The Downfall of Minneapolis

I can’t stand the thought that those two might represent our choices next November. It’s almost incomprehensible.
I take it you would prefer another creature from the Swamp... If so, then Gavin is your guy... Pelosi's nephew.
It appears to me leadership quality around the world has taken a dive with a few exceptions.

As far as Biden goes... just a figurehead that follows orders and doesn't hold press conferences unless his handlers think he can pull it off without further miscues and embarrassing moments. Sleepy Joe has had 3 press conferences so far this year... I guess their isn't much to talk about... not many issue that need attention these days... its vacation time for the Bidens... Joe probably needs some rest while the caravans keep coming.

Personally, I would prefer John Radcliff but he isn't running. Anybody that throws their hat in the ring gets boiled by the Lame Stream media for their efforts. In 1992 it took a death threat by the marxist left to kill Ross Perot's daughter to get him out of the race long enough to lose the momentum he had that might have put him into the highest office.

If Trump wins they will likely kill him asap. They dimtards still have a few bullets left to fire legally even after the Supreme Court gives them the 9 to 0 ruling that will set the tone for the other 20+ blues states that want to restrict who people can vote for...
It is almost unbelievable to think that out of 100 million adults here these two are all we get to pick from. The world is certainly laughing at us. Then again look how many actors or comedians have recently been elected around the world. Argentina comes to mind.
Only a certain personality type will run for the highest office anymore. The amount of smear and slander generated by the MSM at anybody who runs without full Swamp approval is beyond what most brilliant people are willing to deal with. Dr V A Shiva is running and he fully understands the machinery he is up against.
To a certain degree I also agree with Zerks, you and many others on that point. So maybe we found two things?? I think far too many voters don't look deep enough into who a president is surrounding themselves with. I probably disagree with Zerks to what extent and how deep that puppet show goes.
Read a little bit of Whitney Webb's book titled "One Nation Under Blackmail" that is the most up to date version of what ails America and to some extent most of the world we live in. Given what she has revealed I surprised they haven't cancelled he permanently.

Whitneys book is right here, peek inside the house of Horrors.

More from Whitney Webb.
I don’t think that whoever is in office drives this country. I’m not in the Biden camp by any means but the economy is not as bad as some make it out to be. I think we the people drive the economy and thus the country.
What do you know about this economy? Do you ever study it? Do you ever spend time learning from those whose mission it is to understand it and manage resources according to what's best when everything is considered?

Here are a few things to consider.

68% of middle class working people are living payday to payday.
We have 7 million working age men that won't look for work and are not working in this country right now.
People are not saving money at the levels they normally do.
Many people are living on their credit cards right now and credit card debt is at an all time high.
The "car debt" levels are at an all time high and repos are up.
Real estate values and rent levels are dropping right now nation wide. Plenty of vacancies are going unreported.
Commercial real estate that must refi every 5 to7 years is failing big and the banks that finance them are getting the keys back from the borrowers. SVB and other banks got bailed out earlier this year... it is a precursor of more to come and the IMF and World Bank are preparing to pump more fiat currency into the system through the FED.
Air B & B rental rule changes are killing that business. What about 39,000 properties are affected in New Jersey and New York alone, what about the rest of them as state, county and cities change rental rules across this country as New York has done?
What is the interest payment on the national debt now that interest rates have increased?
The Fed says it is going to cut rates at least 3 times in 2024. What does history show us the result of that will be? In the last 50 years we have had a recession 7 times when multiple cuts has been done by the Fed. Do you think the end result will be different this time as compared to the last 7 times?
Ukraine spending is just one more war we can't afford without more debt being created. Just wait till China takes Tiawan as they are preparing to do right now. China wants those chips from Taiwan because they need them to gain on our technological advantage we have over them right now. America is being weakened systematically from many directions. Our White House leaders are failing and the bad actors are acting up in multiple places around the world.
Why are banks buying gold at record levels? is that where the safe money goes?
Where are the of millions( already here ) of law breaking border crossers ( 10,000+ a day ) entering this country everyday going to live?

