Weather Alarmists

Speaking of aliens, I watched Battle Los Angeles again last night. 4 time. I really like this movie but it got bombed by audiences and critics. I think it followed District 9 which was much more high-minded. Battle LA was all about action, which I can always get into. One thing I really liked about Battle LA is the Aliens could be killed. In most movies they are invincible and we somehow figure out how to plant a virus in their base station. In BLA you shoot them enough times and they die.
I've never watched that movie....I'll add it to the list...
complete bull. Fires destroy buildings all the time. A 14 story building has most of the basic elements of a skyscraper and the burn and either collapses or has to be taken down. It's just not news. Tall iconic skyscrapers have many redundant safety systems and it's very hard to have a fire get out of control accidentally. Remember 9-11 was not an accidental fire, and it included many gallons of jet fuel.

Also, buildings around the collapsed towers had damage similar to a major earthquake. Many of the small buildings had to be reinforced or razed.
If you were to update your opinion with new information that has been known for years that contradicts the 9-11 Ommissions report you would see the science scam that was backed by NIST. The laundry list of errors from reporting the collapse of Bldg 7 by the BBC 20 minutes before it actually happened to the way Silverstien admitted on camera we had to "pull it" to have it go down at a predetermined time is just a couple of the small miscues that show mass manipulation by those providing and driving the media spin narrative.

9-11 was a crime... yes... some willing terrorist might have been involved... I mean, they found Mohamad Attas's passport in pristine condition on the ground close to the scene of the crime.... gee... what else do you need to prove these dorks were there? What are the odds that a passport carried normally in the breast pocket of a jacket or a pocket elsewhere would make it out of the building of a 30 to 400 mph crash complete with burning jet fuel? What are the odds of that happening ? Lets say for a moment that they took control of the planes.... How did they know precisely where to hit the buildings to take out major financially / computerized laden targets worth billions that caused huge winners in losers in high speed computer trading tied to the stock market?

We also have plenty of footage that doesn't support the official story. We have numbers of examples of structural steel bent in ways only high heat could enable. Heat levels that were well beyond the temperatures jet fuel burns at under optimum conditions... The fires inside buildings didn't burn at maximum temps because the air was restricted in different ways depending on a number of factors. You might have noticed the black smoke leaving the buildings... does a rich air fuel mixture produce black smoke?

We also don't know if an unknown technology to the mainstream sources we know about were employed that day to help bring the buildings down. 49 pages of science backed assessment is contained in a brief magazine titled "Beyond Misinformation". You should get a copy and read it... you might learn something new.

The near free fall speed of the collapse is also very telling that something structural wasn't acting in the manner expected. The building is getting stronger structurally as it collapses and a good portion of the debris falls outside the buildings foot print as it comes down and is no longer a factor. Yet, the collapse continued at near free fall speed in spite of the rugged built in strength of the core columns that were X braced, bolted and welded together. Those columns supported the whole building for decades under extreme wind and load conditions. Yet... when a good portion of the building mass is no longer concentrated over the foot print the buildings core it still fails at near free fall speed. It makes no sense.

Structural steel buildings don't just fall apart in areas where no prior damage or excessive heat existed.

9-11 is another scam just like the other scams we have had to endure over decades of time.
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If you were to update your opinion with new information that has been known for years that contradicts the 9-11 Ommissions report you would see the science scam that was backed by NIST. The laundry list of errors from reporting the collapse of Bldg 7 by the BBC 20 minutes before it actually happened to the way Silverstien admitted on camera we had to "pull it" to have it go down at a predetermined time is just a couple of the small miscues that show mass manipulation by those providing and driving the media spin narrative.

9-11 was a crime... yes... some willing terrorist might have been involved... I mean, they found Mohamad Attas's passport in pristine condition on the ground close to the scene of the crime.... gee... what else do you need to prove these dorks were there? What are the odds that a passport carried normally in the breast pocket of a jacket or a pocket elsewhere would make it out of the building of a 30 to 400 mph crash complete with burning jet fuel? What are the odds of that happening ? Lets say for a moment that they took control of the planes.... How did they know precisely where to hit the buildings to take out major financially / computerized laden targets worth billions that caused huge winners in losers in high speed computer trading tied to the stock market?

We also have plenty of footage that doesn't support the official story. We have numbers of examples of structural steel bent in ways only high heat could enable. Heat levels that were well beyond the temperatures jet fuel burns at under optimum conditions... The fires inside buildings didn't burn at maximum temps because the air was restricted in different ways depending on a number of factors. You might have noticed the black smoke leaving the buildings... does a rich air fuel mixture produce black smoke?

We also don't know if an unknown technology to the mainstream sources we know about were employed that day to help bring the buildings down. 49 pages of science backed assessment is contained in a brief magazine titled "Beyond Misinformation". You should get a copy and read it... you might learn something new.

