UK moves to ban controversial Islamist group


Tell your elected officials stop supporting Israeli foreign policy when they keep oppressing Palestians. Being against their policy doesn't make you anti-sematic.

You know that'll never happen... They are seen as the chosen ones...

Suport Iran in their endeavor to democratize. Support Palestinian cause. Stop being a jingo.

That will be a long and bloody one.. The clerics have control and will fight dirty to keep it. Just look at the post election rioting with the smack down it brought.
I always wonder....

are people this ignorant? do they really not know or are they just bigots? do people not care about the truth because it is easier to hate people for religeon or race?

Brother, when everybody around you thinks the same way, you just believe it is the honest truth..
First I don't think there is a person here in this thread that would not be out planting roadside explosives on their main street to stop Iraqi or Afghani invaders.
We are there supposedly to help them and promote democracy.
How would we react if China invaded and said your leaders are corrupt, your system is corrupt and we are here to show you the light of Communism.
So right or wrong in principle I don't blame anyone for resisting.
We are at war with a radical ideal.
Not much diff than radicals here in the US just that the ones we are at war with are on the other side. I truly grieve for every one of our fallen troops who have died or been injured in the two theaters we are in now. They are only doing their jobs.

I just wonder how many people in this thread have ever
A: even been out of the US
B: been to the MENA region (Mideast / NoAfrica)
C: have real world exp while being in a mideast country
D: have knowledge other than that learned from the ministry of truth CNN

There are bad people and bad ideals over there as well as everywhere but I tell you what I am just as scared to drive thru Overtown in Mia as when I am over there.
One bad city with a bunch of bad folks doesn't make the whole state bad so keep it in perspective.
you can't disagree tho, that we wouldn't be over there if the brownies (not you, lulz) hadn't blown up the wtc.
Of course we would. we aren't there for any other reason than oil. 9/11 just opened the door. Not one of the terrorists that day was an Iraqi national. Most were Saudis. Why didn't we invade them?
I just read that they are building a mosque in Billings. It is supposed to have the tallest spire in the US...

you're gonna have to link me to that one, even google couldn't find it. lol, a mosque in montana. i think you'd need muslims in montana first.
because the christians, catholics, and jews are not in the business of KILLING people who don't agree with them. islam is a violent religion, no two ways about it. they've been violent for thousands of years, their religious book endorses violence against non muslims. let me guess, you think they're a completely peaceful people who are simply misunderstood????

Uhhh... "Cruisaders" ring a bell? that's sad I'm catholic. :laugh: I go to church once a year!