Stock Steering Damper Mod


I want mine to say Pauly Walnuts!
Donating Member
Well, I finally got around to swapping out the oil in the stock steering damper.  My eight year old son Gavin and his noodle arms helped with the removal, so taking off any bodywork was not necessary.  I then removed the #10 torx screw from the body of the damper and then proceeded to accidently squirt the stock crappy oil all over my front lawn, much to the amusement of my neighbor.  I cut an old milk carton in half and used that to hold the quart of new oil.  I used Silkolene 30W Heavy Duty Fork Oil.  Very high quality oil and at just under $10 for a quart worth every penny.  It took about 20 minutes of fiddling around and getting oil everywhere to be sure that I had gotten all of the air out, then a lengthy cleanup and a bath, followed by a shakedown ride.  As soon as I grabbed the bars I could feel the difference.  Fast transitions are much more stable and smooth, and it feels like a velvet hammer through the fast sweepers.  Very, very confidence inspiring! This was one of the most inexpensive and best mods done so far.  Thanks to everyone here that recommended it and the great walkthroughs by several members here!  I would highly recommend using that silkolene oil to anyone considering this mod.  


Went out for another ride, and just as I was leaving my house it started to rain, even in the wet the difference is noticeable. Control and confidence are much improved on uneven pavement as well, we have plenty of that up here due to the permafrost. It tracks a much more consistent line now.
Niiiiiice! I knew you'd like that mod! Time to get the suspension going, eh? Or did you already do that?

Good on ya for getting the kids involved. Be nice to him though when they take stuff apart without telling you!

Little hands. Can't tell you how many times I have to get the wiff out to the garage to reach around and loosen up some nut or bolt.





(Wag @ Jul. 14 2007,06:31) Niiiiiice!  I knew you'd like that mod!  Time to get the suspension going, eh?  Or did you already do that?

Good on ya for getting the kids involved.  Be nice to him though when they take stuff apart without telling you!  

Little hands.  Can't tell you how many times I have to get the wiff out to the garage to reach around and loosen up some nut or bolt.  


Yup, I am right in the middle of moving from Alaska to Washington State this week, but once I get settled this fall I am going to do the forks and rear shock, I will most likely use Race Tech for both internals because of their price and reputation. I think that I am also going to try a set of Durrani Magnesium wheels and Braking wave rotors. It just never ends does it?



Great mod . I heard the new 08 one has a adjustable one with a res. and it looks like it will work on the old ones . Have to keep a look out .
Yeah, I used the racetech stuff, front and rear. Been happy with it since.

Be aware, however, that once you do the back, the seat is really going to pound your azz hard but the handling is unmatched!

(Wag @ Jul. 15 2007,19:01) Be aware, however, that once you do the back, the seat is really going to pound your azz hard but the handling is unmatched!

I do my best to avoid this at all cost!
I missed the TX mod day and regreting it... will keep this one high on the "to do" list.

Glad you like it.
I was out riding the hill country in Leakey, TX and I missed the TX mod day also, but plan to do this mod. I'v read diffrent thoughts on the weight of the oil from 90 to 30
If you do the Mod use 90w oil fellas a huge difference. Also Katman if you and some other guys want to do this Mod and want to organize it like the one in Dallas let me know when you want to do it and I will come down and help then we can go ride. This is one of the Best Mods I have ever done

