Was just wondering

Ok quick he's sleeping Jester! Get the warm water and the shaving cream!
Looks like I have plenty of time before I need to have my new avatar trillogy finished.

'twill be interesting...
ok... whats going on at 1300 posts.. I see your over it now.. but I don't see nothin' goin on....
I have a very cool metamorphosis all planned out.
Includes a combination of time and posts causing the member status and avatar to morph and mature together over time and increase of post numbers.
to be honest, I think Im kinda scared to find out what it means....

you know, this is kinda weird but I sit in front of my computer and for once, I have nothing to say. I never thought that this time would come. Im lost for something to say.

Has this ever happened to any of you??

I dont know what to do.....I think Im lost.

Is this a normal thing. Do thay make a pill that will solve this problem??

Yikes, Im starting to get a little scared.....Wait a min. Im not suppose to be Skeered!!!!

Im Jester.....I aint Skeered.....aint Skeered of nothing......Whats happening hear?

Be thee not skeered Oh Jester for I am wit yoos. Yay though I ride through the canyons on the twistiest of twisties, I shall not be skeered, I have ridden the Crest, GMR, and Mulholland in Cali, and I have the strips to show for it.

It's happened to me too...I get home turn on the computer, go straight here and just ah, Daaaaah,
owne, glad to see that some one else feels my pain. Its good to know that Im not the only one that suffers from massive brain farts. It was kinda scary then but I think that Im over it now. I think im getting better realy.

No really, I think Ill be ok, Im getting all sorts of thoughts. Some good, some bad, and some just plain strange. (if only you knew) Be afraid, be very afraid!!!

I must start reading and planing. Planing on what is to come next and reading so I know how to make it come true. ( I hate instructions )

But for now, anybody got any pudding?
oh what the hell, Im game, Ill take some UPDOHG.

(at least Ill find out what the hell it is)