You were in the Biden camp for a while... once people are brainwashed into hating someone its almost impossible to for them to recover from their mental disorder.
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How much does the DNC pay you?
I could give a rip about either party... this 2 party system has produced the most corrupt bunch of political hacks that are on par with the Clintons with a few exceptions.
Hi. You know that I am crazy and I can not speel. The 14th ammendant can save the USA from peopɔe like Trump. Anyone that wsnts to overthrought thr govenment can not run for preisadent. Anyone who wants to run aginst Biden wants to overthrought the government. That way the great Biden can stay in office. We could become a Denoctatic Dictatership. When Biden passes he could leave it his great son and wonderfull father and painter Hunter.
You are free to disregard the real evidence and say I am regurgitating the same points. You can't refute the coroners report. You can't refute the training manual. You can't refute suppressed information. You can't refute false testimony. So, believe whatever you like... facts are facts. The lady that put that video together went well into the details around the death of Floyd. You just can't bear to look at it.
The real evidence is a person was handcuffed and in police custody and died as a result of police incompetence....

That is the only evidence I need to know or see......and the court of law agrees with that.

Whatever swing you put on it is babble.
Floyd was handcuffed long before he ever made it to the ground. Floyd would not sit as instructed in the back of the police car. Floyd resisted the whole time and was at one point kicking one of the officers. Look at Floyd and ask yourself... would you want THAT GUY while high on drugs kicking you? If the dumbass would have just sat in the car as instructed he would not have ended up on the pavement.
See my post above as it also applies to this post...
You were in the Biden camp for a while... once people are brainwashed into hating someone its almost impossible to for them to recover from their mental disorder.
If you can overlook an obviously self-absorbed pig of a man who has no integrity at all (he commits crimes on video?!), well, that's a mental disorder! Biden has eclipsed Trump's performance by miles in every main category. In fact, over the years, Democrats have outperformed Republicans consistently. I am not going to argue statistics with you, look them up. Those are the facts. It's funny people think Trump is going to pardon them. Trump had from 1/6 to 1/20 to issue pardons, but he did nothing. Trump said he would revive manufacturing ( he used tariffs when he got a civics lesson on how government works); it went backward until Bidenomics fixed it.

You Losers keep trying to make gloom and doom out of a solid presidential performer (Biden). What do Republicans even stand for these days other than misogyny, racism, and white supremacy? So, if you can't appreciate how well this country is working, leave. Let me know when you find something better. Just a warning though, unless you can travel back in time you won't find 1939 Germany.
What do you know about this economy?
You have no idea who I am or what I know. You whine about BlackRock and then about restrictions to Air B&B which are aimed directly at real estate powerhouses like Black Rock. Regardless, the economy HAS improved quite a bit over the last year and you can’t stand it because a democrat is in office. You have zero clue that ironically, that has very little to do with it.
You have a peculiar relationship with reality. You like to pick and chose but it doesn’t work that way so you create your own, and I must say you’re quite detailed about it. That, I respect.
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What do you know about this economy? Do you ever study it? Do you ever spend time learning from those whose mission it is to understand it and manage resources according to what's best when everything is considered?

Here are a few things to consider.

