Food for thought


This is a reply I entered in another thread concerning petroleum supply forecasts (propaganda) spread by the global oil cartels. I figured that deserves it's own thread.
You guys should recognise propaganda when you read it. This article is nothing more than media bombardment by domestic oil refiners in order to hide their real motives. There is no oil shortage and there will be no oil shortage for a very long time. If the arabs ever run out we will just tap into strategic reserve in the CONUS, ALASKA and CANADA. Simply put, the domestic petroleum industry has been on a severe profit taking trend ever since the Republican administration took office over 5 years ago. The current administration has benefitted from these profits because the cartel oops I meant families that are afiliated with it are major Oil developers. Over the past five or more years the US market has supported a approximate 70-80% rise in average domestic Gasoline and petroleum cost that is not in sync with actual per barrel costs. Those per barrel costs have risen no more than 15-20% in the worst analysis of that price trend.
Simply put, citizens and residents of America have helped add many more billions of dollars to the bank accounts of the Big Petroleum refiners and retailers in this country and the UK's affiliated domestic retailers. Global petroleum multinationals are all basically laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of the American worker.
The only reason Gasoline/Benzin/Petrol prices are so high in the rest of the world is because foreign governments fund many programs by imposing heavy taxes on retail at the pump sales. Many European governments' primary income is Petroleum tax revenues and not Income taxes.
The rise in US domestic gasoline prices is a silent conspiracy to shaft hard working Americans specially when many have bought and enjoy driving that poorly handling, slow, oversized, fuel-thirsty SUV. Also, you see efforts to introduce more efficient powertrain technologies, such as Modern Turbo Diesels, suppressed by the statement that "America's oil supply has too much sulfur", so it won't run correctly in the new technologies. Guess what, our crude oil supply is the same as the rest of the world's. Venezuela is our number 1 oil supplier followed by the Arab cartels. It is the same stuff. It's just that Americans are fooled into thinking that it is less desireable because diesel cars stink. We must be fools because we just don't care, will pay the high prices and as long as we still can pay off our credit cards, mortgages and car loan we will not complain. I live and work in Europe and will pay the price because I like to put a lot of miles/kilometers on my bike. So, I am just another bleeder like every other automotive driver/operator in the world. Kind of like the battery people in the MATRIX.
Think about this... Los Angeles at the turn of the 20th century, 1900 until the end of the first quarter of that century had one of the most extensive and well developed Rail-based Mass Transit systems in the world. General Motors bought and removed the rail system in order to compell LA people to buy cars and now you have a huge automotive and parallel fuel market as well as severe traffic problems.
I could go on but this is starting to make me angry.
So how would you propose that we "fix" this problem? I for one have a hard time believing that gas needs to be this expensive. What does gas cost the arabian population? .08 a gallon? That's what i heard a couple weeks ago but cannot confirm. I think I am being stolen from and lied to but am frustrated from not knowing how to change it. Now I'm getting
I agree completely, but as you said, we keep on paying the prices, so that's just capitalism at work right? I knew about the rail system in Los Angeles, they're just now getting a new system operational.
Be careful about what you say about the current administration being involved in this, it's bound to ruffle some feathers.........of course these are the same people who believe that Cheney sold his Halliburton shares to someone other than his wife......

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Yeah, how can the U.S. buy it and sell it to us for 2.25 a gallon, but ship it out to other countries and sell it for .25 a gallon?? How do we as a country stop this?
I filled my F250 up this week and asked the cashier to hold a gun to my head so I could at least keep my diginty.......
More political BS. always boils down to the republicans. What a waste of oxygen some of your comments are, China's oil consumption and speculation in oil futures, along with OPEC being greedy have "fueled" the huge spike in petroleum costs. Grow up, Bush and the republicans are not the cause of higher gas prices but you sound reasonably ignorant in stating so.
I agree completely, but as you said, we keep on paying the prices, so that's just capitalism at work right? I knew about the rail system in Los Angeles, they're just now getting a new system operational.
Be careful about what you say about the current administration being involved in this, it's bound to ruffle some feathers.........of course these are the same people who believe that Cheney sold his Halliburton shares to someone other than his wife......
Hey JustInTime,
It is okay, you are allowed to have that opinion as a member of the media blasted populous. Let's see that economics degree with the minor in poly-sci.
There is always one
he he he. You have just demonstrated your lack of reading comprehension, Republican/GOP sympathetic tendencies, war mongering and probably Petroleum investing if not Oil executive self-nature. You have jumped to conclusions on the partial digestion of a mere concise domestic petroleum trend analysis. Read it about three more times before you make more half-cocked comments and have a nice day.
Thanks for the intuitive argument. It was a good effort.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the regular (quarterly for the past several years) record profit reports broadcasted on CNN C-SPAN and CNBC/MSNBC. It is profit taking using psyops-like repetitive argument to convince the populous that it is not just money in the bank. Kind of like the technique used to convince americans to okay a war in IRAQ.
If I were you I would invest in the big domestic petroleum refiners/retailers. You can't lose... But, of course I am just reasonably ignorant in stating so.
The Republicians may not be responsible for the higher gas prices.....but our republician president has not done a darn thing to stop or atleast slow down the raping of the Americian people. We will probably never see prices below $2.00 again.

Maybe it cuts into his family's profit margin? That's why he isn't stopping it.
The Republicians may not be responsible for the higher gas prices.....but our republician president has not done a darn thing to stop or atleast slow down the raping of the Americian people.  We will probably never see prices below $2.00 again.

Maybe it cuts into his family's profit margin?  That's why he isn't stopping it.
You said it buddy. I haven't even mentioned political parties or the big dubya. It takes a media blasted disinformation blank to offer that up. I had a feeling that I might get this overall reaction. Thanks for your overall agreement. I just don't want to be the one to mention any names. Cause you know, then I will have the silent helicopters following me around.
The Republicians may not be responsible for the higher gas prices.....but our republician president has not done a darn thing to stop or atleast slow down the raping of the Americian people.  We will probably never see prices below $2.00 again.

Maybe it cuts into his family's profit margin?  That's why he isn't stopping it.
You said it buddy. I haven't even mentioned political parties or the big dubya. It takes a media blasted disinformation blank to offer that up. I had a feeling that I might get this overall reaction. Thanks for your overall agreement. I just don't want to be the one to mention any names. Cause you know, then I will have the silent helicopters following me around.  
I don't think it is the democrats or republicans as seperate parties. I think it is our government as a whole. They see a way to take advantage of us and they are doing so. We as people (not just as democrats or republicans) need to stand up TOGETHER and fight this.
Amen to that. Unfortunately the main leader of that movement would probably die an untimely accidental death or develop a crippling disease like Creutzfeld-Jakobs Disease (mad cow/ cjd [human variant]). With the trillions of dollars at stake, a group with this kind of power would probably start another civil war or label the ringleader criminally insane. They did it to some very public figures during the turmoil of the 1960s. JFK, RFK, MLK all were terminated, thus effectively silencing the anti-establishment and preventing further mass scale activism and potential revolution. Think about the chain of people from the source to the retailer that would have a lot to lose. Heads would roll on a scale that would make the commonly known organized crime syndicates look like school kids plotting a foodfight in the cafeteria. It starts with a letter writing campaign up the chain of this so called democracy that if really vast and successful would have the unavoidable result of reversing the price gouging we experience through sheer numbers of protesting public. No single individual would be identifiable as the perpetrator of the movement.

Let's vote on what to call the movement... I suggest "Protest for Petroleum Reform" an exercise in applied democracy.

