
I am sure you wear your weight well. As far as me being a panzie, well you obviously don't know me. A lot of people on this board put tons of time into modifications on there Busa. I put a lot of time into keeping myself in good shape. I lift4 times a week and run 4 mile three times a week. I don't do this to be or try to be some bad ass I do this because that is my thing. The better shape I am in the longer I get to ride, spend time with my family and be a good role model to my son, who just turned one. I didn't mean to piss anyone off by the comments that I made and I do apologize for that. I like being a member of this board and I don't want to have enemies out there, especially big mofo's like you.
Me, I am 6 foot tall and weigh 190 pounds. Why don't you lighten up a little bit. Life is too f-----g short!

Most of the friends I have who are that big are ex football players, brawlers, powerlifters, etc... If you fit that description you should not take offense to the comment I made. Damn, there are some touchy damn people on this board.
Anyhow, you won't see me mentioning the word fat anymore on this site.
I belong to the FBI. Fat Boys of Illinois. 6'6", 270lbs. Fat guys can go fast too..........but skinny ones are usually faster. I just need more horsepower....
I'd like to see the look on their faces, when they have it pegged and you pull up right beside them. Then drop a gear and take-off like a rocket!

They're so small in the rear view I can't make out their expression.
The funny thing is I don't seem to be slower even though I am larger. I guess my bike is just that much more powerful. Well good thing, I hate coming in last.
All I have to say is BIG doesn't spell BAD! LOL. Just ask my buddy JT. LOL. 6'3" 250lbs and I kick his Arse everytime we ever got into a fight.
you all can talk about this fat talk all day!!! I had a guy one time in the 150-175 range make it a point to catch up to me cause he seen me go buy. I paid him no never mind until we came up to a stop sign and he went through 5 cars passing on the right hand berm to get up to me!!! You see he was on a 929 and when he got up next to me and saw the that it was a busa he turned right and went on his way I was going left and was ready for all he had to offer!!! Point is sometimes all they need to see is the kanji to let them know this guy is for real!!!!