The Downfall of Minneapolis

Just a small point. Chauvin’s chosen technique was what he was taught.

Hi. Some people on the left side of things will not lissen to the truth if it does not fit the way they believe. I was not there and they were not either. I see two sides to this story. Hi. Bee you know thar you have to take 100% control of the person you caught. Also how many people have died because they were not have 100% control.
His police chief Arradondo specifically said his officers are NOT taught that technique.

Regardless, from your link:

The training materials specify: "the maximal in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat to themselves, officers or others, or could cause significant damage property if not properly restrained." restraint technique shall only be used.

If you watch that video and still say that Floyd was combative and threat at that point when he was on the ground face down, so be it but I do not.
We can agree to disagree on it. You said he wasn’t trained in it. Their manual and techniques show otherwise. The chief said he knew nothing of it. He is a liar and perjured himself to quell the masses. There are plenty of sworn statements and videos from other officers who were not there that have confirmed this. You’re free to believe their narrative or the facts. Whether or not Floyd was still combative is a secondary point. But to say the MRT is not and was not taught is false. Google it for yourself. Plenty of articles showing it was.
The link I posted shows depictions and descriptions FROM the Minn PD manual. You quoted it. And now say you believe the chief when he says it wasn’t part of the training? Ok sure Chief.
Whether or not Floyd was still combative is a secondary point.
Secondary? It is the main and easily most important point. The manual also talks about an alternative method of putting the person on their side which Chauvin was asked about more than once. As far as Arradondo, he was under oath and the blue have each other's backs yet you claim he lied because it supports your opinion. Fine. You were right when you said we can disagree because we certainly do. Chauvin doing 20 years supports mine.
Hi. Some people on the left side of things will not lissen to the truth if it does not fit the way they believe. I was not there and they were not either. I see two sides to this story. Hi. Bee you know thar you have to take 100% control of the person you caught. Also how many people have died because they were not have 100% control.
In my experience, once we have captured and taken a target into custody using restraints, they were then our responsibility and we had an obligation to make sure they were protected....especially if they were high value...

If this target was dispatched before delivered to the release point, there would be some very pointed questions and an investigation.......and that is in battle conditions....

In a civilian policing situation such as this, Floyd dying was squarely on the shoulders of the arresting officer who had a responsibility to ensure the care of his charge...........and he didn't.....

The "go to" defense is to refer to training and how it was applied....there's book application and then real life application...nobody takes the variables into book training....
Secondary? It is the main and easily most important point. The manual also talks about an alternative method of putting the person on their side which Chauvin was asked about more than once. As far as Arradondo, he was under oath and the blue have each other's backs yet you claim he lied because it supports your opinion. Fine. You were right when you said we can disagree because we certainly do. Chauvin doing 20 years supports mine.
So you just acknowledged an alternative method to one you and the chief say didn’t exist and wasn’t in the manual and trained to them? Rofl.
Over a half dozen officers gave sworn statements saying they were all trained in it. None of them were involved in this case. The chief knew it and lied. That’s not my opinion it’s their statements. Take it up with them if you think six are lying and one isn’t. He covered his asssss. Their words not my opinion.
For eight minutes? Until someone dies? I’ll bet (that) wasn’t in the manual.
Perhaps Floyd had already ingested a lethal dose of Fentanyl and was going to die anyway. He was already complaining of breathing difficulties minutes before he was placed on the ground. Had he cooperated and sat in the back of the police car as he should have then the fight he was determined to carry on with might not have accelerated his breathing issue. Anytime you dealing with people that are high on drugs and uncooperative the outcome of the arrest is uncertain.
…”He was already complaining of breathing difficulties minutes before he was placed on the ground.”

So the cop, trained in EMT duties, thought it wisest to not only place the man face down on the street but also to put his knee on his neck until he died? Eight+ minutes right? Thankfully you‘re not a cop. And the sooner the better, cops like that, like Chauvin, won’t be able to get a job as a dog catcher.

Be Smart Dick Wolf GIF by Wolf Entertainment

You have the right to be stupid as you illustrate every time you post but cops, no.
I was not there.
I do not know the exact details of Floyd's death.
I don't agree with how he was handled either...9 minutes with a 200lb man's knee in your back/neck could kill a healthy person.
The thing that I keep hearing(and don't belive) is the rumor that Floyd ate fentanol that he had in his possesion...based on finding fentanol in his system.
To me, that's a heck of an assumption.
Given Floyd's record, I wouldn't insult the man to be that foolish, I'de say he threw any drugs, IF, he had any on him, but to eat fentanol? Come on, eating cocain can kill you...and every street thug knows this...especially a guy that's been through the system a few times.
It has been confirmed that Floyd and Chauvin had Personal problems, and had even apparently fought with each other as bouncers before.
And the video clearly showed several men with aurhority, holding one man down, criminal or not, he could've easily been falsley accused, could've had aid rendered, but we all saw it.
I'm not here to defend Floyd either, as he was no saint, I just think some things need pointed out.
I was not there.
I do not know the exact details of Floyd's death.
I don't agree with how he was handled either...9 minutes with a 200lb man's knee in your back/neck could kill a healthy person.
The thing that I keep hearing(and don't belive) is the rumor that Floyd ate fentanol that he had in his possesion...based on finding fentanol in his system.
To me, that's a heck of an assumption.
Given Floyd's record, I wouldn't insult the man to be that foolish, I'de say he threw any drugs, IF, he had any on him, but to eat fentanol? Come on, eating cocain can kill you...and every street thug knows this...especially a guy that's been through the system a few times.
It has been confirmed that Floyd and Chauvin had Personal problems, and had even apparently fought with each other as bouncers before.
And the video clearly showed several men with aurhority, holding one man down, criminal or not, he could've easily been falsley accused, could've had aid rendered, but we all saw it.
I'm not here to defend Floyd either, as he was no saint, I just think some things need pointed out.
Thrown can be seen and found
Eaten is gone. Drug addicts do it all the time. You only have to watch a couple episodes of whatever cop show to see this.
Whether or not he ate it or did it prior doesn’t matter. Coroner ruled he had a lethal amount in him. And if found in any other circumstance he would have ruled it an overdose. It was in him and it affected the outcome.
That’s right, that’s right, tv cop shows are real! Blanca says so.

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You’re right it’s never been caught on video or body cam. And shows like Cops or On Patrol are totally scripted.

No criminal has ever swallowed dope to prevent cops from charging them with it. Sure Wuzza

If you didn’t see the Saturday episode of On Patrol then you missed the scripted high speed chase that resulted in an accident that almost killed an innocent driver. I wonder how much they had to pay that guy to let them crash a car into his moms driver side door? All that fake blood and screams! Lol
Coroner ruled he had a lethal amount in him. And if found in any other circumstance he would have ruled it an overdose. It was in him and it affected the outcome.
Looks like the Christmas ceasefire is over

But it wasn't other circumstance was it? I notice you omit the medical examiner and forensic pathologist's comments, that there was no evidence that Floyd would have died that night, other than the interactions with police. That is taking into account the amount of fentanyl in his system. Both testified that the neck compression was what contributed most to his death, specifically that because of Floyd's heart condition, the consequences of the Chauvin's chosen technique and the time he chose to continue were more than Floyd could take. Seems to me we need to take the words of trained and educated professionals over Blanca BusaLess's.

Andrew Baker's testimony
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I was not there.
I do not know the exact details of Floyd's death.
I don't agree with how he was handled either...9 minutes with a 200lb man's knee in your back/neck could kill a healthy person.
The thing that I keep hearing(and don't belive) is the rumor that Floyd ate fentanol that he had in his possesion...based on finding fentanol in his system.
To me, that's a heck of an assumption.
Given Floyd's record, I wouldn't insult the man to be that foolish, I'de say he threw any drugs, IF, he had any on him, but to eat fentanol? Come on, eating cocain can kill you...and every street thug knows this...especially a guy that's been through the system a few times.
It has been confirmed that Floyd and Chauvin had Personal problems, and had even apparently fought with each other as bouncers before.
And the video clearly showed several men with aurhority, holding one man down, criminal or not, he could've easily been falsley accused, could've had aid rendered, but we all saw it.
I'm not here to defend Floyd either, as he was no saint, I just think some things need pointed out.
He could have been high on it before the cops arrived. And then thought that consuming the evidence would keep him from being charged for it.

Fentanyl or most any ingested drug won't metabolize into you system in 8 minutes. Injected yes. Snorted yes. But none of those claims were being made. And the coroner would have noted stomach contents to include the Fentanyl. So I'd be more inclined to say he was high before the incident. And probably had been high in it routinely before that night.
He could have been high on it before the cops arrived. And then thought that consuming the evidence would keep him from being charged for it.

Fentanyl or most any ingested drug won't metabolize into you system in 8 minutes. Injected yes. Snorted yes. But none of those claims were being made. And the coroner would have noted stomach contents to include the Fentanyl. So I'd be more inclined to say he was high before the incident. And probably had been high in it routinely before that night.
Fentanyl is a highly soluble drug. If swallowed its effects are quite rapid. Even sniffing its odor from a bag or simply getting it on your skin can be fatal.
None of those claims were made. Nobody can say for certain he ate drugs. And NOBODY can say for certain he didn’t.
His life of crime caught up to him when me met a cop who didn’t give a poop. Sorry. Not sorry.
…”He was already complaining of breathing difficulties minutes before he was placed on the ground.”

So the cop, trained in EMT duties, thought it wisest to not only place the man face down on the street but also to put his knee on his neck until he died? Eight+ minutes right? Thankfully you‘re not a cop. And the sooner the better, cops like that, like Chauvin, won’t be able to get a job as a dog catcher.

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You have the right to be stupid as you illustrate every time you post but cops, no.
He was placed on the street because he would not stop fighting the efforts to place him in the backseat of the squad car. He was kicking one of the officers attempting to place him there. Floyd was out of control. What did you do with people that were out of control when you placed them under arrest? Did you tell them to sit still and behave themselves? While you are at it... tell me who the stupid person was that put himself in that situation to begin with?

The method used was in the training manual... did you want to argue that point also?