The A Bomb of our Time.

I never LOL...ever...called Obama the great savior.....LOL I'm not even sure I have ever heard anyone say that before TBH. Was that a right wing media thing?

So I'm not gonna engage with T Martin or whatever the gal pal refence thing is. I would say go listen to the 911 tapes and do some research on Zimmerman before you just spout right wing talking points. Zimmerman had a screw loose and now a kid is dead and over nothing.
Screw loose or not he had every right to be there. Don’t need to hear the 911 tapes. What you should remember is his response to his girlfriend when she told him to go home.
‘I’m gonna wait and see what this cracker wants’ is more important. Had plenty of time to get home safely. Z had already lost him. He waited. He attacked. He got his trophy.
The kid had no right to attack him. Got what he deserved. Stupid people still have the right to self defense. Stupid people do not have the right to attack anyone. Kid is dead over his OWN actions.
But anyway that was the name that came out of O’s mouth when he said if he had a son that’s who he’d want him to be. Stellar example.
Never the less a jury of his peers found him not guilty. So that’s that.
Screw loose or not he had every right to be there. Don’t need to hear the 911 tapes. What you should remember is his response to his girlfriend when she told him to go home.
‘I’m gonna wait and see what this cracker wants’ is more important. Had plenty of time to get home safely. Z had already lost him. He waited. He attacked. He got his trophy.
The kid had no right to attack him. Got what he deserved. Stupid people still have the right to self defense. Stupid people do not have the right to attack anyone. Kid is dead over his OWN actions.
But anyway that was the name that came out of O’s mouth when he said if he had a son that’s who he’d want him to be. Stellar example.
Never the less a jury of his peers found him not guilty. So that’s that.

I said I wasn't going to engage on that one and I'm not but you are so far off it's not even worth the oxygen.
Zerks did good I engaged pretty heavily on this thread....I actually posted a reponse to Blanca and then I was like "This is dumb and such a waste of my time...."
Yet you’re still here for more….
Zerks did good I engaged pretty heavily on this thread....I actually posted a reponse to Blanca and then I was like "This is dumb and such a waste of my time...."
You mentioned how much better Obama was than Trump in a earlier post in this thread. Well, it depends on who you think is better at accomplishing certain objectives, goals, or playing the race card. Their are certain things we will never know about Obama.

1. What his real birth certificate looks like. Sheriff Joe (retired from AZ ) sent 2 of his investigators to Hawaii for a close up inspection of Obama's certificate. What did they discover? They figured out how it was assembled / forged.

2. You will never see Obama's college transcripts from Princeton. Why? They are sealed... Ask Obama because IDK what's in them.

3. Since the question was raised years ago... has anybody ever seen Obama at Princeton during the time he said he attended that Ivy League University? Answer... Nobody has ever been able to say he was a classmate or on campus during that time because they saw him there.

4. One of Obamas buddies is Louis Farrakhan... I don't even need to say anything about that. They hid that picture for years...

5. Did you like Obama's apology tour for American exceptionalism in the ME and other places?

6. Operation Crossfire was under the direction of Obama, spying on a political opponent using the most powerful tools the 3 letter agencies have. Does that sound pro American and law abiding too you ? How did Trump find out his campaign was being spied on? Rumor says a white hat in the intelligence community came to him directly and told him and Trump's campaign headquarters moved to a new location the next day. It doesn't mean he totally escaped the the surveillance... he most likely upped his security level a few notches for a little while until the little helpers could do their magic again.

7. Russian collusion... we know who was really colluding with the Russians now... meanwhile, the terminated FBI agent Peter Stroczk and Lisa Page in Obama's FBI kept Obama informed on how their plans to stop Trump from winning the 2016 election were coming along. Yeah, Don't you love it when you know your federal taxes are being used to support election tampering? Not to mention it giving the FBI a black eye in the court of public opinion.

8. Finally... like Al Gore on a crusade... Obama supports Greta and the rest of the climate change promoters ( the climate will always be changing, always has, always will... Mother Earth did not come with a weather warranty ) and they have enough backing to make our trading partners a lot more money while driving up the cost of doing business here in the USA. But that wasn't even the point... His 16 million dollar estate in Marth Vineyard is said to be about 8 feet above sea level. He must have a levee planned or a sitting offer to buy his retirement house anytime the Alantic Ocean poses a threat. His buddy Soros could buy it and De Santis could send up another 50 residents to occupy it so the so called "sanctuary city" called Martha's Vineyard could do what they should have done last time.... What do you think? It sounds like a good plan B for his mansion, doesn't it?

