How often and what brand with "O" ring chain? You may not believe this, but I went to a yamaha dealer and was asking what lube they recommended. The counter man was previously a suzuki mechanic who was a GSXR 1150 fanatic before owning his Busa. He said he had personally talked to whomever owns Tsubaki chain co. at one of their company gatherings. The mechanic steered me away from all the brand name lubes and said he personally uses only WD-40 - not so much for the lube, but for the cleaning ability. He said he had previously used only PJ-1, but every time he looked at his chain it appeared to be full of every and all grit he had ridden through. (Makes for a very good lapping compound he said). The mechanic said the Tsubaki would not disagree with him about using only WD, again for keeping the chain clean. After all, if you're using "O" ring chain, how is lube going to do much good anyway - if the "O" rings are keeping the factory lube in, they are also keeping the aftermarket lube out of where it's doing any good. The mechanic even went so far as to say he gives a brand new chain a WD-40 cleaning before he ever installs it. He also said he has little if no chain stretch and has over 13,000 miles on his present chain.