Well did I pass the test?

happy to see there's still honest ppl left in the world. great job, and may good karma return soon.
i had to go on a trip before and i always carry cash.....well this time had about 1000 in the wallet. my dumbA$$ left it in the store while buying some snacks for the trip...
i left and drove all the way about good 50 miles and i received this call from the store that an employee found my stuff.
rushed back and sure nuff there it was...i i asked who the employee was and they said they don't take rewards, i just wanted to thank the person you know... so finally she came out and i thanked her....she did insist on no rewards...well since you don't accept rewards here's 100.00 as a GIFT then.....
To be able to go home last night and look my kids in the face knowing I did right by all yesterday was worth any amount the check could have been for.
Did the right thing my friend, who know's what situation that check writter was in. We all screw up sometimes. When things like this happen I think man, what if that check was given during someones darkest hour (payment for medical bills, help for a family member that passed) it's easier to do the right thing when you can think of it as really helping someone down and out. I know $5,700 would be a game changer for quite a few folks on this board.

Good on you my friend, hopefully your on the good side of the karma payment plan.