Teen runs down motorcycle

At 18 he is an adult. He better hope the police got there before my boys AKA good samartans, LOL:whistle:
This is simple, the KID pays all medical, with $250,000 additional in pain and suffering to the biker, goes to JAIL for a min. of 3 years and pays for all cycle damages :rulez: . And if you say, Well, he doesn't have $250,000 that's simple also. AFTER he get's OUT OF JAIL, he's on PROBATION, requred to STAY IN THE STATE, report WEEKLY to his PBO until the $250,000 AND all damages are PAID by his new job at McDonalds or where ever :laugh:

After that, I really don't think he'll try that prank again :banghead:

Really, it's just that simple :whistle:
Hopefully Karma is a motorcycle running this kid over, Dummy. Hope the guys ok.GoPro should be standard equipment
all i can say is that kid needs to be in the biker's shoes for a while. i could be more apathetic if it was an elderly person driving the car and didn't see the biker. but a smart a** kid who , like i have said before, thinks they are always right? WTF . he passed me illegally? really? ok, you must know it all since you were born in '92 pal:poke: when it said he crushed the guy's leg i couldn't believe it. how matcho do you really have to be to cut a biker off so he don't pass you. hope the biker doesnt have to walk with a cane for the rest of his life
I've had someone do similar to me in my SUV. They were driving under the speed limit on a 2 lane road. I passed them legally and they sped up trying to prevent me from coming back over. When that didn't work they tailgated extremely close for several miles no matter what speed I was driving. What makes someone go into road rage just from being passed?
Let's just hope his temporary cell mate will be an angry biker from 'Los Vatos'
and says to him 'hey aren't you the guy......'

Kid needs to have his hands chopped off so he can never drive again.
I've had someone do similar to me in my SUV. They were driving under the speed limit on a 2 lane road. I passed them legally and they sped up trying to prevent me from coming back over. When that didn't work they tailgated extremely close for several miles no matter what speed I was driving. What makes someone go into road rage just from being passed?

It must be the testosterone levels or something. Wouldn't happen with women cause they too busy talkin on phone or playin with their hair to notice u passin them :laugh:

Rockethed using Tapatalk
This sort of thing doesn't surprise me. - I've had women drivers look me right in the eyes before deliberately pulling out in front of me; I've seen drivers look in their mirrors, see me in the next lane and then deliberately cut me off with a huge smirk on their stupid faces; I've seen all sorts of stupidity aimed at motorcyclists. A big issue here some years back was "lane-splitting", where the cops wanted it made illegal and the average member of the public already thought it was illegal, so they would deliberately swerve in front of motorcyclists to stop us from lane-splitting. Then the idiots would ring up the talk-radio shows and moan about how motorcyclists were breaking the law, etc, etc, even though we weren't!

Wouldn't happen with women cause they too busy talkin on phone or playin with their hair to notice u passin them
Yeah, you'd think so, but the worst, most stupid, aggressive behaviour I have ever seen on the road has been from women, either young ones in crappy 1990's Jap sports cars, or older ones driving SUV's. They know that they can get away with it because they are women. If they were men, they'd know that behaving that way is likely to lead to a beating.
and we wonder where the morals of our youth have gone to...its ok in thier video games.
The guy was on teevee over at the HD forum. A complete turd - -spoiled white kid, yuppie son of a gun. Your solutions are too nice. Over there they would just shoot him...
Had something similar happen about 2 months ago, ended up on the side of the road with the offending driver. Basically he was completely adamant that because I was "speeding and there for driving illegally" he was in the right to swerve, stand in the brakes and chase as close to 5 feet of my rear tire when did finally get around him.

I said "While I may be guilty of speeding, and might deserved a ticket what you did would get you jail time. Never mind had you actually hit me he could have KILLED ANOTHER HUMAN." Nothing was clicking at this point he was just completely tunnel visioned on being in the right and his actions being reasonable.

Just as much as the next person it irks me when a motorcycle blows pass me, or does some other squidly non-sense in traffic. Not once in my life have I ever thought I had the right to make someone feel as though they might be killed for it.

Road rage = all logic and reason thrown out the window. Once these folks have popped that fuse there is every chance they will kill you. They may be remorseful after but that still leaves you mangled on the side of the road or dead. So :please::please::please::please:PLEASE when you encounter this driving pull over and let them go, remember folks "Behind you they are a threat, in front they are entertainment"
As soon as the words "i intentionally tried to hit him" left his mouth, that boy should have been charged with attempted vehiclular manslaughter, if not bordering on premeditated murder....

throw him in pound him in the butt prison for a while.... hes got a purty mouth, he'll be just fine...

What a headcase. This is beyond screwed up, to think someone would intentionally cut off one of us just because we were going to pass him. Can't trust the roads and the drivers at all!

Hope they make a martyr of him and drop the house down! 25 to life! * just kidding* But I hope his cellmate "Big Tom" doesn't let him forget his mistake!