Kamala is taking over...

If it wasn't for guys like myself in the past, you and your people would still be under German rule and starving (or worse).

There'd always be wars, human beings are not designed to get along, even the earliest humans fought over the same things primates fight for today-territory, food and mating rights....some of the countries I've had the misfortune of being in were devolved to just this, they had a very corrupt or non-existent government which had zero population controls.....regular citizens weren't safe to walk the streets or in many cases be in their homes as the bad guys would just rip down the door and take whatever they wished....

Here in the 1st world we have stupid things like consistent electricity, water and services such as garbage/recycling and compost removal, we can go to a store and buy commodities or drive our vehicle on decent roads which are cleared in the winter and maintained...we can go to the bank and draw out money with which to buy things and be able to work for that money...

So knock the government all you want, move to your own island somewhere.......because anything short of you doing that makes you a hypocrite.

..............and you might want to pull back your horns on people who served in the military or police force on this site......there are many who have served and are proud of that fact. I make no apologies for my service, I was a 4th generation Canadian soldier and I have 2 sons serving now-proud of them both...

I'm sure guys like @SSGT_B, @michael parris heuberger @WuzzaCBXRider @pashnit @TallTom @greg3852 and many more on this site would be interested in your views on military and police service....guys like @c10 who has a boy in the Marines or @Blanca BusaLess who spends time training police forces on the range...

You sound like an angry, bitter man wrapped in tinfoil sitting in your basement in the dark watching the world pass you by instead of enjoying it.
Honestly, I'm sort of ashamed at what the America I served to protect, has become. We have a dysfunctional govt. A poorly equipped society. An irrational population. And larger and larger portions of the people supporting it.

So I'll be the one looking for that island.
Honestly, I'm sort of ashamed at what the America I served to protect, has become. We have a dysfunctional govt. A poorly equipped society. An irrational population. And larger and larger portions of the people supporting it.

So I'll be the one looking for that island.
At least max74 will have good company.....
I at no time said I'd be looking for an island that he was choosing for him.
And wherever it is, I won't be sharing it. I chose good places to live, word gets out, and the asshats that turned nice places into chytholes, leave the chytholes, come to a nice place I have found, and start to turn it into a chythole. America is running out of nice places to live. It's slowly converting into more chytholes.
well bumbelbee, like i said, wars are never what they seem and writers of history make up there own version. So please stop telling me what happened here in the Netherlands during the war, cause my version is verry different then your believes, so no, i dont see the US or Canadian soldiers as our hero's, and for those who served that are on this forum....ask them to be honest with them self and if there wars where just...like invading a country that made history for the story with so many things not ading up/having holes in them that the story itself is one black hole....you know, the one with the planes. ask yourself, how many times did some one invaded the US or Canada? hmmmmm zero? So who decides to send poor young lads who are not even old enough to make an educated decision to go fight a fight they never started? But even with army's and cops....you signed the contract, so you'r responcible for every outcome
But your claim of people always going to war is a claim based on what you've been thought at school and tv. me telling a grown man to stop watching tv.....to funny.
And why should i go to an island....i stand my ground and know that nobody owns me, you and your sons are offical property of your army, so be proud. Even while i'm not a church going guy, i do stand behind the laws of nature and they are the same as in common law or the 10 commands....love your neigbour, dont steel/cheat/lie/KILL....so yeah be proud that you chose a path where all these natural laws don't even excist. But dont expect any respect from me.....and remember, i didn't attack any of you, i just shared my thoughts, you and some others made this into a nasty discussion, so here you go, cause even here i stand my ground.

And talltom, the island is all yours, i'm not going anywhere.
Honestly, I'm sort of ashamed at what the America I served to protect, has become. We have a dysfunctional govt. A poorly equipped society. An irrational population. And larger and larger portions of the people supporting it.

