Well, I had a bike accident today on my Busa. My first wreck on my first bike. I was traveling west bound on M-45 (Michigan) traveling at about 60mph. I glanced to the left for a second and then when I looked back forward there was a car completely stopped in front of me about to make a left. I had no time to completely stop but managed to slow down to what I estimate to be about 40 when I rear ended her. I had no time to lay the bike down and I hit her upright. I figured I propably would have had that same accident if I would have been on a bike or in a car. I'm fine although I'm really sore. I've called the insurance company and got the ball rolling there. Hopefully the bike is totaled so I can get a new one. It certainly looked totaled to me while I was sprawled out on the pavement. The paramedics on the scene said they certainly thought that it was totaled as well. The biggest lesson that I got out of this besides being more alert to other drivers around me is that the safety gear works and to always trust it and wear it no matter what. I had full leathers on with gloves even thought it was 91 degrees today here in West Michigan. My head was the first part of my body to hit her car and from the look of my helmet, if I wouldn't have had it on, I wouldn't be writing this right now. So please everyone, always where your safety gear!!