** NEW news on Mick's daughter**

Well??? Pics? response? what happened? I wanna call Mick but a) don't wanna wake him up and B) don't wanna spoil the surprise if it hasn't happened.
we have conformation of delivery.

Personally, myself.... I'll wait for them. that house must in termoil right now.

-they are moving
-Lindsey gets hurt BIGTIME
-etc etc.

no offence moose,you know that. You're typing with yer heart..not yer head... I did that once

ya right

It would take a LOT more than that to offend me Bro! Knowing the bounty got there is all that I was after and in the end all that really matters

Thanks Rubb
Update on Mick, from usmcbusa and me...I did speak to him on Monday and on top of everything else going wrong right now, he's hurt his back...he was laughing and in good spirits, said it's because I make him laugh (yeah, I know...class clown), but I tend to think it was the drugs...

Well, he spoke to usmc yesterday; seems he was in the hospital for the old back, it's a disc problem, pulled muscles...he's already missed so much time from work, is out of time off, daughter's had some setbacks along the way, the move and now this...

So, I don't know that we'll see Mick anytime soon on here...he's barely had time to stick his head up to breathe, much less find that computer and hook up to the web...

Send good thoughts his way...seems he's being hit with far too much all at once here lately...
Okay, just got off the phone with my doped up friend...he's got good drugs today to help with the compressed disc and pulled muscles in his back...

He said Lindsey was on cloud 9 yesterday...delivery after delivery of flowers and a stuffed puppy (they had to give up their dog when they moved, so she's been missing their dog)...she said she wished every day was Valentine's Day!!

Mick said the board's show of concern made her day...she's off to see a new specialist on Friday to help with some ongoing concerns post-accident, but her spirits are high...

Mick's spirits are high too...drugs, everyone here helping Lindsey...
He'll be at home 'til next Tuesday with back issues and hopes to check in with us soon. He'll put up pics of the flowers, hopefully of Lindsey who's camera shy right now because she's still bruised...I told Mick to let Lindsey know we don't care about bruises, we just want to know that she's okay...

Thanks to everyone that helped make her smile yesterday...