Obama finally did it!

Let's see... I had to escape from the communist regime of the former Soviet Union, being accused by authorities a traitor of their beloved country, standing in a meeting at work where everyone was participating in communist speeches against me, had to leave my parents behind otherwise the prison guards wouldn't allow anyone to leave, carry only a couple of suitcases with me and nothing else, sleep on the floor of the airport of some transit European country along with my wife, 3-year-old daughter and my brother, live in Italy in some old apartment - cold, often hungry and with very little money, confronted by local Arabs who pulled a knife on me and my brother because they wanted to use the phone booth we were occupying, hitchhiking along Italian country roads to find a place to live - without speaking a single word of Italian, living on a cold villa, showering with cold water, apply for a refugee status with the US embassy, waiting for days, weeks, and months, finally getting permission to come to US, getting on a train in the middle of the night to be moved to Vienna, leaving the train in the middle of the field in 1 min, surrounded by armed guards with machine guns out for the fear of terrorism, boarding buses and quickly leaving, arriving in a cold hotel, kids getting sick, finally arriving in US, getting an alien papers, looking for a place to live, struggling to understand the language, looking for a job, applying for green card, and after long 5 years - proudly becoming a citizen of this great country, and finally being able to breath.

In retrospect, this was nothing compared to how much more time and hardship other people went through in order to get here legally.

I think there is quite a difference between being born to parents who are here legally/citizens vs. being born to parent(s) who came here illegally. Just shows that the US is very humane country. I've heard no other country gives a newborn a citizenship.

All this and YOUR still STUCK in NEW YORK CITY :laugh: . Come on out and have a REAL LIFE :thumbsup: and the Captain lives here TOO :cheerleader:
Their is one other point I would like to expand on a little bit. The leaders that wrote the documents that became the guiding philosophy for our nation did it because we are born to be free.

We inheritly know that collectively speaking. Most of us as kids before the video age simply want to go outside and play weather permitting. I know, its a very simple example... even so...

I believe it compares to riding our Busa's... we want to get out and be free! Those leaders ( Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Hancock, and others ) were well aware of degrading treatment tyrants like

King George of England were capable of.

From that point ( 7-4-1776 ) the plan was not only to preserve what had been created, but to improve the conditions upon which our "social contract" or path, between the government and the people

would take. Many people consider America the greatest nation to ever evolve on this planet.

It started with documents that were designed to preserve the rights of man and keep government in check.

One thing for sure, it really got off to a good start with 2 oceans acting as a buffer against foreign invasion.

Their is nothing like fighting on your home turf and having all your big guns in position if the enemy come knocking. (the concrete gun bunkers still sit north of the Golden Gate overlooking the Pacific )

How do we know that the home turf advantage was true?

Nobody, no country, ever tried a foreign invasion ( boots on the ground ) in over a 100 years during the modern age of warfare as it has evolved to deadly levels never seen in centuries past.

Yes, we had 9-11, we had barracks attacked on foreign soil and the USS Cole and other attacks. That is nothing compared to Germany and Japan during WW2 and the beating they took that

decided those wars. Think Dresden Germany in 44 & 45... look at those pictures sometime and see how those people lived and died.

So, has Obama finally done it? Only time will tell if what has happened can be undone in the future. We are not doing well as a country as compared to what we could be doing.

We always have enough money for war and rebuilding other countries, and yet, we have a crumbling infrastructure in dire need of repairs right here right now. Just in LA... 400 miles of waterline over 58

years old that need replacing... 5400 leaks last year alone and some were mains that cost big bucks to fix and their no plans to replace the water system needing replacement.

Govenor Brown wants a bullet train from LA to SF? :banghead:

We have wounded and debilitated solderiers here commiting suicide at the rate of + or -22 a day.

We have lots of things that need to be fixed and yet we have political wrangling that reminds me that old cliche... "Rome is burning".

Plenty of good and great technical advances are showing up frequently. The question I have is... will we save ourselves while we still can with technology?

Our path as a world is unsustainable in my opinion. Its not because we can't endure, its because were not changing our habits rapidly enough to sustain resources until we become more efficient with

how we manage our natural resources. The earth is finite, if depleted to fast it cannot recover without a major population drop... like in the billions... and water is the key.

ok... ramble off... :laugh:

And this is all Obama's fault? Congress has blocked infrastructure investment, greenhouse gas legislation, etc.? I'm not sure I follow your point?
And this is all Obama's fault? Congress has blocked infrastructure investment, greenhouse gas legislation, etc.? I'm not sure I follow your point?

Arch, have you been paying attention? Congress never blocked anything in the first two years with the democrats in charge of all three branches of government. And exactly what did that get you and me as tax payers? An 800 billion dollar stimulus package that was suppose to go towards "Shovel Ready" jobs that didn't exist. Yes, a job creator. As it turned out there were no shovel ready jobs and the money was squandered on things like Solyndra Solar Power whom was given $535 million dollars then promptly filed bankruptcy and the tax payer's money was gone. Then we learned that a key player in the Solyndra scandal was a major bundler for Obama. Imagine that? :dunno:

Are you aware that since the Rebublicans took over the House they have sent almost 400 bills over to the senate that addressed everything from the economy to immigration with the affordable health care bill mixed in? Arch, since you mentioned the congress blocking everything, how many of those bills did your "BEST" president ever's front man "Harry Reid" bring to the floor of the Senate for a vote? Why Archie, you are correct, not one. Not a single Republican bill was or will ever be voted on in the Senate as long as "Dirty Harry" is in charge. Thank goodness, that's about to change!

A quick question for you, Arch: "How many times has the president used his veto pen in the past six years"?

Our President either lies or changes his mind more often that Al Sharpton changes his underwear. It's no surprise that the Republicans along with some democrats in Congress as well as most of America don't trust the president. Did Chris Matthews share with you that the reason the Republicans would not pass the Senate Bill on immigrations was because the President refuses to close the border?

By the way Arch, I'm not a Republican, I'm one of those swing voters that every politician want's to influence. I voted for your "Best" president ever the first time around so don't accuse me of being prejudice. I was fooled once.
Arch, have you been paying attention? Congress never blocked anything in the first two years with the democrats in charge of all three branches of government. And exactly what did that get you and me as tax payers? An 800 billion dollar stimulus package that was suppose to go towards "Shovel Ready" jobs that didn't exist. Yes, a job creator. As it turned out there were no shovel ready jobs and the money was squandered on things like Solyndra Solar Power whom was given $535 million dollars then promptly filed bankruptcy and the tax payer's money was gone. Then we learned that a key player in the Solyndra scandal was a major bundler for Obama. Imagine that? :dunno:

Are you aware that since the Rebublicans took over the House they have sent almost 400 bills over to the senate that addressed everything from the economy to immigration with the affordable health care bill mixed in? Arch, since you mentioned the congress blocking everything, how many of those bills did your "BEST" president ever's front man "Harry Reid" bring to the floor of the Senate for a vote? Why Archie, you are correct, not one. Not a single Republican bill was or will ever be voted on in the Senate as long as "Dirty Harry" is in charge. Thank goodness, that's about to change!

A quick question for you, Arch: "How many times has the president used his veto pen in the past six years"?

Our President either lies or changes his mind more often that Al Sharpton changes his underwear. It's no surprise that the Republicans along with some democrats in Congress as well as most of America don't trust the president. Did Chris Matthews share with you that the reason the Republicans would not pass the Senate Bill on immigrations was because the President refuses to close the border?

By the way Arch, I'm not a Republican, I'm one of those swing voters that every politician want's to influence. I voted for your "Best" president ever the first time around so don't accuse me of being prejudice. I was fooled once.

Obama has vetoed less than most presidents - goggle it. Now how do you know how often Al Sharpton changes his underwear?
My point is simply my opinion as I stand back and look at what has happened with this country. I throw in a few anecdotal situations to make a few points.

I would say at this point in time we have many people that are not only awake to what is happening, but have little trust and faith in big government starting with Obama.

I believe IG has a solution worth pursuing. We know this system is broken based on the results were getting with those that are in charge.

If our political system cleaned up its act our country would prosper once again and lead the world as it once did.

A country that has free and independent people will always out perform a socialist of communistic style of government.
Obama has vetoed less than most presidents - goggle it. Now how do you know how often Al Sharpton changes his underwear?

Hey Arch, I took your advise and googled "Al Sharpton Under britches" and found the answer! Big Al changes his skivvies when the hash marks reach the belt line! :laugh:

Happy Thanksgiving! :beerchug:
Arch, you do realize that unemployment among young blacks is over 20% and the jobs that these illegals take are for the most part the low wage starter jobs. Your best president EVER has just kicked you in the teeth by turning his back on the young black citizens along with every unskilled citizen in this country by his actions.

No fence on the Canadian Border? Do you suppose that could be due to this country not being flooded with poor Canadians that don't speak English?

Now why on earth would a young black male want to work when he can get everything for free either from the govt or the next riot? POTUS didn't turn his back on anyone. He took care of them years ago.
All this and YOUR still STUCK in NEW YORK CITY :laugh: . Come on out and have a REAL LIFE :thumbsup: and the Captain lives here TOO :cheerleader:

Not NYC since about 7 years ago - suburbs, i.e. Long Island. It is really hard to make a significant move once settled - work, relatives, etc. I honestly hate to get anywhere close to NYC and its 5 boroughs. It's the crowds - like a zoo, and I hate crowds.
We need to abolish the anchor baby law. If either parent was illegal while birthing a child in America it doesn't count.