68% of middle class working people are living payday to payday.
We have 7 million working age men that won't look for work and are not working in this country right now.
People are not saving money at the levels they normally do.
Many people are living on their credit cards right now and credit card debt is at an all time high.
The "car debt" levels are at an all time high and repos are up.
Real estate values and rent levels are dropping right now nation wide. Plenty of vacancies are going unreported.
Commercial real estate that must refi every 5 to7 years is failing big and the banks that finance them are getting the keys back from the borrowers. SVB and other banks got bailed out earlier this year... it is a precursor of more to come and the IMF and World Bank are preparing to pump more fiat currency into the system through the FED.
Air B & B rental rule changes are killing that business. What about 39,000 properties are affected in New Jersey and New York alone, what about the rest of them as state, county and cities change rental rules across this country as New York has done?
What is the interest payment on the national debt now that interest rates have increased?
The Fed says it is going to cut rates at least 3 times in 2024. What does history show us the result of that will be? In the last 50 years we have had a recession 7 times when multiple cuts has been done by the Fed. Do you think the end result will be different this time as compared to the last 7 times?
Ukraine spending is just one more war we can't afford without more debt being created. Just wait till China takes Tiawan as they are preparing to do right now. China wants those chips from Taiwan because they need them to gain on our technological advantage we have over them right now. America is being weakened systematically from many directions. Our White House leaders are failing and the bad actors are acting up in multiple places around the world.
Why are banks buying gold at record levels? is that where the safe money goes?
Where are the of millions( already here ) of law breaking border crossers ( 10,000+ a day ) entering this country everyday going to live?

You were in the Biden camp for a while... once people are brainwashed into hating someone its almost impossible to for them to recover from their mental disorder.
Wherever you cut and pasted this from left out a few points.

Those 7M (which I don't dispute the accuracy) don't get reported in the unemployment figures. If they aren't applying for work they fall out of the reporting data.

You left out the efforts to kill the Petro dollar that Biden has done zero about.

You left out that the recent strikes by auto workers have not only raised the cost of vehicles, it's resulted in layoffs in the auto industry.

You left out that banks have begun to fail.

You left out that we have migrants pouring over our borders and being sent to sanctuary cities, which by their own admission is causing such economic impact, they seek federal funds. Funny how the border cities have been saying this for years now. You also left out how legally they can't work as long as they are awaiting their court proceedings. (Which will take years).

There is so much you left out here.

But what you did include is still relevant. There is a reason that a sitting presidents' poll numbers are lower than those of a self centered, narcissistic, womanizing, conman convicted of fraud.
If you can overlook an obviously self-absorbed pig of a man who has no integrity at all (he commits crimes on video?!), well, that's a mental disorder! Biden has eclipsed Trump's performance by miles in every main category. In fact, over the years, Democrats have outperformed Republicans consistently. I am not going to argue statistics with you, look them up. Those are the facts. It's funny people think Trump is going to pardon them. Trump had from 1/6 to 1/20 to issue pardons, but he did nothing. Trump said he would revive manufacturing ( he used tariffs when he got a civics lesson on how government works); it went backward until Bidenomics fixed it.

You Losers keep trying to make gloom and doom out of a solid presidential performer (Biden). What do Republicans even stand for these days other than misogyny, racism, and white supremacy? So, if you can't appreciate how well this country is working, leave. Let me know when you find something better. Just a warning though, unless you can travel back in time you won't find 1939 Germany.
You’re right biden has surpassed trump in allowing record numbers of illegals to flood this country, inflation at all time highs, crime at all time highs, cities crumbling at all time record rates, bribes paid to him and all of his family in record amounts, mountains of evidence in record amounts people like you still refuse to believe. I could go on but it wouldn’t matter. As evidenced by your post you still have your head in the sand and are refusing to admit it.
YOUR guy ran on a platform of unity. When is that going to start? He also ran on build back better. Was he talking about ukraine as he ain’t done sh!t for this country.
You’re right biden has surpassed trump in allowing record numbers of illegals to flood this country, inflation at all time highs, crime at all time highs, cities crumbling at all time record rates, bribes paid to him and all of his family in record amounts, mountains of evidence in record amounts people like you still refuse to believe. I could go on but it wouldn’t matter. As evidenced by your post you still have your head in the sand and are refusing to admit it.
YOUR guy ran on a platform of unity. When is that going to start? He also ran on build back better. Was he talking about ukraine as he ain’t done sh!t for this country.
Hi. It is people see only what they want to see
You’re right biden has surpassed trump in allowing record numbers of illegals to flood this country, inflation at all time highs, crime at all time highs, cities crumbling at all time record rates, bribes paid to him and all of his family in record amounts, mountains of evidence in record amounts people like you still refuse to believe. I could go on but it wouldn’t matter. As evidenced by your post you still have your head in the sand and are refusing to admit it.
YOUR guy ran on a platform of unity. When is that going to start? He also ran on build back better. Was he talking about ukraine as he ain’t done sh!t for this country.
Build back better........LOL. I'd take "Put it back where you got it"!
Wherever you cut and pasted this from left out a few points.

