This is kinda scary?

Blanca BusaLess

Suffers from PBSD
Donating Member
Mystery Surrounding 1.2 Billion Rounds Of Ammo Solved | Market Daily News

This is link inside an article Bots posted in the Presidential Firearm Agenda thread.
Take it for what you will but I put nothing past our enemies. However I'm not so sure all would complain if Spetznaz tropas rounded up all the congress. I may just tell em 'ok' and carry on :laugh:

Whether or not this is true rest assured our envious enemies never rest.
Paranoia, pure and simple. An invasion of the US would last 30 minutes and it would be over. We have our issues internally but no one would let this happen. The real invasion continues from south of the border, for different reasons though.
Bring it..