So I'll be the one looking for that island.
well Tom, who do you think is responcible for this outcome? Just be honnest and admit that our own goverments created this mess, look at the EU, overrun by immigrants who share verry different values then the western culture, jamm them all up in a neighbourhood and in a few decades the surounding neighbourhoods are becoming ghetto's....did you or i made this happen? Can you blame the migrants for coming and getting free housing, money and so on....nope Tom, all decided from above, and with that i mean not the handpuppets like Biden or who ever, but even higher up that piramyd.
If i have to count how many real Amsterdam citizens still live there, its maybe 1000 men and woman, the rest fled and as we speak the whole of Amsterdam is being bought up by the super rich.....so again, this mistrust in goverments, and all there minions comes from there own pushing of a certain agenda, and this is the outcome, people not putting up with the lies anymore. If they didn't got so greedy and just sticked to the normal theft, fine, but they are taking it a step further on a weekly basis, and you can only push people this far, some more then others, but there are lines you cant cross.
well Tom, who do you think is responcible for this outcome? Just be honnest and admit that our own goverments created this mess, look at the EU, overrun by immigrants who share verry different values then the western culture, jamm them all up in a neighbourhood and in a few decades the surounding neighbourhoods are becoming ghetto's....did you or i made this happen? Can you blame the migrants for coming and getting free housing, money and so on....nope Tom, all decided from above, and with that i mean not the handpuppets like Biden or who ever, but even higher up that piramyd.
If i have to count how many real Amsterdam citizens still live there, its maybe 1000 men and woman, the rest fled and as we speak the whole of Amsterdam is being bought up by the super rich.....so again, this mistrust in goverments, and all there minions comes from there own pushing of a certain agenda, and this is the outcome, people not putting up with the lies anymore. If they didn't got so greedy and just sticked to the normal theft, fine, but they are taking it a step further on a weekly basis, and you can only push people this far, some more then others, but there are lines you cant cross.
I'm not disputing it's our defective policies and leadership. And the defective people who vote them in.
but name one thing that any leader of any country did good for every citizen....NOTHING, just go and vote and watch the scandals fly by again and again and again.
Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Barack Obama I could go on but why bother...they all did countless good for their countries and people, much much better than lounging on a motorcycle forum whining about how unfair the world is. Like any human in history those people have dark spots as well, unlike you, Mr Perfect Know It All. Tell me how people that succeed and push themselves to become our leadership seem to, in your estimation, all suddenly become a complete parasitic draw on society? They don't. Sure, there has been and still are corrupt leaders, but there's just as many great leaders. You are just too insecure to trust and appreciate.
Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Barack Obama I could go on but why bother...they all did countless good for their countries and people, much much better than lounging on a motorcycle forum whining about how unfair the world is. Like any human in history those people have dark spots as well, unlike you, Mr Perfect Know It All. Tell me how people that succeed and push themselves to become our leadership seem to, in your estimation, all suddenly become a complete parasitic draw on society? They don't. Sure, there has been and still are corrupt leaders, but there's just as many great leaders. You are just too insecure to trust and appreciate.

