Scavenger Hunt Along Your Journey


Donating Member
So this is the way it works.
1. You have to post something that you might see while on your ride that might be unusal.
2. You will need to try taking a picture with you, your bike, and the item in question.
i.e. street signs, people, vehicles, bikes, animals.... you get the idea.
3. Have fun and be safe while doing this.
4. Anyone can add ideas they may come up with because I may use them for local hunts.

So to start here is the first task:
Find a speed limit sign without a 0 or 5 at the end
Find a street sign with the word Mr. (mister)in it

Found at another forum and edited for the .org. The rules are not complete and a topic area with threads for each catagory needs to be started but it could be a good idea. Suggestions are welcome. Admins I will be happy to manage the posts for the Scavenger Hunt if you need someone to step up:


What is this?
You know those pictures with a Gnome traveling around the world? We want pictures like that, except with your bike!

Who can play?
This contest is open to everybody on the .org. No need to register, simply post a picture up in the appropriate thread when you get a shot.

Contest will start 22 April 2009 (Spring Bash Start) noon and end (1 week after the Fall Bash at noon (to give time for Fall Bash Pictures to be posted)

There will be different shots we are going after (thus called a scavanger hunt!), here is the list so far:

- highest gas price
- best modification on bike (not yours necessarly)
- most unique place
- best photography
- biggest rally
- most worn tires
- furthest from home
- person with the most tattoos (Sitting on your bike)
- worst parking job (doesn't have to be your bike)
- hottest girl - (sub-categories: normal, in gear, in bikini...must be sitting on your bike)
- hottest guy
- best .org business card / sticker placement (Not on your bike but you or your bike must be in the picture)
- Funniest picture (any thing goes as long as your bike is in the picture)
- Funniest picture of a .org member in the background making an obscene or funny gesture/face while the subjects of the picture don't know it.

* Yes, we have a whooping 16 categories this year! We may add more categories later, but we will start with these.

How to win?
At the end of the contest, users will be asked to vote for the best picture in each category. The picture with most vote wins. The user that wins the most categories is our winner! We will also have a second place and a third place.

Any prize? Bragging rights unless our sponsors have some ideas :whistle:

1st Place: TBD
2nd Place: TBD
3rd Place: TBD

Additional rules
1) No Cheating!!
2) Unless otherwise noted, Your bike must be in the picture (part of is okay)!
3) The picture must be taken after the contest started, not some 20 year old pictures! This will most likely be on a honor system
4) Have fun!!

Now... go out there and snap those pictures!!!
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so why haven't we seen anything yet. I mean geeez you all it has been like what 1 whole day. Come on pics...... We have bikefest this weekend here and next weekend is thunder beach in panama city. Hopefully I won't forget my list so that I can get pics. I'm so shooting for the most tattoo'd on my bike for next weekend. HEHEHEHEHE :cheerleader::cheerleader: