
I don't prefer the feel of gloveless riding, I have ridden around the block without my gloves and did not enjoy it at all, you just have to get used to the feeling and you'll never go back!
Wow PACIFICBUSA, Did you have to get graphic about this issue

Ok guys, I'll wear my FirstGEar gloves for a couple of more days and wait for them to
get used to! If they dont seem to work for me I'll try a different brand. Thanks a lot for
the insight

Been there and done that, although not as bad as PAC.

You will get use to wearing the gloves. It just takes some time. Once the gloves get broken in, they feel like a second skin, and you won't even notice them. This will take more than "a couple of days" so give it a few weeks.
I have a pair of fairly thick Tourmaster winter gloves that I sometimes wear in the cold, but they're still no problem......perhaps it's because I got them soaked in the rain and they went OJ on me, as in fitting very tight.

When I bought the Busa I also bought a pair of AGVsport Exocet gloves, very nice. It think the palms are made of kangaroo any case they provide a tactile feel as good as bare hands.
i had to go thru a few deferent gloves till i found some that fit me.
i had a pair of summer gloves i wore out by agv, then i wanted some leather gloves.
i tried first gear, jr 2 dif gloves,then the icon and the icon gloves are great.

going down with no gloves is no fun. had a partner go down with no glove and totally messed his hands up.
Also look for an "Unlined" "Race" glove. They generally proved better feel, and better protection.

Also (And I know this sounds wierd) But if you have smaller hands with shorter fingers, Aim for a glove built by one of the Asian companies, IE Kushitani. If you have larger hands try something from Europe/US, Held comes to mind. Joe Rocket might work well also. But try a few out if you can. I have "Medium Large" hands, and I find that Teknic fits me well, as do Alpinestars. I am not talking about where they are made so much as the Market they are made for.

Check out webbikeworld for some good gear reviews including gloves.
Wow PACIFICBUSA, Did you have to get graphic about this issue

Ok guys, I'll wear my FirstGEar gloves for a couple of more days and wait for them to
get used to! If they dont seem to work for me I'll try a different brand. Thanks a lot for
the insight


Think that's graphic??? Ask him about Wearing Jeans when you crash...

That shid is graphic!!!
No Revlis.... I wont ask him, I find this pretty graphic enough... thank you
I absolutely wanted to be a squid when i started riding and hated the idea of gloves. Once I got used to them they are a GODSEND! I feel like I can control the throttle 5 times better with one on now than without. Now if I take em off for a few minutes it doesn't even feel good. Plus I have been in a 90 mph wreck without them and lemme tell you......people sure do take their skin for granted! If you ever have to grow it back you will see that gloves aren't near as bad as the alternative.
Unless you want somethin like THIS to happen to ya, I'd really suggest gettin over how great the throttle feels in your bare hands and get some good gloves.

Like they say, skin is important. All three layers of skin were rashed away as well as some nerve endings.
Dude I gotta say man looking at this is JUST like looking at my wreck photos. My palms looked JUST like that and both my arms were like that up to my shoulder blades. About 70 percent of my lower legs were like that as well. Also just below my left knee cap since I had nothing but shorts on when I was rolling down the highway the metal reflector gaurds on the shoulder of the road one gouged a hole about the size a 50 cent piece down to my bone. Dude when I look at your pics and think back to how bad mine was I really wanna talk to people about how much gear can save you.
There are those who have and those that will. It will happen @ sometime, somewere so where protection. Just think of the asphalt as a giant belt grinder - it will get you!

I have and I knew to go for the dirt hill vs dropin it on the road - $6k on the bike and a fractured shoulder but that just my 2 cents because all I had for paints were bluejeans everything else was protected and I was lucky I had a choice. Those pics should be a wake up call for alot of us and it could could always be worse.
Pac-man's very graphic summation of why it's important just goes to show what can happen. I always suggest gloves that are padded heavily in the palms.