I bet you know some things about Obama that I don't know... like how well the grossly over priced billion dollar website that crashed after the ACA was passed into law.... or maybe how many people lost money with the Solandra operation he promoted.

These are just off the top of my head... I could research it... lol !

Go ahead and tell me I don't know what I am talking about if you think I got my facts mixed up.
You mentioned how much better Obama was than Trump in a earlier post in this thread. Well, it depends on who you think is better at accomplishing certain objectives, goals, or playing the race card. Their are certain things we will never know about Obama.

1. What his real birth certificate looks like. Sheriff Joe (retired from AZ ) sent 2 of his investigators to Hawaii for a close up inspection of Obama's certificate. What did they discover? They figured out how it was assembled / forged.

2. You will never see Obama's college transcripts from Princeton. Why? They are sealed... Ask Obama because IDK what's in them.

3. Since the question was raised years ago... has anybody ever seen Obama at Princeton during the time he said he attended that Ivy League University? Answer... Nobody has ever been able to say he was a classmate or on campus during that time because they saw him there.

4. One of Obamas buddies is Louis Farrakhan... I don't even need to say anything about that. They hid that picture for years...

5. Did you like Obama's apology tour for American exceptionalism in the ME and other places?

6. Operation Crossfire was under the direction of Obama, spying on a political opponent using the most powerful tools the 3 letter agencies have. Does that sound pro American and law abiding too you ? How did Trump find out his campaign was being spied on? Rumor says a white hat in the intelligence community came to him directly and told him and Trump's campaign headquarters moved to a new location the next day. It doesn't mean he totally escaped the the surveillance... he most likely upped his security level a few notches for a little while until the little helpers could do their magic again.

7. Russian collusion... we know who was really colluding with the Russians now... meanwhile, the terminated FBI agent Peter Stroczk and Lisa Page in Obama's FBI kept Obama informed on how their plans to stop Trump from winning the 2016 election were coming along. Yeah, Don't you love it when you know your federal taxes are being used to support election tampering? Not to mention it giving the FBI a black eye in the court of public opinion.

8. Finally... like Al Gore on a crusade... Obama supports Greta and the rest of the climate change promoters ( the climate will always be changing, always has, always will... Mother Earth did not come with a weather warranty ) and they have enough backing to make our trading partners a lot more money while driving up the cost of doing business here in the USA. But that wasn't even the point... His 16 million dollar estate in Marth Vineyard is said to be about 8 feet above sea level. He must have a levee planned or a sitting offer to buy his retirement house anytime the Alantic Ocean poses a threat. His buddy Soros could buy it and De Santis could send up another 50 residents to occupy it so the so called "sanctuary city" called Martha's Vineyard could do what they should have done last time.... What do you think? It sounds like a good plan B for his mansion, doesn't it?

I bet you know some things about Obama that I don't know... like how well the grossly over priced billion dollar website that crashed after the ACA was passed into law.... or maybe how many people lost money with the Solandra operation he promoted.

These are just off the top of my head... I could research it... lol !

Go ahead and tell me I don't know what I am talking about if you think I got my facts mixed up.

All fluff. Princeton? Michelle Obama went there. President Obama attended Columbia and Harvard law. Russian collusion? Please. Farrakhan and Obama buddies because they were in the same room? Climate change…You want to go down this road again?
Your facts as you call them are mixed up indeed.
All fluff. Princeton? Michelle Obama went there. President Obama attended Columbia and Harvard law. Russian collusion? Please. Farrakhan and Obama buddies because they were in the same room? Climate change…You want to go down this road again?
Your facts as you call them are mixed up indeed.
He's not playing with a full deck, that's clear now, if it wasn't before...
All fluff. Princeton? Michelle Obama went there. President Obama attended Columbia and Harvard law. Russian collusion? Please. Farrakhan and Obama buddies because they were in the same room? Climate change…You want to go down this road again?
Your facts as you call them are mixed up indeed.
Where ever it was that he was said to go to school... nobody but Michelle saw him... gee... somebody has to cover for him.

Russian collusion? Your brain is stuck in the MSM mud... that myth got blown up along time ago. 30 million plus dollars of legal plundering ended up making a fool of Robert Mueller at the end when it was found he couldn't explain anything any better than sleepy Joe can right now... it was a sham... Peter Stroczk, Jim Comey, Andrew Mc Cabe Lisa Page all got fired for revengeful actions because they lied under oath to Congress... Stroczk is lucky he didn't go to jail for lying under oath just like the rest of them... but... what the hell... the means justifies the ends right? You lefties live by the double standards that guarantees the nation continues to suffer needlessly under a corrupt democrat and rhino led group of political hacks.

