The A Bomb of our Time.

So you think....all the other vaccines had to be given to someone for the first time regardless of what sort of archaic testing was done with them beforehand.....a human model had to be used at some point...

Skip forward to today where technology in medicines has progressed leaps and bounds (and then some) over what it was even 10 yrs ago....

The people who design and create these vaccines have their ducks in a row, they are very intelligent and capable.
This is laughable. Yes they need to go thru controlled group animal and human testing. Then those studies need to be peer reviewed. NONE of the jabbs ever were. The very man who created MrNA vaxxs said they weren’t ready for human use, consequences too severe. He was canceled and labeled.
Govts reacted to the actions of a very few. They were all unknowing collaborators.
We can agree to disagree on this. I think it's just as unethical to rush a vaccine to market, force the population to take it, and cut a deal with the vaccine providers that the govt assures them they won't be sued if people die from it.

As to the mandated polio and other childhood diseases. Those were a bit better tested. Polio had been around for years. I got measles as a child. As did my mom. I get the Covid was more rapid. I get that we couldn't wait. Again I'm not anti vaxxer. But those were entirely different vaccines and how they got brought to market. The Covid vaccine is the first to use and change our DNA. This is night and day differences in administering of a solution to our body.

I shared in another post about a geneticist that was a customer of mine. This is EXACTLY the therapy approach they were pioneering. This was in the mid 90s!. Splice a repair into your DNA, and it will replicate the corrected DNA. A shot could cure cancer. Or ALS etc. That was the goal. I believe it is the future to eliminating a lot of genetically driven maladies. But and this needs to be a BIG BUT. You don't force your population to be an experiment. And then wash your hands of it if it ends up effin up the genetic make-up of that population.

Look healthcare professionals already struggle with whats ethical to do. We could clone humans. Ethically it's an issue to do it. Not medically. When you get a government that is now telling the medical community to do what they are told, or they won't receive federal funding, yeah I'm sorry its a hard ethics no from me. I can call up no less than a dozen well educated, highly thought of doctors right now today, that will tell you that they got out of healthcare because of these ethics. They knew the issues with the Covid vaccine.

Here is the next legal conundrum our country will face. The govt cut a deal with Big Pharma that they won't be sued from the vaccine. Meanwhile they left doctors hanging in the breeze. If a doctor allowed an injection to be mandated if they knew professionally it had issues, they will eventually be sued for negligence. Lots of doctors got off this Covid train before it left the station. These are the same doctors that see that they will be subject to lawsuits for prescribing Opiods. That were supposed to be helping the very same people it hurt. When people die, lawyers will extract $$ from whoever has the most to extract. Level up that same negligence argument to the hospitals that allowed it, and the insurance carriers that paid them to do it. If it can be shown they had knowledge of harm and they did it anyway. Welcome to a bankrupt medical system and a filthy rich Big Pharma giants.

And we have some fairly recognized data that started out small and is growing, to indicate that we are harming our children with some of these vaccines of today.
I would think you'd understand just how advanced the field of virology has become.....there are some very smart people working in this field, I've met a few and the term "geek" doesn't begin to describe them....

Most of these labs are forward thinking and are always in the development phase....Covid is similar to SARs or H1N1 of which there were vaccines already in the's a coronavirus so not a brand new thing to be researched to death before hand.

There's a reason why people have to stay in a waiting room for up to an hour for an everyday run of the mill vaccine, why should the Covid vaccine be any different, if someone has a bad reaction.

I think there's just a little more of a conspiracy out there and anti-vaxxers are at the forefront.....enough of them say it's bad and more and more people believe it....

As for harm to children with the vaccines they receive-I'll wager there would be a very high rate of infant and child mortality if they weren't vaccinated, we have this data from third world countries already....

Maybe the Covid vaccine was effective and maybe it wasn't.....I would want to be the guy that said we'll do nothing and millions upon millions die.....there was a decision to be made and it was made like it or not...
This is laughable. Yes they need to go thru controlled group animal and human testing. Then those studies need to be peer reviewed. NONE of the jabbs ever were. The very man who created MrNA vaxxs said they weren’t ready for human use, consequences too severe. He was canceled and labeled.
Govts reacted to the actions of a very few. They were all unknowing collaborators.
You being an obvious anti-vaxxer will never be told different even if you were allowed to visit the labs and talk to an actual expert in the subject so I don't think I would have any hope of enlightening you and nor will I.

I believe what I believe and you the same.....

The difference is I've been in a few of these labs and have talked to subject matter experts (not about Covid as that was later but about H1N1 and SARS).
I literally just posted a link to an admin, giving it to us straight and what happened 6 years later??? Come on man.
I’m glad you brought that comparison up. Same time swine flu was infecting people and had already infected over 70,000 people in this country alone NONE of the media or democrats were running around like chicken littles screaming the sky was falling. They gave him a total pass on it and ever called for lockdowns or shutdowns or anything.
Every single word and each letter in it the Dems criticized and screamed over for Trump.
That is the difference. Orange man bad so attack attack attack.
Maybe the Covid vaccine was effective and maybe it wasn't.....I would want to be the guy that said we'll do nothing and millions upon millions die.....there was a decision to be made and it was made like it or not...
I happen to think it was effective. Not like we have much choice now. I do happen to support that our government would prefer more taxpayers than less. So some scheme to eliminate population in mass doesn't follow any logic I do.