Like i stated, a statist who is living under a rock, all those names brought the US and the UK on the path downhill. That some wont reconize this, thats up to them. Me being realistic does not mean i'm a sad old man who doesn't enjoy life, the truth will set you free, and that is the path i chose....and the good part is, it realy does set you free, And if there is one man who is never insecure, then i'm sorry to say, but thats me....i think for myself, so dont wear masks, or are affraid off a virus that is tested with a test thats 40 years old and still only managed to get an EUA, and even the inventor told this same faucci years ago that his test was not ment to find a virus. i'm not affraid of non excisting authority, cause i know who i am in this world, again all wrong accusations, better stick with bashing my english....suited you beter
And to answer your question, and this will only create more discussions, those great people you refering to that managed to get in power, was not by hard work or peoples trust, thats where you really need to dive in to things, wich you wont....but an election is a selection. We can both claim our point, but we can also both never proof our point, but i remember 8 years back in Holland, when the president was pucked out by every dutchman.....he won again and everybody online was blaming the suckers for voting for him again, nobody ever thought about counting all these comments and see what was up, even when they announced they destroyed the voting papers in 4 days time, nobody got a questionmark pop up.
well bumbelbee, like i said, wars are never what they seem and writers of history make up there own version. So please stop telling me what happened here in the Netherlands during the war, cause my version is verry different then your believes, so no, i dont see the US or Canadian soldiers as our hero's, and for those who served that are on this forum....ask them to be honest with them self and if there wars where just...like invading a country that made history for the story with so many things not ading up/having holes in them that the story itself is one black hole....you know, the one with the planes. ask yourself, how many times did some one invaded the US or Canada? hmmmmm zero? So who decides to send poor young lads who are not even old enough to make an educated decision to go fight a fight they never started? But even with army's and cops....you signed the contract, so you'r responcible for every outcome
But your claim of people always going to war is a claim based on what you've been thought at school and tv. me telling a grown man to stop watching tv.....to funny.
And why should i go to an island....i stand my ground and know that nobody owns me, you and your sons are offical property of your army, so be proud. Even while i'm not a church going guy, i do stand behind the laws of nature and they are the same as in common law or the 10 commands....love your neigbour, dont steel/cheat/lie/KILL....so yeah be proud that you chose a path where all these natural laws don't even excist. But dont expect any respect from me.....and remember, i didn't attack any of you, i just shared my thoughts, you and some others made this into a nasty discussion, so here you go, cause even here i stand my ground.

And talltom, the island is all yours, i'm not going anywhere.
Whew! :shocked::shocked:

You certainly are jaded............and that's a very sad thing to see someone wound so tightly over something they have zero ability to change........

I've met many people from the Netherlands who definitely don't share your point of view-some of whom survived the war and came to Canada....

I've received lots of my information from the source-these people and from veterans who fought the Germans in Holland.
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better stick with bashing my english....suited you beter
As you stated, you're just having fun, insulting people and spewing complete idiocy. Keyboard bandit because I know you would be much better behaved if we were in a room discussing. By the way, not sorry about beating you in the World Cup. Knowing you and your dilapidated view of the world you probably think sports are fixed. Typical for a person not able to face reality; you create your own.

By the way, two t's in better. There's more of that dreaded reality.
and I have two Marines , one heading to the Navy soon , and my youngest desires to follow his three older brothers .
Right......I should have remembered that as we have spoke on this before....

It takes a special person to be a parent or spouse of a military member as you just never know what they are up to and if they are in harm's way or not....
To my valued friends on the Forum :) I salute you . Paul / Bill / Tom / Terry / John / and the list goes on , and on . Thanks for your Service , and I have two Marines , one heading to the Navy soon , and my youngest desires to follow his three older brothers .

Bryan thank you for putting a noble statement into into this miserable discussion. Your sons sound like admirable young men and a fine reflection of their dad.
Hi. Bryan I thank your sons for there service. And everyone who has served.


As for invading the US? It has been said throughout history, behind every blade of grass is a gun.

Either lead, follow or get the hell outta the way. Which ever you choose, make sure to pick up arms and stand to post.

No phucks nor apologies given.
Honestly, I'm sort of ashamed at what the America I served to protect, has become. We have a dysfunctional govt. A poorly equipped society. An irrational population. And larger and larger portions of the people supporting it.

So I'll be the one looking for that island.
...............................however, you still served and each day you woke up, put on your uniform properly and reported to work without whining and dripping.....

All we as (former) military members and police members is to provide security, protect our sovereignty and freedoms for others...if they screw that up, we still have to do our duty without fail.....in these times more than ever as the enemy is everywhere and is amongst us.
...............................however, you still served and each day you woke up, put on your uniform properly and reported to work without whining and dripping.....

All we as (former) military members and police members is to provide security, protect our sovereignty and freedoms for others...if they screw that up, we still have to do our duty without fail.....in these times more than ever as the enemy is everywhere and is amongst us.
Suit yourself. For me there is just too much entitlement. Too much laziness. Too little accountability. Too much tolerance of what isn't working. And not enough of getting back to what was working.