
One thing for me is that if my lady went left and stayed away the first time it would have been over. If things like that are going on its no fixing it. Once things like that start I for one do not believe it will stop. I have seen it to many times. You are wise to get someone involved to keep from doing something you will regret later. Yes, if it really bothers you and you have to know what is going on let her tell you but you can bet you will not like it. No one likes to here they are not wanted anymore. Yes, it hurts but life goes on and you will find someone else. Take your time and find someone else. Life is to short and none of us are put here to be alone. This comes from someone who has been through it as well so good luck my friend and I hope things work out
I'll offer some advice on this as I recently have had some similar realities come to slap me in the face so to speak. I have been married for 12 years and with the same girl for about 17. We have two beautiful kids, new cars, a nice house, good jobs etc.. We are both somewhat possessive of each other and have our own insecurities about some things, probably from earlier relationships. We are built differently when it comes to emotions. I am somewhat standoffish and cold, and she isn't. She is like most women only to a higher degree. What I mean is, she NEEDS to be told Ilove you and complimented alot. I swear I don't know how we made it as long as we have cause that is not me. I don't do that very much. About 10 months ago we had a decent argument. We hung out all day with friends we have known for bout 15 years when she got mad at me about something. Anyway she had been acting a little guilty/shady for a few days prior and i had been noticing it. Anyway long story short I checked her phone for some pics of the day we all hung out and found a picture that I was not at all happy with that wasn't sent to me. It wasn't horrible, but with my demeanor it was unacceptable. She lied about who and where it was sent and after 8 months of constant arguing, she finally admitted what I already new. Although as far as I can know, there has been no actual cheating physically, but that was cheating to me. It was a friend of mine , who no longer is. I can tell you this, that is not something you are soon to forgive or forget. Reason I tell you all that is, somtimes women will do stuff for shock value to let you know they are not happy. They need constatnt reassurance that you still want them and you love them. I failed at that, but know I am not responsible ultimately for her actions. She is a grown women. She makes her choices and has to deal with the consequences. However, if you love her, or if you think there is anything in your marriage worth trying to save. You have to talk to her and explain your side of it. Then you have to let her explain her side of it. And lay it all out there. In the end, what did you lose by talking about it? If it is unrepairable then so be it. I'm not judging either of you as I don't know you, but I'm telling you my experience on a similar issue, so you see both sides. No excuse for those actions, but let her explain where and why she did what she did. If you catch her in a lie then the answer is in front of you and still you haven't lost anything more than you would have originaly. Just my two cents. Good luck though man, it sucks.

By the way...there is plenty of electronic gadget floating around that can help you determine for sure if anything is going on with another man (or woman) as the case may be. They are relatively inexpensive too. :whistle: just sayin. God I loved my job as u/c detective.
I've never been married and never will be. I've watched everyone around me suffer through bad marriages and divorces. I have female friends for my needs, but I have my freedom and always wake up feeling good and in control of my life. I'll never go down the miserable road I've watched all those around me travel. I hate to say it but it must suck to be them :banghead:
When u calm down talk to her about everything...if u dont trust her now u never will even if it does work out...
I would get out now...while u have no kids together..just think about having a family with kids later down the road with this woman????would u really want her to raise your kids..just something to think about....
once you lose the TRUST it's a done deal cause it will Haunt you . Sorry to hear your problems...hope you work it out..
Maybe it's your behavior driving her away?
Don't mean to seem harsh but you post pics of bags of weed and parties all the time so.....
Well maybe it's you? Just saying. Don't mean to be mean just honest.

Sorry it's not going good so soon. Hope it works out.
My Brother in law is cheating on his wife (my Wife's Brother). They have 2 young children trying to work it out for sake of kids. No good is going to come of it. Bad deal all the way around.
My Brother in law is cheating on his wife (my Wife's Brother). They have 2 young children trying to work it out for sake of kids. No good is going to come of it. Bad deal all the way around.

Cheating on his wife, but trying to work it out?? :rofl:
Like an alcoholic saying he is working on becoming sober as he sits at a bar slamming shots.
How'd she get out of the kitchen to start with?

Anyway, move.on, she's crazy and not.worth the problems.
I feel for you! I don't think anyone can understand until you go thru it. Try to talk but be careful. You might find your bank account drained and her running up your credit cards; and it would be all legal. Trust me, I know all too well.