Oh and another one
Beautiful save. Lots would have wrecked. Dont panick/ride it out/decel slowly.
That or crash and die in the desert.
Oh and another one
oh god here we go....
1. Had my wife shave my ass and then mention it on here.
Unintended things that happen...I was on a very crowded metro in Moscow. I had 3 big bags that I was trying to handle and keep my balance. Inside the passenger car it was standing room only...I tried to keep control of my bags. I didn't even have a free hand to hold on to the overhead...all of a sudden there was a sharp corner turn and a braking all at once. I fell off center to the side and litterally landed on a young woman's lap. You would think a rational person observing this would see the comedy in it and understand it was just an accident...American man on Russian subway train...landing on young drunk woman's lap can have sudden and surprising consequences. She began to beat me furiously like I was trying to rape her. To my horror I found I couldn't extradite myself from her lap. I swear to heavens...I couldn't stand up no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't put my hands behind me because I would have been in her private area or thighs...the pummeling continued unabated. People around me finally were able to drag me to my feet. I was humilated to death.
lol...well i finally have worked the courage up to add a few of mine i guess.
I would have been 13 i guess and i was an eevil kanievel if there ever was one. I would set ramps up and jump cars trucks you name it would try it with my bmx bike. Have to sy i was pretty good at it too. Then came the fateful day of the 3/4 ton dodge. i set this ramp up just perfect. Got it lined up right over top of it to wear i would land in some grass on a down slope just a little to help with the force of the 8 foot or so drop!! I go down the block about 1/8 of a mile and prepare for my attack on everest ya know?! i was gonna be king sh!t in the neighborhood after this one. So i take off like a bat outta hell and all my buddies are whistlin and cheering me on.......well it pains me to say things just didnt go well from the start of this ramp i had built. Front tire hit the approach board and moved the support boards for the verticles just a smidgeon....by that i mean what seamed like a frickin mile. but it was to late to abort i would have ended up going through the window of the truck!! so i pull up with all the force i have and manage to egt the bike in theair.....WWWWaaaayyyyy in the air sideways//////////////cleared the truck .......but alas there wasnt any room for error on this jump......i hit a concrete light pull you know the big industrial ones??????? head on 9 to 10 ft in the air. I slammed forward face first, jewels first, head smashed light pull nutz slammed the big nuckle that we all used to use back in the early 80 to hold the handle bars on.....front rim bent in half...tire exploded.....bike, me, and a sign just underneath me that read dead end.....all slide down the pole together and landed in a pile.
alll i have to say is that time on that day there was no soprano that compared to me and there was no male alive that had a package the size of what i had.
lol...well i finally have worked the courage up to add a few of mine i guess.
I would have been 13 i guess and i was an eevil kanievel if there ever was one. I would set ramps up and jump cars trucks you name it would try it with my bmx bike. Have to sy i was pretty good at it too. Then came the fateful day of the 3/4 ton dodge. i set this ramp up just perfect. Got it lined up right over top of it to wear i would land in some grass on a down slope just a little to help with the force of the 8 foot or so drop!! I go down the block about 1/8 of a mile and prepare for my attack on everest ya know?! i was gonna be king sh!t in the neighborhood after this one. So i take off like a bat outta hell and all my buddies are whistlin and cheering me on.......well it pains me to say things just didnt go well from the start of this ramp i had built. Front tire hit the approach board and moved the support boards for the verticles just a smidgeon....by that i mean what seamed like a frickin mile. but it was to late to abort i would have ended up going through the window of the truck!! so i pull up with all the force i have and manage to egt the bike in theair.....WWWWaaaayyyyy in the air sideways//////////////cleared the truck .......but alas there wasnt any room for error on this jump......i hit a concrete light pull you know the big industrial ones??????? head on 9 to 10 ft in the air. I slammed forward face first, jewels first, head smashed light pull nutz slammed the big nuckle that we all used to use back in the early 80 to hold the handle bars on.....front rim bent in half...tire exploded.....bike, me, and a sign just underneath me that read dead end.....all slide down the pole together and landed in a pile.
alll i have to say is that time on that day there was no soprano that compared to me and there was no male alive that had a package the size of what i had.
so if you have rubber inbedded in your tenders you have permenant protection right? sorry couldnt resist!!