What to do to bring your 60ft time down...


Donating Member
Another question...This one of course is about 60ft times and how to decrease it...What rule if any would apply to a stock length and height Busa???
Practice !!!!!!!!!!!! Slip the clutch just enuff to lift the front tire about 1 inch off the ground at full throttle. Very hard to do with the busa's clutch. Strap the front end down that helps alot up to 1/2(in the 1/4) sec sometimes. If you really want good 60's with a stock busa there is a clutch mod out to switch it to a cable or extended the arm.

Consistent 60 foot times very difficult with stock clutch.  Lowering, height of stock length helps a lot.
There are at least three clutch mods you can do! All will dramatically improve a polished launch on a basically stock Busa.
1. Convert to cable
2. beef up the hub several places do this,(Falicon cranks for a better basket) and/or add (BDE clutch kit).
3. 2 step mod./ Line lock mod.
There are at least three clutch mods you can do! All will dramatically improve a polished launch on a basically stock Busa.
1. Convert to cable
2. beef up the hub several places do this,(Falicon cranks for a better basket) and/or add (BDE clutch kit).
3. 2 step mod./ Line lock mod.
Could you offer more on #1 and #3...
Hey Stunnah, When I get home from work I'll get you the info your looking for and post it here. These are some of the same mods on some of the local bikes here. Two of which are running consistantly in the 9.40's.
Clutch cable conversion one of many.

Falicon clutch baskets (none better in my opinion)
There is one last mod I've heard about. A line lock or hydraulic t lock, but it has to be custom made for the Busa. When I see my PMRA buddy I'll ask him for the details.
That's cool bug checked out a couple...Will visit the others at a different time...
Stunnah, to run with the big boys you must fix the weakest link and in this case the clutch is the weakest link. Goodbye stock clutch! This is a pretty cheap mod when compared to the results you'll get.
Stunnah, to run with the big boys you must fix the weakest link and in this case the clutch is the weakest link. Goodbye stock clutch! This is a pretty cheap mod when compared to the results you'll get.
I heard that "Bug"
...I only have 4,500 miles on the bike now...Should I wait and do the mod when I replace the clutch plates or is it worth doing right now...
Do you know if any of the mods you listed have a negative effect on wheelies...Specifically 2nd clutch wheelies...Don't want to loose that...
Should grab easier/harder depending on the mod you decide on. If drag racing is going to be your thing why wait to replace? Do it now and enjoy the perks it'll bring. Plus, alittle practice with the new set-up before the warmer weather gets here might not hurt. Since were on the subject of clutches a buddy of mine who rides a CBRXX told me that the Barnett aftermarket pads/plates are exactly the same for a Busa. The only difference is the amount of each used on both bikes.
One last thing, TJFast is correct. Only practice can eliminate the 1/4 mile jitters! You must practice if you want good reaction times with sound numbers at the sixty foot mark. This opens a can of horsepower, and its kind of like dominoes. You start with one mod and keep on adding and adding and adding!
Cool pic. "TJ"...

Great links on the clutch mod "Bug"...

I've only been on the 1/8th mile a few times, my times suck...  Need more practice coming out of the hole, I'm cutting a pretty good light, but the bike bogs on me when I take-off.  It falls on it's face then take's off (need more practice.)

Went out last weekend, my 60ft time was 1.89 with a 1/8 ET of 7.25 (need more practice) embarrassing for a Busa...

What is your technique for getting a good (1.50) 60ft time?  I've been told to bring the RPM up to 2000 and roll the throttle on hard as you slip the clutch.

Need help...

Stock Clutch
Stock Basket
Stock Arm

No mods at all and I can get 1.50's and 1.60's consistently. It is all in seat time. practice practice practice....

Simple things to make you more consistent would be the right suspension setup, hard and low in the front, soft and low in the back.

You could have your seat modified and gain more on your short times there is a guy named Tobin O'connor 717-792-3708 that will do the seat mod for 100. with exchange.

Another thing you should always do before you launch is a routine. I back into the edge of the waterbox and spin my tire quick, then I roll forward and do my burnout for the same amount of time every time. I pull forward and do a quick dry hop to get a feel for the clutch. I roll up to the lights and before I stage I turn my wrist up before rolling the throttle back, I get my RPM's to where I want to launch and then stage. when my first bulb lights I load the clutch when the 3rd bulb is fully lit I slide the clutch out firm and fast and have fully released the clutch by the time I've moved 20 feet.

there is the long version for what it's worth....