New Paint Job!!!

You're a <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:purple'>BAD, BAD</span></span> girl!

Thats why we love you so much!
Hey Hawaii!!!

How are u liking Cali??? We've got to ride together soon!! I don't think you'll miss me on the road now!!! Keep in touch!! And thank you again all for the compliments!!

Can't wait to see/ride with you guys at Laguna!!!!


thats pretty awesome Lo.. I like the kanji on the sides with the pearl stuff.. Very classy and not overdone... I'm applauding with my eyelids cuz I'm busy typing with my hands.

.. either that or the shine from all the polished is making me all squinty eyed!

All polished, no chrome!! The guy did a great job on the polishing... he said he undercharged me because of all the work it took!!! a big smile and a few winks/batting of the eyes got him over it!!!! oh, and a six pack of beer!!!

thanks again all!
you aren't ever gonna have to work out those arms again, as long as you keep that bike!

Have I mentioned that you are a BAD BAD girl?
Your bike looks stunning. That polished look is breathtaking. You're looking extremely hot girl!!! Can't wait till this summer. Have fun.
Beautiful paint job!!! I also like that you retained the original style of paint. I hope you have LOTS of polishing rags, though. All that shiney is gonna be a lot of work to maintain. But you did good.

thanks!!! saying i'm going to need alot of polishing rags is an understatment.... jeeeze, talk about "quality time" with your bike. we have quite a relationship going on right about now... but he sure does polish up nice.......

Swan, i can't believe you got your bike painted too!! please post pix so we can check it out. from what i saw it is lovely!!! i can't wait to come up to British Columbia in August and ride with you!! as of now, my sister and i are coming for sure and meeting Thinker and possibly Cache & Havoc in Portland/Washington. I have 2 friends from here who are also trying to get the time off and come with us. it's going to be quite a party!!! we will probably need to get rooms since there is going to be so many of us. as time gets closer, can you provide us with the info on where to stay? thanks sis, and i am so looking forward to hooking up!!

monsterspeed, i see you are in B.C., are you going to get in on this party???

badzx, you do mean BAD is a good way right??? ?
Hey girl,
So good to hear from you. Your bike lots hot, hot, hot!!!
Bog and I are staying in Monterey so we can hook up everynight at Cannery Row. I think we should park together, can you imagine what kind of trouble that could stir up. I'm totally looking forward to August. I'm trying to get Bog to chill and go to Portland. He's a bit old fashion. I'm working on him. But he's expecting all of you in August and we have the most awesome trip planned for you guys. I'll take care of everything for you. The road and scenery is specatulor. This is a trip that can't be missed.
I'll post more pictures when I get some. This weekend I'm on the track for three day so I won't be riding again. I haven't had a chance to ride yet. The weather been awful....too much rain. So Lobusa..looks like a great year. I'm looking forward to meeting your sister as well. Sound too good to be real.
Ciao bella.
I'd love to, can you tell me what it's all about.
On another thread, brennanop said that he wants to come as well. Also, Rubbersidedown seems to be from BC, so he may be around.

Monsterspeedfreak, Flying Swan owns the motorcycle cafe in this picture. She has invited ust to visit and will be arranging some rides. I think this August timeframe corresponds to some big motorcycle event. In any case, we are coming to hang with the BC folk, party a little, and ride/see some beautiful scenery.

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Very nice. Good work. Could do without the headlight kanji though. Never did like those things. And the canister mount on the left side really needs to be cut off too.
