Prayers for my partner


So I'm an EMT-basic for an ambulance service I've been here for three years. I've had the same partner for the last year and a half. He's been a paramedic for 12 years, probably the smartest individual I know. Well last week we came into work to start our shift and he said to me " I don't feel right, I feel like my mouth isn't working like its moving slower than I want it to" I didn't really think anything of it. So the day went on and he mentioned it a few more times, well we get up to go on a call at 2 a.m. and I notice he is talking funny, again didn't think to much of it ( it was 2 in the morning) well two days later we come back for our next shift and the left side f his face is drooping and he is severely surfing his speech. I honesty thought he was having a stroke. He said it was no big deal he thought he was getting the flu. The following shift he comes in and it's even worse but he tells me he has Bell's palsy. I think to myself okay well that makes sense but you should go see a doctor, again he says he's fine and it will pass. Well I come not work this morning and josh isn't here... I text him he answers and says " I've been at st.lukes hospital since last night. I came here because I have no feeling or movement of my left arm, my face is completely numb and my leg is starting to act up." The doctors thought it was MS but after a spinal tap they ruled it out, upon an MRI they found he has a tumor in his brain, and they don't know if it is cancerous or not, or if its even operable... Josh is 33 years old divorced and has a four year old an Brayden who s pretty much his whole life other than EMS. This guy would take the shirt off his back for a total stranger couldn't be a nicer man. I'm gong to visit him n the morning I am praying for the best but fear the worst :please::please:
Man that's tough one, we will keep him in our prayers. you stay strong for him and help him along...You may not think it, but your the next thing to family for him, when you spend that kind of time together....
Thanks everyone it really does mean a lot I'm going to see him in a few hours they are trying to rule out brain cancer at this time, he's not taking it very well and I don't know what to do or say to him. I'm just trying to keep spirits up the best I can :down:
Best wishes and thoughts for your friend! Please keep us posted and I hope he'll be OK :please:
Man that is so sad. I sure wish he would have went and got checked the first day he started having trouble. Maybe they could have found something maybe not. I know how it is. You never want to go and get bad news. I sure pray he gets better. :please::please: