Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

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re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

Omar and I are planning to attend as well...gonna be a busy Busa year in 2014! :thumbsup:
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

We have had some great times there.





  • don.bmp
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re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

Great times, great friends!! Let's start the discussion! :thumbsup:

Now, we all know the Eureka trip is a blast... However, I have yet to see any discussion about dates. I can only provide the times that don't work for me (which isn't very helpful) so I need to see when you guys can make it.

Let's get to it folks - I got vacation time I gotta schedule!!
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

I'm down if ya'll could get some dates together :whistle: Just sayin............
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

Only 10 hrs from me? Hell yeah I'm down! Can a guy with a Gixxer 750 come too?
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

ok, i looked at when we typically have had this for the last couple years and it has been around the end of May/beginning of, i called Pointewest and they are completely open for May 30-June does this sound to everyone?

here is what i'm thinking, Memorial Day is May 26 so anyone who wants to take the entire week off and have a vacation could have a great time...spend Memorial weekend with your family and friends and then head to Eureka Springs for the rest of the week...there are plenty fun things to do in the area including shopping, sight seeing, haunted hotel tours, etc. to take up any time not spent touring the beautiful countryside

also, Father's Day is June 15 so we want to stay away from there
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

So..................................... Is that it then? No one else has replied............. has this thread died so soon?
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

That date works for us, once the date is confirmed I will book a room. Semi, wanna shack up?
re: Eureka Springs Meet & Greet!!

I think those dates are good with us too...any later and Omar's kids will be here in Virginia for the summer...
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