after all. Your tax dollars PAY him.
I know and am friends with lots of law enforcement folk. Members of my family are officers. Even they will tell you that attitudes such as this one has gives them all a bad name.

Mess with his day a little. Write a letter to your local paper...
Yea, he might have just been "having a bad day"..or he might have a record of being an azz.

Be professional...but say your piece.

Law enforcements job is to protect and serve us...the law abiding citizen. Not to heckle us.
when i was 8 years old some dudes got onto the roof of our house and tried to break in while we were home--it was just my mother and i in a big farm house in the country-cops were called straight away--they showed about two hours later ,said they had trouble finding the place--nice:angry:
my wife has had 3 tickets for less than 10 mph over on the same street that her place of buisness is being broke into on almost a weekly basis--nice:angry:
they bring their bikes to our shop where i get to hear all the nice racial slurs and stories of gross police brutality-nice:angry:
my buddies bike get stolen ,we have the perps name, address and the crime on video--had to get the bike ourselves --nice:angry:
we had a police chase in our city involving a bike--cops radio ahead to his buddy-his buddy pulls out in front of bike to stop him -now the rider is in the bone yard nice:angry:
the alarm goes off at the store and adt calls my wife to let the cop in --when we show up my wife unlocks the door and the cop makes a motion to her like "ladies first"
for her to go through the door at wich i told him" hell no, get chass' in their and clear it first moran" --nice:angry:
no ofence to any one thats a cop but dayum!
i know what the problem is --around here cops get about 10 bucks (give or take a buck) an hour to put their life on the line-with this you get two kinda cops--ones that care and do it for the greater good (rare)-and idiots that got beat up in high school and are lookin to make the world pay-nice:angry:
i know there has to be good cops out there but i have yet to meet one--i guess you get what you pay for huh

again no offence to the good cops out there, i thank you for your service
not to say what this guy did was OK but if ya walked a day or two in his shoes ya would understand a little more the mental conditioning that goes along with the job and the mind set they have to be in isn't something ya just turn off and on but in time you will notice a difference from a rookie and a veteran just imagine ya just had a heated argument with your wife girlfriend it lasted for only a few seconds but none the less ya a little hot but you must suppress that emotion and be professional no outlet then your 6 year old son imediantly asks help with a complicated model that he is having trouble with ya kinda see where I'm going with this ya just keep this bottled up and move along threw out your day but i agree i feel what this officer did was out of line and he also didn't have probable cause to ask for your information
no matter the person or the situation...or the "profession" ....if a person wants my respect, they had better give as much as they expect.
Id,what you are saying is part of everyday life we supress alot,but our problems are just that our problems.we don't take it out on others like this cop did,we deal with it.