The Downfall of Minneapolis

Fentanyl is a highly soluble drug. If swallowed its effects are quite rapid. Even sniffing its odor from a bag or simply getting it on your skin can be fatal.
None of those claims were made. Nobody can say for certain he ate drugs. And NOBODY can say for certain he didn’t.
His life of crime caught up to him when me met a cop who didn’t give a poop. Sorry. Not sorry.
Watch the early part of the video and tell us what you think Floyd was doing with his right hand when the officer was ordering him to show his hands. The officers life was at stake as he ordered Floyd to show his hands because Floyd could have been reaching for a weapon. You can see his left hand and his right hand is busy doing something that is blocked by Floyds body and the car seat from the cameras perspective. This is why the officer drew his gun. Floyd was busy doing something with his right hand and would not follow orders to show both hands. The video shows something white in his mouth and calls it out. We don't know for sure what it was and his mouth was not searched as he was taken under arrest.

The statement you made about the drug having a rapid effect is a possibility that fits into the series of events as it plays out. From the moment of confrontation where he won't show his right hand until he stops breathing and gets CPR is how many minutes?
That's a two way street. Look at Alex Jones just one of many examples on the right making money off of lies.
While your at it call out the leftist dimtard supporting MSM covering for Biden and all the lies he keeps telling us. The Biden family has made at least 20 million and perhaps more off of foreign country connections and the bank records show where the money came from. At the same time Hunter won't sit for a deposition to explain where the money came form and for what service was performed to earn it. Add to that the "Big Guy" using fake names in e mails with those foreign connections he has and used that the FBI won't release...

To bad Wiki leaks isn't still in business.

So... who is the treasonous saboteur doing the most damage here?
He was placed on the street because he would not stop fighting the efforts to place him in the backseat of the squad car. He was kicking one of the officers attempting to place him there. Floyd was out of control. What did you do with people that were out of control when you placed them under arrest? Did you tell them to sit still and behave themselves? While you are at it... tell me who the stupid person was that put himself in that situation to begin with?

The method used was in the training manual... did you want to argue that point also?
Lots of other people who get arrested act like this but don't end up dead at the hands of the police.....

To stop his kicking, they have a thing called a hobble which is a strap for his legs, they use these all the time.

There is no evidence you can present that negates the fact once a person goes into handcuffs and police custody that this person isn't the responsibility of the arresting officers regardless of the situation which put them there.

My team and I have taken high value targets into custody that moments before were in a firefight against us yet we still acted professionally and treated any wounds they had before extracting them.....if one of these targets died in our custody due to our negligence, we would have been held responsible.
Watch the early part of the video and tell us what you think Floyd was doing with his right hand when the officer was ordering him to show his hands. The officers life was at stake as he ordered Floyd to show his hands because Floyd could have been reaching for a weapon.
The first part of the video is not the point. Is Chauvin's life at stake during the last 9 MINUTES??
Stabbing 90 Day Fiance GIF

his life is at stake now *
Watch the early part of the video and tell us what you think Floyd was doing with his right hand when the officer was ordering him to show his hands. The officers life was at stake as he ordered Floyd to show his hands because Floyd could have been reaching for a weapon. You can see his left hand and his right hand is busy doing something that is blocked by Floyds body and the car seat from the cameras perspective. This is why the officer drew his gun. Floyd was busy doing something with his right hand and would not follow orders to show both hands. The video shows something white in his mouth and calls it out. We don't know for sure what it was and his mouth was not searched as he was taken under arrest.

The statement you made about the drug having a rapid effect is a possibility that fits into the series of events as it plays out. From the moment of confrontation where he won't show his right hand until he stops breathing and gets CPR is how many minutes?
Cmon man. It was a breath mint. He didn’t want to stink when talking to the nice police officers.
I'll be the "devil's advocate" and go out on a limb stating he deserves the same safety that he didn't provide to Floyd.

The prison system knows that former law enforcement in incarceration are subject to violence.....placing Chauvin in general populace wasn't right.
By your own logic, the prison was responsible for Chauvins well being. Should not who ever put him in harms way be held accountable?
Yes, by anyone’s logic. I don’t know all the circumstances that caused him to be in harm’s way, none of us do really, but if he was released into general population, whomever gave that order should be punished. However, prison shanks are quite common even among those in AdSeg (administrative segregation).
Yes, by anyone’s logic. I don’t know all the circumstances that caused him to be in harm’s way, none of us do really, but if he was released into general population, whomever gave that order should be punished. However, prison shanks are quite common even among those in AdSeg (administrative segregation).
Dude got shanked 22 times!!! Not once or twice but he got jabbed a whollllle bunch. Violent style. You have time to do that you also had time to slice his throat or puncture his jugular. They didn’t want him dead. When he heals up he’ll still be in there with them. They’ll hit him again if chance comes. He IS in hell right now.
By your own logic, the prison was responsible for Chauvins well being. Should not who ever put him in harms way be held accountable?
Not just by my logic obviously....even when incarcerated, people are to be protected and a through investigation into how Chauvin was able to be stabbed while in prison should definitely be investigated and the people responsible for enabling this should be held responsible...
Dude got shanked 22 times!!! Not once or twice but he got jabbed a whollllle bunch. Violent style. You have time to do that you also had time to slice his throat or puncture his jugular. They didn’t want him dead. When he heals up he’ll still be in there with them. They’ll hit him again if chance comes. He IS in hell right now.

They’re all violent. You ever heard of someone getting stabbed non violently? Most everyone that gets stabbed inside gets multiple stabs. Multiple stabs are common in prison whether or not they’re trying to kill someone mostly due to their prison made shanks being very short for concealability purposes. And 22 stabs would take less than 22 seconds. It’s doubtful that he’ll be released back among the same crowd. (That) would definitely be criminal. However, prison is prison. Not everyone can get a single cell and even if they could, they have to let them out sometime. The SHU, the special housing unit in several prisons, keeps a prisoner in his cell 23 hours a day, in a fully lit cell with no window. They never interact with other prisoners. Can’t keep em in there forever though.