2 hours just get on construction site!!


GRRRRRRRRRRAAAA!! Got watch a movie+take a test.
just get on this stinkin hospitol construction site I deliverd gas 2 today.
I had load 2 1,000 gallon L.P. tanks with a crane working over my head.
Im glad he didnt drop a dumpster or something on my head.Might dent the dumpster.
WE ran a line 6 stories tall 2 get were there working.Running big salamander heaters so they can poor concrete.keeping it warm.I pumped them 1,800 gallons @ $1.95 gallon.2 Stinking hours my attention span is not that long!!!:headache::mad:

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And you survived the day without a single incident didn't you. Guess all that training wasn't a waste of time after all.
I am at upwards of a dozen plants and sites each year, sometimes more.
Same story.. and the training is only good for a year.... do it all over again next year.
Lucky you got away with only an hour.

The Nuke plants up here are almost a week of training.... Plan the next time. carry your own supplies....:rofl: