Was just wondering

Bren, Just the man I needed to talk too. I need to know whats up with Seca, Like ticket prices, hotel prices and if were still roomin together or not. After hear everybody talk about it Im getting the bug to get it all planned out just to make sure I have everything I need. Just being careful that I dont get to Cali and not have tickets to get in or a place to stay.

Good to hear xmas went good for ya, I was pretty happy with the turn out myself. But I am happy that its all over with thats for sure.
I don't think I will be done with my new avatar in time for the metamorphasis.
cache, how many pages have you started now???

You know page starting has been liked to mental break-downs and impatance in lab otters and wild marmasets.

Just thought you should know that.

the new avatar I am working on will not be spectacular by any means, but will tell a little story and will grow with my posts. You will understand when it happens.

One thing I will reveal is the magic number for the beginning of the beginning is 1300.
just thought you might like to know that the affects are irreversable. But I think there working on a spray that will take care of the rash for ya.
Now you just stop right there mister! Don't make me pull this damn car over!

You are the one that started this wonderful mayhem. Sure beats the hell out of having to get in arguments and tantrems to have fun and post.

I feel better now.


are we there yet? are we there yet? are there yet??

Pull this car over, I have to pee.

I like my "wonderful mayhem". It brings a light to my day and a smile to my face, and I like it like that.

But thats kinda twisted isnt it? Kinda like the rest of my life, but its interesting anyway you look at it.
don't make me come up there and settle you two down. .. Just wait till we get home..

Your butts are grass and I'm gonna smoke em'!

hehe hippy parents..gotta love em'
I would hat to ruin the grand plan I brainstormed the other night. It was inspired by the Seth Lord - Captain.
so now is the time for the real question, do I take advantage of cache while he is waiting to make his return or be the nice guy and not take cheap shots while my fellow busa brother while he is workin on his master plan.

My choice, I think Ill take the nice guy route for now. I cant hit a brotha while there away waiting on something good.

Ill probley kick myself for making this choice but oh well, Ill live with it.

Just wish I was workin on 1300 post, I dont think Ill ever get there.

All I want is a cool little catch phrase under my name, thats all, is that too much to ask?
Looks like I have plenty of time before I need to have my new avatar trillogy finished.

'twill be interesting...