Needing to vent - Lockdown again (apologies to all)

I'm confused how Australia turned so liberal and left leaning... I always pictured Australia as mad max/ road warrior. Loud cars, country folk and guns (I know they got taken away after a mass shooting). It seemed like the texas of England (Great Britain hahaha)when I was a kid hahahaha.
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sign of a distopian society !

New South Wales Chief Health Officer tells citizens not to talk to one another, even if masked and vaccinated: “Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that...”

Isn't that something? Talk about total control'd think there were millions upon millions of people dying in the streets....
I'm confused how Australia turned so liberal and left leaning... I always pictured Australia as mad max/ road warrior. Loud cars, country folk and guns (I know they got taken away after a mass shooting). It seemed like the texas of England when I was a kid hahahaha.
I know when I was there it was like the wild, wild was pick up trucks and cowboy hats...

I can imagine how our resident Aussies (@ottafish, @ROADTOAD1340 , @Dai and others? ) are dealing with this change over the years...
Virus real? Yes
Global political agenda? Yes
I should get the vaccine because the governmemt said they are all safe, and the goverment would Never lie to it's citizens!
The government is only voicing what the virologists' say regarding the safety of vaccine, no government in it's right mind would be randomly supporting the vaccination of people without the guidance and support of experts. I don't listen to the government's opinion of the vaccine, I listen to what the experts say. Technology is far surpassed what it was even a couple years ago.
The government is only voicing what the virologists' say regarding the safety of vaccine, no government in it's right mind would be randomly supporting the vaccination of people without the guidance and support of experts. I don't listen to the government's opinion of the vaccine, I listen to what the experts say. Technology is far surpassed what it was even a couple years ago.

Sure technology is, but;
You actually belive world governments Don't want to restructure??
That 7 billion+ people are sustainable to them?
That the virus isn't the perfect solution to government control, the taking of citizens rights, depopulasation?
That the dollar can support a $30 trillion dollar debt(mainly to China...who wants to surpass the U.S by the way).
That twisting narratives to 1619 helps us, which is nothing more than divisive bs.
With schooling issues getting the right answer with math and science are not important.
That the "evil"(slandered)Trump policies are what is destroying our country now...not the puppets in office who shut down pipelines to get us back on foreign oil.
I don't drink kool-aid...and I don't buy BS.
Libtards can and will keep peddling their nonsense.
I saw enough media bs only to see Many Empty emergency hospital stations set up, that they claimed were at capacity...but my eyes and nurses told me otherwise, and in several states.
Is it real? Yes
Is it bad in places? Yes
Is it bad everywhere? Nope.
I'm in QC in the Auto Industry...deemed "essential", haven't missed a day of work from covid yet.
Know countless people with positive tests, only a little sick.
Know several who have gotten a vaccine, All got sick for Days, one has heart problems now, and 2 otherwise healthy people died of heart attacks within days of the shot.
My eyes, my experiences, not the tv anchor reading the teleprompter written by fear mongering executives propped up by gov't lackys.
Welcome to serfdom serf.
Sure technology is, but;
You actually belive world governments Don't want to restructure??
That 7 billion+ people are sustainable to them?
That the virus isn't the perfect solution to government control, the taking of citizens rights, depopulasation?
That the dollar can support a $30 trillion dollar debt(mainly to China...who wants to surpass the U.S by the way).
That twisting narratives to 1619 helps us, which is nothing more than divisive bs.
With schooling issues getting the right answer with math and science are not important.
That the "evil"(slandered)Trump policies are what is destroying our country now...not the puppets in office who shut down pipelines to get us back on foreign oil.
I don't drink kool-aid...and I don't buy BS.
Libtards can and will keep peddling their nonsense.
I saw enough media bs only to see Many Empty emergency hospital stations set up, that they claimed were at capacity...but my eyes and nurses told me otherwise, and in several states.
Is it real? Yes
Is it bad in places? Yes
Is it bad everywhere? Nope.
I'm in QC in the Auto Industry...deemed "essential", haven't missed a day of work from covid yet.
Know countless people with positive tests, only a little sick.
Know several who have gotten a vaccine, All got sick for Days, one has heart problems now, and 2 otherwise healthy people died of heart attacks within days of the shot.
My eyes, my experiences, not the tv anchor reading the teleprompter written by fear mongering executives propped up by gov't lackys.
Welcome to serfdom serf.
:shocked: uh, oh......
Sure technology is, but;
You actually belive world governments Don't want to restructure??
That 7 billion+ people are sustainable to them?
That the virus isn't the perfect solution to government control, the taking of citizens rights, depopulasation?
That the dollar can support a $30 trillion dollar debt(mainly to China...who wants to surpass the U.S by the way).
That twisting narratives to 1619 helps us, which is nothing more than divisive bs.
With schooling issues getting the right answer with math and science are not important.
That the "evil"(slandered)Trump policies are what is destroying our country now...not the puppets in office who shut down pipelines to get us back on foreign oil.
I don't drink kool-aid...and I don't buy BS.
Libtards can and will keep peddling their nonsense.
I saw enough media bs only to see Many Empty emergency hospital stations set up, that they claimed were at capacity...but my eyes and nurses told me otherwise, and in several states.
Is it real? Yes
Is it bad in places? Yes
Is it bad everywhere? Nope.
I'm in QC in the Auto Industry...deemed "essential", haven't missed a day of work from covid yet.
Know countless people with positive tests, only a little sick.
Know several who have gotten a vaccine, All got sick for Days, one has heart problems now, and 2 otherwise healthy people died of heart attacks within days of the shot.
My eyes, my experiences, not the tv anchor reading the teleprompter written by fear mongering executives propped up by gov't lackys.
Welcome to serfdom serf.
This is getting off of subject again but the planet could support 11 billion people no problem... over population in MOST countries is a myth... most western countries are losing people at a rapid rate and they need to replenish it, or we are in for a hard time. Even china upped their children limit, this isnt some population control gene therapy that complete non-sense. Their are hundreds of in depth scientifc articles that the earth ISN'T over populated we simply waste and use to much.
I'm confused how Australia turned so liberal and left leaning... I always pictured Australia as mad max/ road warrior. Loud cars, country folk and guns (I know they got taken away after a mass shooting). It seemed like the texas of England (Great Britain hahaha)when I was a kid hahahaha.
yes i too thought the Aussies were tough ..almost crocodile dundee like - hard as nails