Think about the freedom of information act and do some research about election campaign contributors. That will spell everything out for you the public everyday hard working American of all walks of life and ethnic origins. Bill Gates has nothing on the wealth amassed by the domestic oil cartels and their leveraged political influence. Think about scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. In other words, "Get me elected and I will look the other way, dad".
When the American tax-payer foots the bill for $87,000,000,000 in initial contracts to rebuild somebody else's country, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!
Who got paid on that deal? I didn't see a dime, did you? Halliburton, Defense Industrial Complex (War Industry), Petroleum cartels thinking about the future re-development of the infrastructure, US Defense affiliated companies looking to reap the benefits and line their pockets sure got paid. War and rebuilding is BIG BUSINESS. I know that I am not the only one that sees this critical defect. I have heard the term "Fleecing of America" I believe that it is the title of a book. I haven't read it and don't intend to.
This information is the stuff you aren't supposed to hear in newcasts. Let me give a recent example from CNN (Belgrade, SCG [Serbia]) "a prominent political leader and war criminal from the war in Bosnia was captured and turned over to International War Crime Tribunal today" then hush-hush "and in other news the United States approved a $10,000,000 aid package for Serbia".
Why should I, an unappreciated American Taxpayer have to pay to have some so-called war criminal extradited from Serbia to The Hague for prosecution? Excuse me but that is total unadulterated Bull***t. Makes me the US Citizen look like a fool for condoning it.
Foreign Policy also needs a reform and Americans need a real refund, not some token $600 like a few years ago. Yeah give the dummies some cash to make them see it our way, they will spend it anyway and that will stimulate the economy. Ha ha he he good idea son you really know how to run a scam.
So many tangents so little time.
The loathing disgust I have for the influence that business has over our political system is matched only by that which I have for our political leaders who are entrusted with our well-being. There are a few people who make huge fortunes on the backs of the rest of us, and then tell us that they didn't. The elected officials have no respect at all for us, they treat us as cattle. What ever happened to questioning authority? Why are some people content to swallow what they see on the news as truth? Why is it that we allow our government to lie to us, and when we catch them in the lie, allow them to say that wasn't what they meant. I first noticed this with the first George Bush, with the "No new taxes" speech. Of course there were no new taxes levied, he just raised the sh!t out of existing ones. The latest example is the connection between Iraq and al-Queda, now the administration is saying that they never made that connection in the first place. If these fools were my children, they would be spanked for lying, then again for saying they never said that.
Why is this type of lie, one that costs people their lives, acceptable to the same people that were ready to impeach Clinton for his lies (which didn't kill anyone, as far as I know....)?
Amen to that. Unfortunately the main leader of that movement would probably die an untimely accidental death or develop a crippling disease like Creutzfeld-Jakobs Disease (mad cow/ cjd [human variant]). With the trillions of dollars at stake, a group with this kind of power would probably start another civil war or label the ringleader criminally insane. They did it to some very public figures during the turmoil of the 1960s. JFK, RFK, MLK all were terminated, thus effectively silencing the anti-establishment and preventing further mass scale activism and potential revolution. Think about the chain of people from the source to the retailer that would have a lot to lose. Heads would roll on a scale that would make the commonly known organized crime syndicates look like school kids plotting a foodfight in the cafeteria. It starts with a letter writing campaign up the chain of this so called democracy that if really vast and successful would have the unavoidable result of reversing the price gouging we experience through sheer numbers of protesting public. No single individual would be identifiable as the perpetrator of the movement.

Let's vote on what to call the movement... I suggest "Protest for Petroleum Reform" an exercise in applied democracy.

Think about the freedom of information act and do some research about election campaign contributors. That will spell everything out for you the public everyday hard working American of all walks of life and ethnic origins. Bill Gates has nothing on the wealth amassed by the domestic oil cartels and their leveraged political influence. Think about scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. In other words, "Get me elected and I will look the other way, dad".
When the American tax-payer foots the bill for $87,000,000,000 in initial contracts to rebuild somebody else's country, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!
Who got paid on that deal? I didn't see a dime, did you? Halliburton, Defense Industrial Complex (War Industry), Petroleum cartels thinking about the future re-development of the infrastructure, US Defense affiliated companies looking to reap the benefits and line their pockets sure got paid. War and rebuilding is BIG BUSINESS. I know that I am not the only one that sees this critical defect. I have heard the term "Fleecing of America" I believe that it is the title of a book. I haven't read it and don't intend to.
This information is the stuff you aren't supposed to hear in newcasts. Let me give a recent example from CNN (Belgrade, SCG [Serbia]) "a prominent political leader and war criminal from the war in Bosnia was captured and turned over to International War Crime Tribunal today" then hush-hush "and in other news the United States approved a $10,000,000 aid package for Serbia".
Why should I, an unappreciated American Taxpayer have to pay to have some so-called war criminal extradited from Serbia to The Hague for prosecution? Excuse me but that is total unadulterated Bull***t. Makes me the US Citizen look like a fool for condoning it.
Foreign Policy also needs a reform and Americans need a real refund, not some token $600 like a few years ago. Yeah give the dummies some cash to make them see it our way, they will spend it anyway and that will stimulate the economy. Ha ha he he good idea son you really know how to run a scam.
So many tangents so little time.
My bike's faster than yours.
Projekt - The snowball's waaaaay too far down the hill to stop now. It's just the reality of the situation...

Our country will consume itself and burn out like every great empire before it -- the rich will disappear into the woodwork while the poor bury their dead.

So what's the fix? What do you propose??

I say - learn Chinese...