I do believe there was a huge opportunity to manufacture fear. People by and large need leadership in times of fear. And it was a perfect opportunity to skewer any political foes.
I would think you'd understand just how advanced the field of virology has become.....there are some very smart people working in this field, I've met a few and the term "geek" doesn't begin to describe them....

Most of these labs are forward thinking and are always in the development phase....Covid is similar to SARs or H1N1 of which there were vaccines already in the's a coronavirus so not a brand new thing to be researched to death before hand.

There's a reason why people have to stay in a waiting room for up to an hour for an everyday run of the mill vaccine, why should the Covid vaccine be any different, if someone has a bad reaction.

I think there's just a little more of a conspiracy out there and anti-vaxxers are at the forefront.....enough of them say it's bad and more and more people believe it....

As for harm to children with the vaccines they receive-I'll wager there would be a very high rate of infant and child mortality if they weren't vaccinated, we have this data from third world countries already....

Maybe the Covid vaccine was effective and maybe it wasn't.....I would want to be the guy that said we'll do nothing and millions upon millions die.....there was a decision to be made and it was made like it or not...
And all along a simple remedy which the WHO finally admitted works was available.
It’s called Ivermectin. Only there was not untold treasures to be made with it.
Many in fact an uncountable number of those highly intelligent people you mention said the vaxx was unsafe. All of them were canceled and labeled. Only the supporters got air time.
The media conspiracy to silence people asking questions was unprecedented.
I happen to think it was effective. Not like we have much choice now. I do happen to support that our government would prefer more taxpayers than less. So some scheme to eliminate population in mass doesn't follow any logic I do.

I do believe there was a huge opportunity to manufacture fear. People by and large need leadership in times of fear. And it was a perfect opportunity to skewer any political foes.
You put too much trust in our govt.
Same govt that experimented on its own with syphilis without care or concern is one you think cared this time around?
Cmon man!
And all along a simple remedy which the WHO finally admitted works was available.
It’s called Ivermectin. Only there was not untold treasures to be made with it.
Many in fact an uncountable number of those highly intelligent people you mention said the vaxx was unsafe. All of them were canceled and labeled. Only the supporters got air time.
The media conspiracy to silence people asking questions was unprecedented.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the WHO and Covid 19......and then some....

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – World Health Organization{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4Y-F5ZLkgAMVmBatBh3_6AFxEAAYASAAEgLFTPD_BwE
The day Fox news gave Obama a pass was phucking NEVER. Half black man bad...attack attack attack..
On that I agree. But still one network out of many.
CNN, msnbc and other never questioned his lackadaisical response to swine flu.
Yet same ones pounded Trump.
They drove the narrative.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the WHO and Covid 19......and then some....

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – World Health Organization{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4Y-F5ZLkgAMVmBatBh3_6AFxEAAYASAAEgLFTPD_BwE
Same org that wants a single world order and for all of us to follow them?
Hard pass. Everything in that link is carefully crafted to fit their narrative.
Same org that posed internment camps? Yeah hard pass again.
You put too much trust in our govt.
Same govt that experimented on its own with syphilis without care or concern is one you think cared this time around?
Cmon man!
This the same government that had soldiers stand in Nevada when they exploded a nuke to see how it affected them?

Or thought dropping Agent Orange on troops wouldn't affect them?

And the list goes on and on....

However in this case it wasn't the US government, fighting Covid was a global effort.
Same org that wants a single world order and for all of us to follow them?
Hard pass. Everything in that link is carefully crafted to fit their narrative.
Same org that posed internment camps? Yeah hard pass again.
Just nothing pleases you today does it?

It must be really hot there today....

I've seen the WHO at work in nasty, nasty places and they get it done often underfunded and understaffed....there'd be millions and millions of people dead if it wasn't for this organization.....
And Trump did nothing about for four years and when everything Obama was talking about came true, it was Obama's fault. Lame man lame..
No just a simple fact of whom depleted our nations stock. If it hurts I’m not sorry.
He did. Was told to replenish. He did not. Just the facts man.
Just nothing pleases you today does it?

It must be really hot there today....

I've seen the WHO at work in nasty, nasty places and they get it done often underfunded and understaffed....there'd be millions and millions of people dead if it wasn't for this organization.....
You are talking about the foot soldiers in the field. The leaders of that org are evil and wished to ignore our civil liberties in the name of mandatory vaxxs and lockdowns. The WHO pushed fantastical solutions all the while ignoring basic constitutional protections. Screw them.
Just nothing pleases you today does it?

It must be really hot there today....

I've seen the WHO at work in nasty, nasty places and they get it done often underfunded and understaffed....there'd be millions and millions of people dead if it wasn't for this organization.....
You are talking about the foot soldiers in the field. The leaders of that org are evil and wished to ignore our civil liberties in the name of mandatory vaxxs and lockdowns. The WHO pushed fantastical solutions all the while ignoring basic constitutional protections. Screw them.
This the same government that had soldiers stand in Nevada when they exploded a nuke to see how it affected them?

Or thought dropping Agent Orange on troops wouldn't affect them?

And the list goes on and on....

However in this case it wasn't the US government, fighting Covid was a global effort.
yeah sure.
On that I agree. But still one network out of many.
CNN, msnbc and other never questioned his lackadaisical response to swine flu.
Yet same ones pounded Trump.
They drove the narrative.
The biggest problem with Trump was Trump....if he would have just shut his "pie-hole" and did his work without being so abrasive and narcissistic, people wouldn't even have noticed him....but he just couldn't help himself and gave the media so much footage and data to use against him that it was almost comedic.....

Some of his policies were sound but the swing he put on them turned most people off...