"call that a knife" :rolleyes:

This is getting off of subject again but the planet could support 11 billion people no problem... over population in MOST countries is a myth... most western countries are losing people at a rapid rate and they need to replenish it, or we are in for a hard time. Even china upped their children limit, this isnt some population control gene therapy that complete non-sense. Their are hundreds of in depth scientifc articles that the earth ISN'T over populated we simply waste and use to much.

The wasting and using too much I agree with.
Have an opinion that differs from the Australian government's? Off to the looney bin with you!

wow that is scary....Australians need to stand up, wearing a mask inside a car on YOUR own.

i had to google the PM of Australia a LIBERAL

The old Soviet union did that if you disagreed you would find yourself in a sanatorium or salt mine
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The wasting and using too much I agree with.
You think the U.S would vaccinate its entire miltary (mandatory in Sept) for population control the back bone of America? That's absurd. If anything they'd leave the ones who were vaccinated alive since they follow orders better and snuff everyone who refused the vaccine, now that would be a more plausible conspiracy theory hahahaha.
You think the U.S would vaccinate its entire miltary (mandatory in Sept) for population control the back bone of America? That's absurd. If anything they'd leave the ones who were vaccinated alive since they follow orders better and snuff everyone who refused the vaccine, now that would be a more plausible conspiracy theory hahahaha.

I belive what I belive.
You belive what you belive.
I am happy to live along beside you in peaceful disagreement.
I am also not for Any government official, dementia Joe or that pos Pelosi telling everyone we have do as they say...not as they do.
You think the U.S would vaccinate its entire miltary (mandatory in Sept) for population control the back bone of America? That's absurd. If anything they'd leave the ones who were vaccinated alive since they follow orders better and snuff everyone who refused the vaccine, now that would be a more plausible conspiracy theory hahahaha.
How about the theory that some people are getting the shot, and others a placebo?
The logistics of that would be tremendous especially keeping it under wraps. Like I said why kill off the people who follow rules and leave the people who dont?

Because the people who don't follow the rules will wipe out each other, whomever is left is easier clean-up, and justified then to be taken out by the gov't.
The people who follow the rules can conform or else.
Those of us who belive in the Constitution are a direct threat, and no longer considered as those that follow the rules.
Because the people who don't follow the rules will wipe out each other, whomever is left is easier clean-up, and justified then to be taken out by the gov't.
The people who follow the rules can conform or else.
Those of us who belive in the Constitution are a direct threat, and no longer considered as those that follow the rules.