The near free fall speed of the collapse is also very telling that something structural wasn't acting in the manner expected. The building is getting stronger structurally as it collapses and a good portion of the debris falls outside the buildings foot print as it comes down and is no longer a factor. Yet, the collapse continued at near free fall speed in spite of the rugged built in strength of the core columns that were X braced, bolted and welded together. Those columns supported the whole building for decades under extreme wind and load conditions. Yet... when a good portion of the building mass is no longer concentrated over the foot print the buildings core it still fails at near free fall speed. It makes no sense.

Structural steel buildings don't just fall apart in areas where no prior damage or excessive heat existed.

9-11 is another scam just like the other scams we have had to endure over decades of time.
I guess it would be a waste of time explaining how Young’s Modulus and tensile strength of structural steel changes with increased temperature. Don’t think you would know what we are actually talking about.
Speaking of aliens, I watched Battle Los Angeles again last night. 4 time. I really like this movie but it got bombed by audiences and critics. I think it followed District 9 which was much more high-minded. Battle LA was all about action, which I can always get into. One thing I really liked about Battle LA is the Aliens could be killed. In most movies they are invincible and we somehow figure out how to plant a virus in their base station. In BLA you shoot them enough times and they die.
I was talking to a Native American History Professor (he was NA, he taught history of technology). Apparently, Europe nearly deforested itself, particularly Spain. This changed the climate, turned Spain into a sort of desert, and threatened life in that part of the world. Note this was a man-made environmental disaster and since nearly everything required wood for everything from building to heating to cooking - it looked like armageddon to the Europeans of the time.

In the sixteen hundreds, the entire east coast of North America was densely forested. When settlers came to the continent, the first thing they saw was wood. In fact, the English Crown funded the colonialization of America primarily for wood, the lack of which was threatening serious civil unrest back in England. When you drive interstates 64 and 95 down the eastern seaboard today, all of those clear fields were created by cutting lumber and sending it to Europe.

A couple of points: First, our history has been a continuous cycle of us overconsuming a critical resource and then fighting for a new source of whatever critical material we need to feed our consumption. Second, the Amazon forests are the lungs of the world because we have already cut away the lungs elsewhere and exploited the environment to benefit our own pockets (that's why I say pay them to not cut it).

When America turned to coal as a primary source of heat (for houses, trains, etc.) the air quality got so bad in urban areas that everyone from the city had an incessant cough. And disease was rampant. The air quality was actually worse than it is anywhere in the world today! Ironically all those trees we cut could have helped swallow some of that carbon!

The dust bowls of the 20s were the result of over-farming of crops that left the soils dry and depleted. Drought conditions simply put the nails in the coffin.

So, armageddon is a common theme to mankind. It has defined most of recorded history. So green is a big thing. We have never learned to live on this earth in a balanced way that does not create exploitation and conflict. Exploit and conflict is what wastes money.
I guess it would be a waste of time explaining how Young’s Modulus and tensile strength of structural steel changes with increased temperature. Don’t think you would know what we are actually talking about.
Are you telling us that the heat from the impact zone on the 95th floor of the north tower was in someway generating heat downward over 1200+ feet and through the 100,000+ tons of the structural steel below it to the point is made it collapse top to bottom in less than 15 seconds?

My limited welding background has me thinking about how much fuel it takes to bring steel up to temperature where it loses a percentage of its strength. That kind of information is easy to find. How sure are you the jet fuel was placed in all the places it needed to be to create a symmetrical collapse? Go ahead and calculate the amount of fuel required too heat about a 100,000 tons of structural steel to the optimal temperature for a complete collapse in less than 15 seconds.
Are you telling us that the heat from the impact zone on the 95th floor of the north tower was in someway generating heat downward over 1200+ feet and through the 100,000+ tons of the structural steel below it to the point is made it collapse top to bottom in less than 15 seconds?

My limited welding background has me thinking about how much fuel it takes to bring steel up to temperature where it loses a percentage of its strength. That kind of information is easy to find. How sure are you the jet fuel was placed in all the places it needed to be to create a symmetrical collapse? Go ahead and calculate the amount of fuel required too heat about a 100,000 tons of structural steel to the optimal temperature for a complete collapse in less than 15 seconds.

You are so funny.

Explaining the amplification of first and second order elastic moments and moments of inertia in a complex steel structure to someone who totes conspiracy theories is a futile attempt towards achieving the impossible.

Terrorists recruit effectively from populations who are mislead and manipulated by these falsehoods. Your fellow conspiracy theorists have gone as far as claiming not a single Jew got caught in the 9/11 attack, meaning Israel was involved in the demolition. The latter being an Islamic attempt to discredit Israel.
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You are so funny.

Explaining the amplification of first and second order elastic moments and moments of inertia in a complex steel structure to someone who totes conspiracy theories is a futile attempt towards achieving the impossible.

Terrorists recruit effectively from populations who are mislead and manipulated by these falsehoods. Your fellow conspiracy theorists have gone as far as claiming not a single Jew got caught in the 9/11 attack, meaning Israel was involved in the demolition. The latter being an Islamic attempt to discredit Israel.
Good 'ol conspiracy theorists.....where would we be without their rhetoric....?

There are some real "wing dings" out there drumming up some of these conspiracy theories...

You are so funny.