Those 7M (which I don't dispute the accuracy) don't get reported in the unemployment figures. If they aren't applying for work they fall out of the reporting data.

You left out the efforts to kill the Petro dollar that Biden has done zero about.

You left out that the recent strikes by auto workers have not only raised the cost of vehicles, it's resulted in layoffs in the auto industry.

You left out that banks have begun to fail.

You left out that we have migrants pouring over our borders and being sent to sanctuary cities, which by their own admission is causing such economic impact, they seek federal funds. Funny how the border cities have been saying this for years now. You also left out how legally they can't work as long as they are awaiting their court proceedings. (Which will take years).

There is so much you left out here.

But what you did include is still relevant. There is a reason that a sitting presidents' poll numbers are lower than those of a self centered, narcissistic, womanizing, conman convicted of fraud.
The post was already lengthy. I wasn't attempting to cover all the key points that point to trouble that many of us are concerned about. All I do is listen to various knowledable people that know which financial indicators are relevant. These folks are way ahead of the curve as compared to the bulk of working class Americans that know something isn't right.

We had warnings before the 2008 crash. I knew in the fall of 2005 that the rise in home values was unsustainable and it was time to sell. This was at a time when I didn't pay much attention or follow the economic assessments available to those that were still enjoying the growing GDP.

The polls numbers simply confirm the obvious nature of Biden. Most people have figured out what Biden is.

I still see loads of lumber, drywall and post tension cables going down the road on flatbeds.
If you can overlook an obviously self-absorbed pig of a man who has no integrity at all (he commits crimes on video?!), well, that's a mental disorder! Biden has eclipsed Trump's performance by miles in every main category. In fact, over the years, Democrats have outperformed Republicans consistently. I am not going to argue statistics with you, look them up. Those are the facts. It's funny people think Trump is going to pardon them. Trump had from 1/6 to 1/20 to issue pardons, but he did nothing. Trump said he would revive manufacturing ( he used tariffs when he got a civics lesson on how government works); it went backward until Bidenomics fixed it.

You Losers keep trying to make gloom and doom out of a solid presidential performer (Biden). What do Republicans even stand for these days other than misogyny, racism, and white supremacy? So, if you can't appreciate how well this country is working, leave. Let me know when you find something better. Just a warning though, unless you can travel back in time you won't find 1939 Germany.
Biden isn't running anything except this country into the ground. The guy has a history of lies about who he is or was on a regular basis. His family is neck deep in political graft going back years from today. The DOJ and FBI protect him with cover ups. The first thing Biden did was attack American energy producers that kicked off a new wave of inflation in 2021 The downward trajectory of America is in the playbook of the Neo marxist fraternity and goes back for decades. A debt based system can only fail in the end if you were to figure out what 2% inflation does over a 110+ year cycle. Somethings just can't be fixed without a complete reset... like getting back on the gold standard. CBDCs will be the final phase of a well documented violation of America's 4th Amendment if implemented. Biden would love it if a CBDC system was implemented because it remove privacy from working class Americans and the cash would have little or no value.

Biden has handlers and decision makers are calling all the shots. This is why he rarely talks to the press or answers question spontaneously. They let Joe be president if he followed the script that was laid out long ago by the people that really run this country. The Press Secretary plays dodge ball every day when she isn't taking softballs from the left leaning journalist.

Don't you have a Climate activist meeting to attend today with Al Gore and Greta Thornburg speaking?