
Sunday was beautiful, up here in Minnesota. I was out putting some well deserved miles on the Busa, for the first time in a week or so. Anyhow, back to the topic. I'm traveling down interstate 35 north of the twin cities, speedo reading right around 85 mph, that perfect comfort zone in 6th gear. I wasn't paying too much attention to my rear view mirror, like I normally do, because at this speed, not too many people are coming up behind me. Don't get me wrong, the speed of traffic is pretty quick on this interstate, but for the most part, not too many people are passing me by.
All of a sudden out of no where comes this liter bike (unknown what the model was, does it really matter... all I know is it wasn't a Busa) and it whips right by me. Not in the next lane mind you, but riding the divider line between my lane and the next lane over. This fat a$$ then looks over his shoulder at me and then gives it some more gas. As he is pulling away (because I haven't decided or not to give this guy the time of day yet) I am watching the fat around his mid section do some pretty funky chit. As you know, G-forces and speed have a tendancy to roll around human flesh. The guy was wearing a shirt, but due to the speed he was going, it was now a half shirt. Anyhow, I am glad the pig, wasn't on a Busa. I am in kind that kind of mood at the time, so I check my mirrors, to make sure he isn't being chased by the cops and all is clear. This guy is about a quarter mile ahead of me by now, but that head start isn't enough for him. I tuck down and crack the throttle and in no time at all I pass him at 145 miles an hour. I check my mirror quickly and see fat boy tucking in, as if he was going to give chase. I proved my point to the young lad, so I start backing off the throttle. He still couldn't get close to me. By this time the freeway split and he went in a different direction, my guess is to avoid the humiliation of it all.
I back down to the comfortable speed I was going before this little incident, with a big chit eating grin. You know, it sure is nice riding, the king of the road. Yeah baby!!!
I'd like to see the face of the lone cruiser rider, breezing along at around 80mph, as I do a flyby at about 190. This opportunity presents itself to me from time to time, and I usually take advantage of it. They never seem to see us coming-I love it!.
Gotta love the high speed passes. I had a couple of them yesterday messing around with my brother and his friend. Definitely a good time.
Those are fun but dont think all "fat asses" are slow, someday you will get your ass handed to you. Maybe by a better Busa rider, maybe by a liter bike.
Id shy away from the "fat" comments around here because let me tell you, ive seen some fvcking large pants f/s in the For Sale area and I would not want to piss off some of these big mofos.

There are alot of big guys on Busas and alot here on the forum.
Id shy away from the "fat" comments around here because let me tell you, ive seen some fvcking large pants f/s in the For Sale area and I would not want to piss off some of these big mofos.  

There are alot of big guys on Busas and alot here on the forum.
Yup, that's me. 34-34 pants and a 2xl shirt. Busa motivates my big a## quite well.

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There's nothing like a high speed pass!

A couple of weks ago while I was at a local biker hangout, a harley rider came over to me while I was getting ready to leave. This is how the dialog went:

Him: "Is that a hayabusa"

Me: "Yep"

Him: "How fast have you had it?"

Me: "Fast enough to make the white lines blur"

Him: I just wanted to see one up close because I've only seen them as they flew by".

All I could do was smile & tell him he should get one!

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I guess I should have went into a little more detail on the rider of this bike. This guy had to weigh in at 300 plus. I'm sorry, but unless your a body builder or 6 foot 6, if you weigh 300 your fat. He might be a great all around guy, but he is still fat. Anyhow, I guess that really wasn't the point anyhow, he could have weighed a buck and a quarter, it was the speed and short time it took me to pass that gave me a smile.
I waited three years to get my Hayabusa. Riding it was like riding for the first time all over again. I am actually excited everytime I get on and start her up. All I ever heard from people were how uncomfortable a sport bike is. I don't know why I ever even considered what they had to say. I'm the kind of person who likes to try something, instead of just taking someone elses word.
One more time, I apologize if I offended anyone concerning the fat comment.
Slimfast anyone! Kidding, only kidding!
Sirissac, I'm 6'3 and 300 lbs. You may diss, but only cause you're a weasel who has impressed himself with a fly by. Whoopty-fu(kin'-doo-da-day! I'm not offended, I just bet I can out ride your pansy a55.
fvck yeah!!! that's what I'm talkin' about. I get that all the time when I'm chillin' down I-15 having a great time and some squid comes up to me, looks, tucks and pins it. Like I have to even try. I let him have his fun for about 1/2 mile before I finally decide to show him who the true KING OF THE ROAD IS. My Busa just has that smooooth power delivery and TORQUE that passing up the little R6 @ 160+MPH was a piece of cake. But I get a lot of thumbs up when they do finally catch up to me after I've slowed back down to reasonable freeway speeds. Busa is KING.
Dont do a fly by ( in the car world that is slightly rice ) Instead get up next to them, and play with them like they actually have a chance, then roll it out.
Hey Sithor, I'm 6'3 too, but only weigh in at 170#. Hmmmmm, straight stretch of hwy, you and me on stock busas, roll-on from let's say 50MPH...........I wonder who would win that one?
Just teasing ya, you da man!
Yesterday, I had a Prelude who kept trying to get next to me on the interstate. I was going around 90 and he stayed with me until I went into a lean around this sharp turn. My buddy on his GSX-R750 didn't keep up as he is still scared of leaning, due to him being a rookie still. Anyways, the Prelude pulls up behind me and my buddy pulls up in the next lane. We are at a stop light after we get off the interstate.

The guys in the Prelude start talking #### to my buddy saying, "Can't you go faster pussy?" They didn't say jack to me, but if I had known at the time what they were saying, I would have gotten off my bike. I didn't find out until later that they were talking #### to my buddy until after we stopped.

Why do people always have to do these sort of things to prove themselves in this world? I hate low self esteem a55holes!
Hey Sithor, I'm 6'3 too, but only weigh in at 170#. Hmmmmm, straight stretch of hwy, you and me on stock busas, roll-on from let's say 50MPH...........I wonder who would win that one?
  Just teasing ya, you da man!
I'm sure you will do to your weight, but I'm betting that I'll be more stable at 180, which I've taken this bike up to already like 5 times since I bought it 3 weeks ago. I'm really thinking of modding it so I can take it to it's full 200 mph potential. On my windscreen I've got the Suzuki "S" with Sithor across it, and the saying "At 200 MPH You Have No Friends."
I am 6'2" @ 265 lbs and YES, I'm a Fat A55! To be honest i have NO A55 at all which runs in my family but that's not the point. I'm honest with myself about it so it does not bother me. if It did I'd do something about it!!

ANYWAY... I have smaller bikes do fly by's on me all tht time and it scares the crap outta me everytime one of those mosquito bikes go by me in MY lane. i'll be relaxing doin' 85 or 90 (Just putting along really ) and one of these wannabees goes by. I WANT to catch up to 'em and kick 'em off their scooter but I maintain my composure, change lanes, wait wait wait wait and wait some more click down 2 and twist hard. When I blow by them I give the horn a little toot them upshift another gear to just drive the point home. I LOVE IT!