Want to buy daughter dirtbike or 4-wheeler for Christmas

Dirtbike. If she seems happier on the bike than the quad go for it. I started on bikes and the quad was easy minus me flipping it a few times... and it was a bike quad not a child one... going from 2 wheels to 4 is always going to be easier in my opinion but like everyone says. To each his own and everyones experience is different
I'm looking at the Honda 50 and 70. She's already flatfooted on the 50 I think.
i'm of the opinion that a bike is the way to go, in support of the numerous comments backing this opinion- i believe it adds a valueable skill that can be usefull later in life.
i myself learned on a 200 street/trail bike and that was helpfull in that i used the same machine to learn on and off road riding skills.
that said- which would she rather have?
I started my 3 yr old on a 50 four wheeler he has rode the wheels off it with no crashes yet luckly since he rides like his daddy wide open every where.His birthday is this month i got him a 50 honda dirt bike changing directions he loves motorcycles so im going to raise him up on them i got my first motorcyle at 14 it was a honda 250xr street and trail.