Explaining the amplification of first and second order elastic moments and moments of inertia in a complex steel structure to someone who totes conspiracy theories is a futile attempt towards achieving the impossible.

Terrorists recruit effectively from populations who are mislead and manipulated by these falsehoods. Your fellow conspiracy theorists have gone as far as claiming not a single Jew got caught in the 9/11 attack, meaning Israel was involved in the demolition. The latter being an Islamic attempt to discredit Israel.
Bringing the jewish angle into this event is a deflection. I didn't expect you to play the jew card. Terrorist are a simple minded bunch of sociopaths on a mission that shows us how disconnected they are from the rest of the world. They make good patsys when needed for a false flag event like 9-11 where ongoing investigations get buried along with the crime scene evidence itself. Bringing the jewish Israel combo into the mix is simply another distraction in the media spin narrative to engage the simple minded observers.

Moments of inertia? The buildings didn't drop on impact. Once the shaking stopped after the impact in each building the only thing left to do was put the fires out. Firemen reached the 78th floor of the south tower and reported 2 fire hoses could handle the fires that needed to be put out.

Thousands of credentialed experts have gone on the record as dismissing or contradicting the "official story" surrounding the physics of 9-11.

9-11 was a crime... much of the steel evidence was scuttled off to China while smelters here in the USA could have handled the tonnage that was shipped halfway around the world. The powers that be didn't want a complete inspection into the true condition of the steel that went to China. Why were the trucks hauling steel away from the crime scene in New York fitted with GPS tracking devices? Was it because they thought the drivers might get lost? lol !

The oxymoronic Patriot Act had many edicts that were to expire in the years after that crime. Instead they continue the enforcement period and added more laws and regulations. We now know clearly that General Powell lied to the UN about weapons of mass destruction and that was pivotal in the attack on Iraq... a war that in itself is just another scam on all the parties involved. Was Iraq attacking us? Or, was Saddam selling oil to European nations for Euros in violation of the petrodollar rules introduced in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard?

Like the former president Trump said years ago.... everything is a lie. Even on 9-11 president Trump went on the record saying that the 9-11 attack was not what it appeared to be. I wonder if president Trump has every spoken with Larry Silverstien since 9-11. That would be an interesting conversation if the insurance settlement for 4.55 billion ( the largest insurance claim in modern history ) was in the discussion.
Good 'ol conspiracy theorists.....where would we be without their rhetoric....?

There are some real "wing dings" out there drumming up some of these conspiracy theories...
I suppose that isn't contrary to the falsehoods the general population suck up as gospel every time the media reports it. Yes... the wing dings exist... and they lie to us everyday.
I suppose that isn't contrary to the falsehoods the general population suck up as gospel every time the media reports it. Yes... the wing dings exist... and they lie to us everyday.
Exactly there are "wind dings" on both sides of the equation, lefties and righties....

People are easily led and both sides know it and spread their foolishness hoping someone buys into it...
“Thousands of credentialed experts have gone on the record as dismissing or contradicting the "official story" surrounding the physics of 9-11.“

Thousands eh? (Thousands)
of (credentialed) experts? What a crock!
“Thousands of credentialed experts have gone on the record as dismissing or contradicting the "official story" surrounding the physics of 9-11.“

Thousands eh? (Thousands) View attachment 1636820of (credentialed) experts? What a crock!
More than a few experts watched the buildings fall and said to themselves.... No F Way.

The count on those credentialed experts totaled around 3300 last time I looked. These were the experts calling for a new investigation. Btw... the 1st investigation took over 400 days to launch. It took bitter persistence by the families victims to get that going. Then, you always have Eric Lawyer, a NYFD fireman that spoke bravely about what he discovered in the aftermath of 9-11.

The credentialed experts are A & E 911 truth and have gathered plenty facts to support their opinions. NIST will not even hold an open discussion with them regarding Bldg 7. Why? Because NIST can only provide a portion of what they say happened with Bldg 7... then they go dark.

Some evidence is circumstantial and what it reveals is behavior by key people that were tasked with installing the false narrative that has its own particular identifying characteristics.

Are you guys still pretending CNN is reporting the truth?

aka... a phyop. Psychological warfare - Wikipedia
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Was thinking the exact same thing..
It's hijacks or personal agenda's like these that cause me to skip over many of the topics
The answer is simple... the powers that run this world have an agenda that infects / affects our daily lives with false and misleading information. Man made "Climate Change" is another hoax designed to fleece us financially. A proposal for a global tax system has been proposed.... its all SSDD...

What happened to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" agenda? The guy use to fly around in private jets attempting to sell his agenda while living in a mansion... talk about a carbon footprint hypocrite... If you don't scrutinize the policies coming from those that benefit from these scams, then, they will ram down our collective throats whatever they can get away with. It has been that way for 100s of years... are you getting use to it yet?
We may as well start talking about if the moon landing was faked or not in the same thread hahahaha.
No issue with the moon landing here... it is a non issue anyway. A treaty was signed a long time ago that no country can claim it. One bit of news I heard it that someone wants to change the position of the Moon relative to where it orbits the Earth at this time.