Climate change? This world has recovered from much worse than what mankind is doing to it now... The common agreement is at least 4 ice ages have occurred so far... Did it have anything to do with volcanic activity that blacked out the Sun?

Picture with Louis and Obama? They kept it suppressed, it was never suppose to be seen by the public...

What else do you have? You didn't cover the other points because you got nothing with them.

Many people have been hypnotized to hate others these days... they now teach it in our schools that the founding fathers were evil men and America should be considered a bad bad nation for what it did hundreds of years ago, you know, when the black man sold his brothers to other men and the slave trade was born out of Africa.

Are you so far left you think those smash and grabs at Target, Nordstroms and other places are just reparations for the blacks that had ancestors that were slaves?

How man cards in your deck wrecker?
Climate change? This world has recovered from much worse than what mankind is doing to it now... The common agreement is at least 4 ice ages have occurred so far... Did it have anything to do with volcanic activity that blacked out the Sun?
Interesting info you spout. It's the warming that is concerning, and it's measured with the temperature patterns of the past in mind. It's caused by human activity, and it needs addressed. You know that but it doesn't coordinate with the rest of your wardrobe.
Interesting info you spout. It's the warming that is concerning, and it's measured with the temperature patterns of the past in mind. It's caused by human activity, and it needs addressed. You know that but it doesn't coordinate with the rest of your wardrobe.
Like I mentioned before, the climate will always be changing. We don't have accurate temperatures from 1000s of years ago to determine what the trends of the past were, how long they lasted or what affected them such as solar activity with the Sun. We do have approximations based on our limited ability to comprehend every known source of change a Solar system and beyond could experience. But, you already know all of that.
I am sure you understand the Hale cycle because you are so much smarter than the average person here.

There are methods to measure temperatures much further back than 1000s of years. There is a graphed record, and the earth’s temperatures are currently not in the order of history. To assume that humans do not have an effect on this borders on ridiculous. The effect is visible from above.
The same intelligence that caused it can help curb it. We’ve talked about this but you tend to forget or disregard things that don’t agree with your theories.
There are methods to measure temperatures much further back than 1000s of years. There is a graphed record, and the earth’s temperatures are currently not in the order of history. To assume that humans do not have an effect on this borders on ridiculous. The effect is visible from above.
The same intelligence that caused it can help curb it. We’ve talked about this but you tend to forget or disregard things that don’t agree with your theories.
Many experts say it is past the point of no return now.....the warming trend will continue even if we stopped all use of fossil fuels right now....
There are methods to measure temperatures much further back than 1000s of years. There is a graphed record, and the earth’s temperatures are currently not in the order of history. To assume that humans do not have an effect on this borders on ridiculous. The effect is visible from above.
The same intelligence that caused it can help curb it. We’ve talked about this but you tend to forget or disregard things that don’t agree with your theories.
I don't have any theories... Most of what I have learned was through the learning process from others like Dane Wiggington of Geo Watch Engineering. A ton of studies is at his finger tips and he is always sounding the alarm about the damage being done to the planet. This subject is also vunerbable to a lot of misdirection for the purpose of pushing the green new deal type projects that are questionable in terms of performance and value and likely have helped a few politicians make some nice scores. ( yeah, that is my theory, do you dispute it? )

In 2016 I was at San Onofre in San Diego County for decomminishing work on that Edison nuclear power plant. This is a mini tragedy in and of itself... The cheapest and cleanest electric power system was replaced by the market price of fossil fuel power stations that cost more and pollute more. Meanwhile other nations pollute with impunity as well as ocean going container ships burn the dirtiest and cheapest fuel they can buy once they get out on view from land. We also have this electric push to get rid of all sorts fuel burning items from cars to weed whackers.

Hydrogen and LNG type fuels look more promising to me than electric power when you consider existing technology and industry already in place... and you don't have to burn a bunch of fuel digging up materials for batteries. Nobody is saying much about how all the worn out electric batteries are going to be processed and remediated back to where it came from.

Many experts say it is past the point of no return now.....the warming trend will continue even if we stopped all use of fossil fuels right now....
That doesn't leave much consideration for new technologies that could change what the common consensus is right now.
Their was a time when the experts said smoking cigarettes wasn't harmful too.

To clean this world up requires industry discipline by most nations... China and others are not interested last time I noticed.